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Thursday, 24 October 2024


(Robert Pei 21-10-2024)


1. **締約能力**:條約締約國必須具有簽訂協議的法律能力。這通常意味著它們是公認的主權國家或有權參與國際關係的實體。

2. **同意**:所有締約方必須表示同意受條約約束。這可以透過簽署、批准、接受或批准來完成,具體取決於條約的規定。

3. **目標和宗旨的合法性**:條約的主題必須合法且不違反國際法。違反強制性規範(強行法)或國際法基本原則的協議被視為無效。

4. **形式**:雖然條約可以採取多種形式(書面或口頭),但其意圖和條款必須明確。有些條約需要特定的形式(例如書面形式)才能有效。

5. **意圖創造法律義務**:締約方必須意圖讓條約創造具有約束力的法律義務。這通常反映在條約中使用的語言。

6. **批准程序**:各方必須遵循其國內法律程序進行批准。如果條約未經有關締約方的法律批准,則該條約可能無效。

7. **相互性**:理想情況下,條約應涉及相互義務或利益,但這不是嚴格要求。


English version

Under international law, several key criteria must be met for a treaty to be considered valid:

1. **Capacity to Contract**: Parties to a treaty must have the legal capacity to enter into agreements. This typically means they are recognized sovereign states or entities with the authority to engage in international relations.

2. **Consent**: All parties must express their consent to be bound by the treaty. This can be done through signature, ratification, acceptance, or approval, depending on the treaty's provisions.

3. **Legality of Object and Purpose**: The treaty's subject matter must be lawful and not violate international law. Agreements that contravene peremptory norms (jus cogens) or fundamental principles of international law are considered invalid.

4. **Form**: While treaties can take various forms (written or oral), they must be clear in their intent and terms. Some treaties require a specific form, such as being in writing, to be valid.

5. **Intention to Create Legal Obligations**: The parties must intend for the treaty to create binding legal obligations. This is typically reflected in the language used in the treaty.

6. **Ratification Procedures**: Each party must follow its domestic legal procedures for ratification. A treaty may not be valid if it is not ratified according to the laws of the party involved.

7. **Mutuality**: The treaty should ideally involve mutual obligations or benefits, though this is not a strict requirement.

If these criteria are met, the treaty is generally considered valid under international law and can be enforced by the parties involved.

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