Point to Point (20) *Truth Or Lies
Truth is truth. Lie is lie.
They are like water and fire.
They can’t be mixed up at all. In
the age of ICT, people can distinguish truth from lie like water and fire
Almost all of the ministers and
leaders of the ruling party said, “The opposition parties won 9 seats out of 71
in 2006 state election because they lied to the people about the government.
” In other words, people were tricked to
support the opposition parties (OPs).
“Ha...............................................” I was nearly tickled to death to hear this accusation
repeatedly. (In the Chinese language, it
is “laugh to death”.). Alamak! How come these ministers and leaders are so
low-witted to think that the people were so stupid and silly to be tricked and
fooled easily? No wonder they still
don’t know the reasons why they lost 9 seats in 2006 state election. In the past, by hook or by crook, they always
almost won all the seats. Now, overall
people are awake and aware of the practice of the government. People in general know their rights in a
democratic country. The Philippines, Indonesia,
Thailand and Nepal
have shown good examples of the power of people.
Sarawak BN backbenchers Club chariman
Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah (22
July 2003, The Borneo Post, p1 and p 4), still repeated and
lamented the same reason for the loss.
They show no “repentance nor introspection” for the alienaton of the
They still find
all kinds of excuses for the loss which I don’t see as “loss” but a little
share. They should know more and more
people expect at least 30 seats out of 71 in the next election if not
winning. I warn you better be prepared
for the shock. There are enough good
reasons for me to predict.
you know that more and more people are impatient with the land issue? The rate of premium for renewal is just too
exorbitant to make people feel at ease.
The land is alike to the root to the plant and life to the people. So you know without the root, a plant will
die; without the security and assurance
of the land or house, people are prepared to die to fight for justice and
As long as the land
code is concerned, the Sarawakians are very
uncomfortable and feel
threatened. Who will take active role
and fight for
the rights of the
people? The people know the truth of the
land issue. Lies
have no place in their
hearts. Don’t underestimate the wisdom
of the
people, please.
you know that people (very high %) are not happy that the foreign trawlers and
ships are plundering our sea day and night, night and day. Our sea is now poor and scarce of fish. “Real” fresh fish are too expensive to make
us feel composed. How we hate the ministry
of fisheries for the plundering. What a
curse and shame. The state government
let the federal government trepass and trangress too far and too much. We see these ministers and leaders useless
and good-for-nothing. We are thirsty for brave and good leaders to fight for
the rights of Sarawakians. This is
truth, not lie.
you know that the hikes of oil and gas price are the main cause for creating
the downstream effect for the hike of everything in the market? The burden of living is getting heavier and
heavier to 98% of the people. This is
the truth you have to recognise. People
know how much the oil companies earn.
How greedy they are for more and more at the expense of the poor
people. These 9 opposition members are
telling you and us the truth, not lie.
We really think 5% oil and gas royalties is too low to
speed up the development of Sarawak on par with the standard of development in
Peninsula Malaysia. We want at least 15-20% of royalties. In our heart, we, no doubt, think that if
Federation brings no blessing to the state of Sarawak, breaking off like Singapore
will be so much better. Please don’t classify
me to be disloyal or betrayal. This is
the secret “truth” in heart of overall Sarawakians. If you had a mirror to shine out the truth,
you would know that it is the pure truth to witness in our hearts.
Look we are sure it is only
the right and brave leaders to possess the
ability to get the things done. We really despise and are ever eager to get
rid of those weak and meek
leaders and ministers who only care about their
own personal gains and official
you know that the toll of Upper Lanang bridge
is unreasonably high? It
is not compartible to the
standard of living of the people in general.
The toll-
bridge is a heavy burden to
the daily commuters especially. It is
tension in life. The convenience of the bridge has a high
price to pay. How
can you expect people to
feel relaxed with the facility? Our
turns deaf ear to the pleads
and appeals of the people. This is
truth, not lie.
you know that people are frustrated over the poor road system? Oya
road, as far as, I know is
very lousy. It is winding and
narrow. Check for us
how frequent road accidents
happened in this road. I wonder how much
effort the authorities
concerned have put in to improve the condition; how
responsible they have been
towards fatal accidents. I tell you
this road
definitely needs urgent and
immediate attention. Or be prepared to
be sued
some day. Another
road, i bear witness is the road heading for Durin in Sibu. It is very dangerously narrow. I wonder who took charge of the measure of
width of Oya road and Durin road. It is
a bloody measurement!!!!
I wonder how
soon the authorites concerned will start building lanes for the
motorcyclists.(very high % of road users).
Have mercy for them.
There were 7331 cases of road accidents in the first 6
months in 2006!!!! (30 July, 2006, See Hua Daily
Newspaper) You may attribute it to be
the attitude of road users. But do
improve the road conditions before you point finger at them.
you know that people are disappointed with the medical service,
standard and facility of the private
hospital in Sibu? Did you know that the
private hospitals and clinics are just too
far-fetch and threatening to the poor
and weak?
Did you know that it is very abnormal to have so many private
hospitals and clinics around in town? Check around where in the world,
there are so many private hospitals and
clinics in the country?
Please view this trend of
development abnormal or morbid to the general
well-being and welfare of the people.
Did you know that people are very angry to see that
the facility and service of the government hospital being so far off the mark
and with the standard far from on par with the private hospitals?
Did you know that the private hospitals are
too profit-oriented and commercialised to make people stay cool? Did you know that some people (I know if you
want evidence or proof, i will supply you readily.) resort to borrowing in
order to seek treatment in the private hospitals? If you don’t believe, you can investigate
through different agencies. Or open a channel
and let people voice out. Let people,
young and old, tell you the truth of our
medical practice everywhere. What can be
truer than the first-hand knowledge!
How can a country reach the standard of a
developed country when the basic rights of the people are so deprived and
denied? According to the report (28 July, 2006) , the cost
of medical service in country is 10-16% more than the International Preference
Price. Imagine the medical condition in Malaysia. We want better leaders to overhaul the
medical system and practice.
I really see it a curse and disaster to see so many private hospitals
clinics blooming in such a small town like Sibu. Robert Lau applauded and lauded the phenomenon and remarked that Sibu might
one day become a medical centre.
What a curse! What a shame! He is too rich to feel and understand the
poor and weak. He is too blind to the
hard struggle of the 98% Sibuans for a living and a decent shelter. 98% can’t afford the medical service and facility
in the private hospitals. This is truth,
not lie. We hate him beyond words (hie-ngo yi gou chou siah). We are eager to get rid of this kind of
leader and minister.
you know that all the Chinese hate the unfair practice of the government
towards the Chinese education? It is too
much discrimination. Please practise
democracy in name and in deed. Democracy
means respect the rights of the people.
Do you show your respect for being fair?
What system of government is Malaysia, democracy or
totalitarianism? Don’t make people
despise you and the system. This country
belongs to everyone regardless of creed,
race or religion.
If Allah/ God means Justice and Love, for
Allah / God’s sake, be just and fair to every race. If our country really wants to be on par with
the developed countries with democratic form of government like England, USA,
Australia, New Zealand and so on, please
formulate laws and policies for the well-being and welfare of every citizen in
this country. Let meritocracy rules
all. Don’t let your fancy dictate you
Did you
know that there are far too many private colleges and universities like private
hospitals to be viewed normal? Where on
earth are there more private colleges and universities than Malaysia? It is a curse and can result in disaster in
the long-run for the proper development of human resources?
I think that
the ministry of higher education should take the letter “V-C’s remarks on
private colleges depressing” written by
Datuk Wong Ken Thau, President, Persatuan Institusi Pendidikan, Tinggi
Swasta, Sabah (July 31, 2006, The Borneo Post,
p. 12) seriously and seek for improvement.
Otherwise, the dream of turning Malaysia
into the hub of education in South-east Asia
remains a dream to be mocked at.
A small
island like Taiwan can
afford to have so many state-run colleges and universities, why can’t Malaysia,
a natural-resource rich country, offer the same facilities to the people? Shame on you!!! What can be a greater shame to see that
education has become so commercialised?
It is really depressing and disheartening to see colleges set up in
shophouses and survive side by side with the coffee shops and other commercial
premises. This is truth, not lie.
Let’s uphold the system of meritocracy at
all cost. It is the foundation for a
fair and just country. There is,
definitely, no short-cut in life. The
practice of meritocracy, no doubt, is
for the good and well-being of everybody in this country. What can be a better way to teach an
individual the virtue of hard work and responsibility to earn his/her
Privilege is only bestowed on the weak and
poor. Physically and mentally abled
persons do not seek privileges all the time.
When physically and mentally abled persons seek for privileges, you will only degrade and debase yourselves
as well as lose your stamina to fight for survival and chance to build
Privileges are the breeding grounds for
spoilt-rotten and aggressive persons good-for-nothing. This is the law of nature.
you confirmed now that the frequent floods in Sibu are due to the poor drianage
system and siltation of the river? You
should have seen enough floods in other highland areas to know the importance of drianage? Are you sure now how to settle the problem of
floods in Sibu? Did you know that Sibu
people are fed up with these leaders and ministers who squandered so much money
to seek for foreign expert opinions on the flood conditions in Sibu? In the past, they even attributed the causes
to the low-lying situation and natural
disaster. Thus, they shirked their
duties and responsibilities to solve the problem.
The fact that they were not affected by floods much as they don’t
live in flood-prone
areas. Besides, they were lucky because
the people in the
past were just too ignorant
to seek justification. Nowadays, people
become more awake and aware
of the duties and responsibilities of these
elected representatives to
let them go off easily. People started
critically, “Are they worth the meat?” (They are paid by taxes of the people
and of course people want to
know whether they deserve the payment.)
Facing the same problem repeatedly year after year,
of course, people
naturally have resentment and
hatred towards these leaders and ministers
who like to boast and bluff a lot.
you know that the strength of the opposition parties will grow stronger
and stronger just like the
opposition parties in USA
and England
in order to
counteract the ruling
parties? Do you think Asfia is too arrogant to say that
opposition parties in the
state do not have status as an alternative
government? (Tuesday, July 25, 2006, The Borneo Post, p.3).
As long as people know the important roles opposition parties play to
countercheck the ruling parties, there is chance for them to become the
ruling parties. If you
don’t believe, just wait and see!
Did you know how
Kumingtan in Taiwan was toppled by the
opposition party then?
Damn the leaders who resort to threat.
A representative in DUN during July
20 – August 2 ( I can’t
remember which day. Unfortunately I
can’t locate
the article in The Borneo Post
) dared to threaten to relocate the funds from
the areas under the opposition
party members to the areas under BN. I
think this leader is “like a
frog in a well” failing to recognise the general
trend of the political climate
all over the world. I believe he still
thinks it is
possible to suppress and
oppress people with “iron fists”. How
ignorant and
foolish he is.
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