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Sunday 13 October 2024

Let the respective house of worship conduct religious lessons

Let respective house of worship conduct religious lessons

Yes, in Sarawak, the government has allocated a total of RM385 million to numerous places of worship since the establishment of Unit for Other Religions (Unifor).

I wonder how much the total allocation has been given to the mosques in Sarawak.  Yes, it remains a secret. Otherwise, we can make a comparison of the disparity.

The allocation to the Unifor, of course, is for the upgrading and building the houses of worship for the purpose of providing the optimal comfort to the worshippers.

With the well-establsihed houses of worship of various faiths, why not let these places of worship conduct the religious lessons for students.

To attend or not to attend the respective religious lessons should be made optional. 

I believe all theses houses of worship,  may they be mosques, churches, temples or centres should have the capacity and expertise to conduct the lessons, right?

Sarawak schools should be the place to acquire basic knowledge and skills and prepare students for the job market.

Sarawak schools, of course, should emphasise a lot on language acquisition through intensive and extensive listening and reading for the input and opportunity in speaking and writing in the output.

For fluency, there must be a lot of comprehensible input in listening and reading to prepare students for the output in speaking and writing.

For accuracy in writing, of course, it is advisable to spare some time and put in some deliberate effort to learn grammatical items one by one and holistically.

Intensive and extensive reading is so important to gain knowledge and  learn many core values in life to lead a meaningful, inspiring and happy life.  I always think that reading books of great persons and interesting as well as inspiring stories provides more than what religious lessons can provide.  14/10/24



我想知道砂拉越的清真寺总共拨款是多少。  是的,这仍然是一个秘密。否则,我们可以对差异进行比较。

当然,Unifor 的拨款是用于升级和建造崇拜场所,以便为崇拜者提供最佳的舒适度。








透过精读和泛读可以让学生获取知识和学习生活中许多核心价值观,所以,阅读非常重要。 有了方方面面的知识和认知,肯定更可以让个人从而过上有意义、鼓舞人心和幸福的生活。  我始终认为,阅读伟人的书籍以及有趣且鼓舞人心的故事所提供的东西比宗教课程所能提供的丰富和多更多。

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