Points To Points (13)
Top-hit on road danger
Road accidents have
become a very common feature in Malaysia . They occur amost daily and are so common that
we also take them as ‘part and parcel’ in our life. We might one day become so ‘numb’ and
indifferent that we would drive past without any feeling.
Now let’s list the top-hit causes of road accidents in mind map.

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Poor visibility weather

Drivers’ attitude time of the day
Traffic police speed

Road conditions
Road conditions
leads the tophit.
lack the parking bays at the right distance apart
Road users need a break at
times from driving for many reasons.
Don’t take this need of the people for granted. Without parking bays, road users tend to create their own parking
bays at will and hence increase the possibilities of road accidents. Often they park on the roadside and thus
occupy a great part of the road (the right or left lane) too. As far as I know and observe, they occupy
almost one-thirds or half of the right or left lane. It is very dangerous to other road users.
I plead the authorities concerned to build parking bays at
right distance apart. We can have
less flower plants and trees
along the roadside. But parking
bays are indispensable and it is a
matter of concern: life and death.
motorcyclist lanes
Please don’t ignore and
overlook the needs of motorcyclists.
Show us in statisics the number of motorcyclists (and the pillion
riders) in ratio to other vehicles in Malaysia . The width of the road as far as I have
observed is far too small for a motorist to overtake a motorcyclist. The road is not MOTORCYCLIST-USER-FRIEDLY at
all! Alamat! What a curse! What a shame
that our authorities concerned have been so blind to motorcyclist road
users. No wonder motorcyclists always
rate NO. 1 in the road fatalities. They
are like pedestrians and bicyclists are the most vulnerable to road danger
according to the law ‘survival for the fittest’. Our statistics reports on road fatalities
reveal the ranking of vulnerability of road users clearly.
Thus, i plead the authorities concerned to construct sufficient
Motorcyclist lanes to protect them from
the harm of road users of
Other types of vehicles. Our country can look less ‘garden’ but
motoryclist lanes are a ‘must’ to ensure
road safety to our weaker
road gradient
The gradient of the road
is one of the causes of road accidents.
Find out for me how frequent road accidents happen in this road
Therefore, i beg the authorities concerned to take prompt action
improve the condition. Our country can look less ‘pretty’ but
safety is our priority.
road curves / bends
A road which is too curved
or bent can pose danger, too. I wonder
how much has been done to straighten and improve
You don’t need to boast how long the roads and how many roads
you have constructed throughout the
country but we need your
concrete and committed effort to present
us with safe and proper
road conditions .
Here, i beg the authorities concerned to act now to improve the
e) regular maintenance
It is nothing to bluff about how long and
how many roads you have
built. But it is something to
being able to maintain the road in good
at all places and at all time
Well............, if
road accidents occur because of the factors as mentioned above i think our
authorities concerned should take 100% of responsibilities and make yourselves
accountable: compensate properly for the
damage and loss. What can be a better
way to force yourselves to be responsible and accountable. Or be prepared to be
sued in court.
2. weather conditions
Weather condition also contributes to road
accidents. On rainy days, the
road can become too
slippery to road users Besides, the
visibility is also much reduced. In this case, our road users are only have
themselves to
blame if accidents
occur (with road condition variables hold constant: ideal).
3. conditions of vehicles
The conditions of vehicles can decide the matter of ‘life and death’ of
person, too. Hence an individual road user should make
effort to main the vehicle in good condition at all cost. The
engine, brake and the grip of the
wheels have to maintain in tiptop
condition at all times. Thus an
should be 100% responsible for an
accident if it happens because of the
i suggest our authorities concerned make it compulsory to require
road users to
have the regular check-up of the vehicle and with a
certificate to prove of the service.
4. poor visibility
Road users can’t see well on rainy or gloomy days. I think road
users should be blamed for 100%
for not being careful if an
accident happens because of the
weather conditions. Road users can’t see
much and far when the road is too
bent. Of course, the authorities
should improve at all cost. Otherwise.......
5. long distant driving
A road user becomes fatigue over long distant driving. When a
person is tired, it is natural for
him to become careless. And this
can result in a road
accident. It is 100% the driver’s fault
(with the road
condition variables hold constant:
6. time of the day driving
The time when you are driving is a ruling factor, too. When you drive at
night, the possibilities of
accident is increased by many % as far as visibility is
concerned. Besides, the time you are supposed to sleep
is used for driving
can affect your biological clock
to a great extent and hence your alertness.
human being is not a nocturnal
animal. Therefore, s/he should
avoid driving at night at all
cost. Avoid driving at night means
avoid courting with ‘the goddess
of Death’ unnecessarily.
A right speed is expected at all places and at all
time. However, some reckless, selfish
and mischievous persons refuse to comply to this ruling and hence they not only
bring danger to themselves but also other road users. Speeding often accounts for 100% of fatal car
Thus, i plead
the authorities concerned to set limit to driving at
all places.
Along highways, the speed limit should never
exceed 120 km/h. Let the highest speed to be set at 120 and
so mechanically set as that.
traffic police
The traffic police play a vital role in road safety. As we know, a
human being is after all a human
being. When a person is not
so self-disciplined, his
mischievous self tends to dominate him.
Therefore, he may become reckless
and selfish in driving. With
the presence of the traffic
police can certainly curbs the
misbehaviour of these
drivers. Besides, the traffic police can
serve as effective reminders to
road users of following traffic
rules and right speed. Besides, it is nothing so difficult to have
the traffic
police to be stationed at the
accident prone locality (The viable alternative, of
course to find out the reasons
why this location is so accident-prone and
solve the problems once and for
all). (Prevention is better than cure.)
(Solution to the root cause is
better than problem suppression)
To conclude my points of view, i would
like to stress again here that by improving the road conditions at least 80%
(if not more) of road accidents will be reduced. Believe it or not: Try and see.
Act promptly to construct sufficient parking bays and motorcyclist lanes
as well as improve the road conditions.
Don’t shirk your responsibilities and
blame road users for your incapabilities and shortcomings. If you have done enough, the rest is road
users’ business to cope. Some road users
are not so well-prepared (ignorant) or overwhelmed with the road system. They seemed to need to be taught again. Regular road comapigns perhaps can help these
road users to overcome this diability.
If you have provided them with a
conducive road system and have carried out enough road campaigns to teach and
orientate them to the road system.
That’s it. The rest of the matter
can leave to road users to adjust. Bear
in mind, our traffic police should have an important role to play in road
safety, too.
My last advice here is: Never take road accidents as a natural phenomenon. This attitude will only breed more road
accidents as this mentality tends to prevent a person to identify causes for
the problems. As a result, road
accidents have remained an age-old and grave problems since 20 plus years ago
and getting worse. I wonder whose fault
it is! Hence how ‘boleh’ Malaysia
is is based on our leaders’ ability to identify problems (causes) and solve the
problems. What do you think?
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