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Friday 4 October 2024

35% federal seats allocation

Sarawak and Sabah/S&S should demand 35% of federal seats allocation or we should secede for good.

It is meaningless to stay in the federation of Malaysia @Malaya when S&S are at the mercy of the Malaya colonial masters.

Bear in mind that Malaysia @Malaya is a federation with 3 nations. It is blatantly irrational to take it as an entity to practise one person one vote in the election.

Actually, the present parliament has been meant for the interests and benefits of Malaya. It is definitely not the right place for S&S.

Remember that S&S joined the federation with Malaya, not the 11 states .

What has happened is over-representation of the representatives from Malaya as against the clauses agreed upon in MA63.

No, it is not appropriate for SS to be in this parliament, No. It is also too awkward for SS in this parliament meant for Malaya.

On the other hand, if 35% seats allocation for SS is not fair, Malaya @Malaysia can opt for secession for good, why not?

Having a huge population is your problem.  

Practising one-person-one -vote is only viable in Malaya, Sarawak or Sabah individually but never take Malaysia as an entity to practise one person one vote.

By taking S&S as the same entity as Malaysia @Malaya is too aggressive and arrogant to be accepted.

MA63 is the foundation of Malaysia federation. If it is not honoured, what is Malaysia after all?

Before the formation of the Malaysia Federation, Malaya should have emphasised on federal seats allocation to be based entirely on the population.

Take note that land size and potentiality of Sarawak and Sabah should be considered as reported in the Cobbold Commission.

Always remember that MA63 was written based on the documents of IGC Report and Cobbold Commission Report.

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