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Monday, 21 January 2013

On corruption, collusion and marginalisation

Point to Point (21)
                   On corruption, collusion and marginalisation
          Cher………………….Kharid, don’t divert people’s attention on the issue of corruption and collusion by raising the issue of marginalisation.
          Well, we shall discuss the issue of marginalisation in details after we have enough discourse on corruption and collusion, the No. 1 enemy to the progress and well-being of a country.
          Did you know that people regardless of creed, race and religion are interested in knowing how you can amass so much wealth in such a short span of time?  Someone said you are smart, so you have amassed so much wealth in such a short time. Well, I bear witness, smarter persons than you but they got less than 1/10,000 of your wealth.
          Hei, Khalid, one hand touches the holy book, Quran and the other hand touches your heart, then you swear if you dare that you gained so much wealth through the honest means.  It is not your relation with PM Abdullah and have all the accesses to all the advantages, har……. 
          Swear and say:  I am honest.  I wonder if you dare.  Dr. M blared and declared, “Corruption in the air”
          He……….. Khalid, wash your mouth and watch your words before you flare.  Did you know people regardless of creed, race and religion glare in defiance at your wealth.
          You had better be more well-prepared to explain from when and where you have accumulated so much wealth in such a fantastic short time.  Did you deprive many and many people of a fair portion through your partake of a lion’s share?  Are you scared of being probed and investigated like the son-in-law of President Ah Bian in Taiwan?
          Don’t, don’t snare at people who want to know more about corruption and collusion. 
          Don’t, don’t ‘marginalise’ the issue of corruption and collusion, our No. 1 enemy to the progress and well-being of the country.
          Har….. Khalid, by raising the marginalisation of the Malay race in Penang won’t abate people’s glare on the issue of corruption and collusion which affect people regardless of creed, race and religion.
          Because of corruption and collusion, we have poor medical service.
          Due to corruption and collusion, we have poor quality roads and bridges.
          Did you know the Durin bridge in Sibu, Sarawak which actually needed 2-3 years to complete but it has been built about 10 years and has not completed yet.  It is an open secret that the fund allocation has been “pick-pocketed” all the time.  Hence they always said the authority concerned lacked the fund to complete it and had to wait for next allocation of fund.  So the bridge is so delayed and so far behind the other 2 bridges which started so much later.  The Durin bridge by no means any longer than the other two.  The other 2 bridges built so much later by some private companies have already started operating. 
          Due to corruption and collusion, people are subjected to poor living conditions.
          Due to corruption and collusion, many of our school buildings, especially the Chinese primary schools are far below the standard set for Vision 2020.  The ones which look up to the standard with so much were paid out of the pockets of the Chinese community.   Imagine the Chinese have paid enough taxes but they still need to pay some more to upkeep the education premises.  Is it a fair practice?  Please touch your heart and Quran to express your viewpoint on justice and justification.

          (Hei………Hisammuddin, why did you fret and fuss when Mr Ong Sii Kiat revealed
           the truth of corruption and collusion of the fund allocation for repairing those 2
           Chinese Primary school?)
          (Her………..Mustapha, why did you simply apologise to Hisammuddin for Mr. Ong
          Sii Kiat for nothing?  Did you know that you made a fool of yourself when  you
          apologised to the thundering noise of Hisammuddin?

          Corruption and collusion are widespread at government agencies, of course, the education department is not spared.  It has a long history.  It is an open secret, lah.

          (He……. Hisammuddin, are you scared of being probed and investigated?)
          (The two cases revealed by Mr Ong Sii Kiat proved to be true.  Are you going to
          apologise to him?    Nger……   Don’t act abusive again!  Listen and keep cool
           until the investigation has come to an end and with the report before you give
         your comments if you want to earn your respect from the people.  You are
         incredibly arrogant and aggressive, har……...  Who are you?  Is it a democratic
         country?  Why did you behave as if you were vested with special right and
         power to condemn Mr Ong, har……..and Mustapha had to condescend himself to
         that extent in order to pacify you, har………..?  Don’t behave like a spoilt rotten
         brat again.)  (Easy and luxurious life, no doubt, breeds spoilt rotten brat!)

          Hei, Mr Abdullah, please prove to us in action that you are really serious to
eliminate corruption and collusion.  You have encouraged people to tell the truth.  That is why you have had high rating as a PM in our hearts.  But please be well-prepared to listen to the truth.  Otherwise, the truth can’t be told as “truth”.  Nobody wants to pay a heavy toll for telling the truth.
          You have to know the truth first before you can set for action, right.  So you know any acts or policies that deter or discriminate people need rectification in order to create an environment not easy for the practice of corruption and collusion to take place.  We want to uphold the practice of democracy and people view the importance of transparency in all aspects of life to align with the practice of democracy. 
          How come, it is said (Which deputy minister say so, please find out for me, friends), no new Chinese or Indian primary schools will be built under the 9th Malaysian Plan against the wishes of your fellow countrymen?  What grade of democracy is it?  Check the education fund allocation, do you think it is fair with the amount allocated to the Chinese and Indian primary schools in relation to the total amount of the fund?  Show it, don’t be shy.  Please set up a committee to assess / evaluate the fairness in practice.  Look, marginalisation indeed applies well in education fund allocation to the Chinese primary schools.
          On top of that, fund allocation is often ‘hijacked’ with the evidence to prove.  The recent case of RM 30,000 became 3,000 and another case of heavy hack (Please refer to the relevant authority for another case facing the same problem at more or less the same time. )  These two cases were revealed by Mr Ong so much to the anger of Mr Hisammuddin.  I believe that there have been many cases like these went by unnoticed for fear of rage of the heads like Hisammuddin.  What do you think?  Alamak! what a curse!  What a shame!
          The Philippines has been plagued or ‘harassed’ by the menace of corruption and collusion since the time of President Marcos.  Hence the country has plumaged to the state of poverty and economic chaos.  It is plighted with poor image and low self-esteem.  Very few people view it positively.  The Philippines should serve a very good example of the pit of how corruption and collusion would plunge a country into.  It is a good mirror for us to see our situation.  Please don’t take corruption and collusion lightly. 
          Every mature and well-informed Malaysian has high expectation on PM Abdullah to hack off the cancerous parts of the Dr. M’s ministry.  His twenty over years of ministry has left behind too many “hardcore pickpocket” of the funds.  As we all know, “Bad habits die hard.”  So, PM Abdullah must hack off the cancerous parts and cleanse them thoroughly in order to set on his own ministry to fulfil the trust people have on him.  We want “Mr Clean” to lead a clean ministry or he will be stained sooner or later.
          Please practise ‘true’ democracy and let transparency and justice to be the hallmark of governance for Allah / God’s sake.  Allah / God means Love and Justice.  30% of (privilege) to the privileged race is not the true practice of democracy and justice.  Let this 30% of (privilege) to be the fund for the poor and weak regardless of the creed, race and religion.  This is a good way to prevent Marginalisation to take place in any race.  “Skin colour” is but skin deep.  (Beauty is skin deep.)  I can see that a number of you are still obsessed with skin colour.
          Her, Khalid, the policies that discriminate will ,definitely, result in marginalisation.  Did you know the practice of quota and the lack of transparency often keep many bright and  brilliant students out of the gate of the local universities of their choice?  These bright and brilliant students spend long hours studying.
If the polices are fair to all, but due to an individual factor or circumstances that a person is marginalised to his own accord.  For example, Ah Chong is ambitious and he works long hours and very hard to fill. He endures all kinds of hardship and difficulties in order to fulfil his ambition.  He even postpones the immediately gratification.    But Ah Bong prefers an easy life as he enjoys “goyang kaki” most of the time.  In the competitive world, of course, Ah Bong is losing out and is marginalised eventually.  This is law of Nature: SURVIVAL FOR THE FITTEST”   It is universal in application and meritocracy is the ruling factor for a society to progress.  Remember, “God helps those who help themselves.”
           I think this analogy (which I read it somewhere a few years ago) will help you to understand better.   Samy (Indian), Ahmad (Malay), George (Iban) and Ah Chan (Chinese) are architects.  Among them, George is the best architect of all.  If you have to choose one only, which one would you choose to build the house for you?  Similarly, if they are surgeons, but Samy proves to be best of all, which one would you choose if you need operation?
          Well…………………as long as the policies don’t discriminate, marginalisation will never become an issue to bother anyone one of us.  If the policies are fair, but it happens that some people are marginalised, then I think a committee should be set up with fund allocation to ‘de-marginalised’        these people regardless of creed, race or religion. 
          Look, people are born with different talents and abilities.  But our social structures is often responsible for marginalisation of the people in the strata like factory workers, labourers, salespersons and other unskilled workers.  They are paid incredibly low.  If they don’t have other sources of income, they will be marginalised in the course of time.  It is the fact that the cost of living is getting higher and higher but their salaries are not adjusted accordingly.
          In Australia, they have a good and well-organised social welfare system to help the poor and the weak.  Besides, they have the taxation system to reduce the discrepancy between the rich and the poor.

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