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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Abdullah's cognition

*Points To Points (25)
                                      Abdullah’s cognition
          When Abdullah first took over the office of Dr. M (mega-maniac), he, no doubt, impressed us, Rakyat through and through with his sincerity and charm so endorsed in his declaration, ‘To speak the truth’.  (ng………….)
          I dare say, he thus won the hearts of at least 98% of his Rakyat.  I nearly composed a poem (like Samy Vellu) in praise of him.
          But, when everybody was so enchanted and intoxicated in the belief that he had broken the spell of authoritarian so cast by ?PM + Dr. M, his endorsement ‘Speaking the truth’ proved to be not genuine in the course of a very short time.
          People were truly disillusioned when a parliamentary member named Sothinathan tried to express the truth truly, openly, vigorously, enthusiastically and freely, he suffered a really hard hit in the face.  (He was so condemned and banned from meeting as well as de-salarised for 3 months.)  Sothinathan was a living proof.
          No people since naively believed in ‘Speaking the truth’ is true in reality anymore; it is but a/an myth / ideal to refer to sometimes.
          I believed in his sincerity when he so declared, ‘Speaking the truth’.  But I realised he was not prepared at all to ‘listen to the truth’.  I should say he did not know
in width and depth the philosophy of cause-effect; + and -; win and lose in life.
          Though Sothinathan was a guinea-pig, he, certainly, saved a lot of others who were as naïve and didn’t know the relationship between ‘Speaking and Listening’.  Speaking the truth must be in match with the authoritarian’s ability to listen to the truth.  Otherwise, the person speaking the truth will have to face disastrous consequences like Sothinathan. 
There were countless cases like this in the Chinese history:  Speaking the truth is not =  Listening to the truth. (people : authoritarian)  Have you heard of the Chinese proverb, “Killing a chicken to warn monkeys (from being mischievous)”?   Do you know who is ‘the chicken‘ in the above case?  (Ha………………………………)
          Besides, Abdullah has also banned at least 2 newspaper companies from operation.  He, for sure, took the positive move to ‘stabilise the country’ but he failed to see negative effect he created and how he ‘destabilise his Rakyat’.   (In our hearts, his popularity dropped from 85% - ?% - ?% -?% -)
          The way he dealt the Hindraf (Hindu Rights Action Force) and mass gathering has definitely ended our trust in him anymore.  His various hasty and obstinate acts have totally convinced us of his disability to create a conducive environment for the practice of democracy.  (The government by the people, for the people and of the people).
          What we bear witness is his anxiety to consolidate his position and power as Prime Minister.  He is, no longer,  near to the Rakyat.  He is but another Dr. M in transformation as he has orientated more and more to the practice of authoritarian like his predecessor.  
          His alienation is the main cause of his failure to understand his Rakyat and got trapped in his own phobias that any gathering that might threaten the security of the country.  That is not true at all.  95% of the people know the truth.  But his phobias and alienation mis-interpreted people too much. 
          If what has been reported about Hindraf were true, they should be severely condemned but they don’t really deserve such a harsh punishment.  They were, no doubt, wrong, to cry over ‘foul play’ to the Queen of England for justification.  They, certainly, no need to condemn our government that way for the marginalisation and discrimination of the Hindus.  They really can’t make our government see how the Hindus are marginalized and exploited in that radical / drastic way. It is really not good lah! 
Accusing our government having the intention to ‘wipe them out’ is, no doubt,   ridiculous, baseless and insensible (if what has been reported were true).  Look, how badly Hitler failed in his attempt to eradicate the Jew. 

Instead, they should list out various items to show the government how the Hindus are marginalized and discriminated.  Is it true that the % of the Indians in the government agencies is  low?  Is it true that the Indians have little access to various funds / loans that the other races enjoy?  Is it true that they are restricted by quota  to university education?  Is it true that the poverty is widespread among them and why?
Well, our PM Abdullah, on the other hand, can take the initiative to speak to them.  He didn’t need to go to that extreme to ‘pull out’ INTERNAL SECURITY ACT to imprison them.  He shouldn’t assume that it is people’s wish.  I dare say 95% (subjective point of view) of Malaysians against the existence of such an Act as it really hinders the smooth progress of democracy.  By imprisoning them is an abuse of human rights.  We really hate him and his ‘weapon’.  (If he doesn’t believe, you may ask around and see.)
After all, they pose no danger at all to the national security as they carry nothing lethal.  But, a way to vent out the pent up anger, frustration and disappointment.  Let them cry, scream, shout, shrill, squeak, squeal……….to their heart’s content.  Be self-confident enough to view them to see how much they could reach.  
          Abdullah really needs help to get rid his own phobias and to practise re-orientation to his Rakyat.  Otherwise, he, truly, treads in the path of Dr. M in parallel to Taksin, (exPM of Thailand); Suharto  (ex – premier of Indonesia) and Marcos (ex-president of the Philippines).  He, in deed, would face a lot more trials and tribulations sooner or later.  I wonder how he would fare in this coming national election.

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