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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Waste Not, Plunder Not

*Points to Points (24)
                                      Waste Not, Plunder Not

          / weI/  have you heard of an old saying, “Waste not, want not.”?
          /heI/  do you agree with the new saying, “Waste not, plunder not?”
          /tʃ………../  did you notice as an individual the wastage of resources wherever you go and whenever you are?
          /ŋ/  if yes,  how did you feel,  ah?
          /’3:hən/ Did you feel anything?
          /dʒ………/ can you point out in good order which government agencies in the list of 1/2/3/4/5……….. in terms of wastage?
          /m…./  did you know that wastage = plundering?
          /eI/  are you angry that a great variety of taxes you pay are wasted in poor management, other unnecessary expenses and being ‘pick-pocketed’ (‘stolen’ in simple and plain word in Foochow)?


          Imagine RM9 billion spent on 50th Independent Day Celebration.
          /h………/ do you think as much as RM 9 billion spent on the celebration of 50th Independent Day of Malaysia a waste?

I wonder what ex-premier of Singapore, Mr Lee Kuan Yew thought about it.  I guess he must be laughing hysterically at our folly being so indulgent in vainglory in his secret chamber.     

          /e………../, calculate the amount RM9 billion to be utilised in building terraced houses.  How many terraced houses do you think can be built?  (Guess the number to win a prize.  Ha……………..)
Do you know how bad the poor feel living in a shack surrounded by concrete buildings in town?  Not far from my house, there is a big shack built of shingles, planks, unitech roofing………..  I do not know how many families squeezed in it.  They are far off the track of ‘ the express train of development’. 

How well-equipped is our welfare system to help the poor lot to get out of poverty?  Look, I know  Australia truly has the well-managed welfare system to make her people feel secure in life. 

Astronaut to show off

          What do you think of spending so much RM on sending an astronaut to ‘take a lift’ with other astronauts in Russia to the space worthy to feel so proud of? 

     a)  Education
          Count the RM (in dollars) to be used on education and see how many times the return we can reap?  Find out the number of school leavers who can’t go for further studies annually because they don’t have money to fulfil their dream. 
          Do you feel ashamed of these decision makers / leaders concerned for wasting so much taxpayer money in vainglory when many schools in rural schools lack the basic infrastructure facilities such as electricity and water supply and the funds to run smoothly?
          I really feel embarrassed at the leaders of  our Sibu Visionary Team (SBT) being in existence for so many years and are still not able to lobby / to secure a UNIVERSITY for Sibu.  Check how much money is drained for seeking higher education elsewhere. Damn these Bloody leaders. 

Worst of all is that the leader like Wong Soon Koh, the State Assembly member and his consortium even possess a college in Sibu, Kuching and ……... 

How can Sibuans (the Sibu people) expect him to lobby for a UNIVERSITY in Sibu? 

Robert Lau Hui Chew has been the National Assembly for ? terms and I wonder if he has ever thought of bringing it up to discuss the need of a UNIVERSITY in Sibu in the Parliamentary meeting. 

We have the land to build a UNIVERSITY like Tong Hai University in Taichung, Taiwan, the one I always admire through and through.

Hai………………………(a long long sigh),  these bloody leaders only care about how much benefits to reap and how to upkeep their official status. 
These leaders often boast being so capable in words only but fail readily in deed.  They sometimes really look funny with their right hand index finger pointing straight above their heads to the sky and shouting ‘sehadih’ really loud.  I think ‘sehadih’ means ‘united’. 
I wonder how many of them know the meaning of the word because they are ever ready to fight for one’s individual benefits and social status. 
I guess %? Of them must think that being united means listening to the leader; one opinion; being loyal and obedient totally regardless of rationality of the leader’s  thinkings / ideas.  Ha…………………………….  They don’t know what the standard / universal truth is. 

     b)  Medical services
          Some leaders like to bluff that the medical service provided by the general hospital in Malaysia is the cheapest.  It is a “RM 1.00’ access to the service.   (Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee …….. (a sinister chuckle at the cheap cheap service). 
Well…….., it is indeed true.  That is the reason why more and more private hospitals are mushrooming everywhere to cater the ‘the middle class consumers’ who can afford a better quality of service in Malaysia but not foreign countries. 
The poor and weak ones have to submit themselves to this RM1.00 access to medical service.  Ha………………………………………………a long wait for certain services.  If the patient dies before it is his/her (hiser) term, it is nothing surprising.  Ha………….
Some poor and weak ones even resort to borrowing in order to get the service.  You can imagine how RM1.00 access to medical service means to Malaysians in general.
          Our ministers/ leaders and very wealthy ones opt to go to foreign countries for even more reliable and better quality of service.  They have abundant money from various sources.  He…………………………………………… 

Corruption and collusion are very widespread in Malaysia.  It is an open secret.  I am confident to say that many people can provide specific evidence and proofs.
          Hence based on their access to medical services,  I group them into 3  classes of people co-existent in Malaysia:  ministers and very wealthy ones;  middle class who have some savings;  and the poor class. 

To be on par with the medical services of developed country like Australia, I wonder when we can reach that standard.  Now we are far off that mark.  The people have been plagued with the same problems after so many years of independence though much better compared with the service 20 / 30 years ago.

     c)  Road system
Take a closer look at our road system (especially in Sarawak), it is hard not to fly into a rage at seeing the road condition being so narrow and rough as far as Oya Road, ?% of Wong King Ho  and Jalan Salim are concerned.   How about other roads, I think, ask the road users of the particular roads, they know better how the roads should be built. 
I wonder when the standard width of the road safe for buses, lorries, trucks, cars will be realised. When is the authority concerned going to build bi-motorcyclist (bicyclists and motorcyclists) lanes for bicycles and motorcycles? 

If we have bi-motorcyclist lanes, I guarantee you we can reduce fatal road accidents by 50%.  As far as I know the fatality rate of motorcyclists always ranks No. 1 (about 55% - 60% / more) in the total fatal road accidents.  The latest record of fatal road accidents, motorcyclists stands 53% in Sarawak.  Alamak!  what a curse!  What a shame! 

Poor leadership leads to poor management of resources for right and more urgent need and unnecessary wastage.

I heard people say that England has a very good road system because their roads always have the lanes for bicycles.

Here in Malaysia, I think our leaders are blind to high % of motorcycle road users.  Hence our road system as far as I know are not motorcyclists friendly.  No wonder, motorcyclists always rank No. ONE in the fatal road accidents year after year. (like pick-winner)

However, these damn bloody leaders always deny the truth and blame road users all the time. 

Again, I would like reiterate if we had the road system like Australia / England, we could reduce our road accident to 3% – 5%. 
          Good road system means good public transport service, too.  In this way, we can reduce cars at least by 60%.  With the reduction, we no doubt can improve the air quality, too. 
But our government is just too vain and mean to admit their weaknesses.  Having proper and good public transport service certainly may upset our ailing car industry for full recovery.  The good and proper public transport service is surely in conflict with the policy of our car industry!  It is , for sure, a hard decision to reach.

     d)  water and electricity supply
          Count the % of the people having the service of water and electricity supply in Sarawak. 

1.  People want more national universities to be built to cater the needs
2.  Did you know that how much electricity is wasted in the Sibu Central Market?  
     (especially Level 3 and the driveways) At areas where the sunlight is so bright, the  
     fluorescent lights are still switched on.   I can understand why first half an hour of  
     free parking is scrapped off.  If SMC manages properly, I believe they can save
     quite a lot from this.  They don’t have to think of plundering all the time. 

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