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Monday, 21 May 2012

Some common sense and knowledge to review

Points to Points  (17)
                   Some common sense and knowledge to review
          A person does not need to be so rich to be happy.  But a person needs clean and fresh air to survive well.  Every cell in our body needs clean and fresh air to function properly.  A person can’t stand two minutes without air.  (It is dying feeling in less than 2 minutes.)  The well-trained pearl diver can only stand 5 minutes without air.  (a complete Idiot’s guide:  Improving your memory)  
Did you know that the air we breathe in now has lead and other pollutants of one kind or another?  Did you know that our lungs would be affected in one way or another?  Did you know that it attributes to lung cancer and other related disease?   How important is oxygen in our body?  A permanent damage to the brain happens to a person who does not get the supply of oxygen for two minutes.  As a result, the person is either paralysed or become a vegetable.  What torture can be greater than in the state of paralysis and vegetable?
          A person does not need a lot material possessions to be called a man.  But a person needs clean and pure water to live well.  A human body contains ¾ of liquid to work well.  An adult needs at least 2-3 litres of water a day to stay cool and cleanse the system.  Did you know that the water that we consume daily contain certain high level of mercury and other toxic chemicals that are harmful to our internal organs? 
Did you know that our lust and greed for material wealth and indulgent in vainglory cost a heavy toll to our air and water system?  What are these wealth and glory for if the air is so polluted and deemed unfit and the water is contaminated and declared too toxic for consumption?
          A person does not need to eat so much to stay alive.  But a person needs a  organic, bio-diversified balanced diet to be healthy.  Did you know that we all eat too much than is really required by our system?  Did you know that our kidney and liver suffer in silence?  Did you know that 90% or more of the food we consume daily contains preservatives, colouring and other chemicals that are not friendly to our bodies?  Did you know that the quality of air, water and food is related to cancer?   We really don’t need to wait for the scientists to tell us so.
Did you know that vegetables contain insecticides, fertilisers and other chemicals?  Have you heard of a kind of chemical that can make green leafy vegetables look so green? 
Did you know that a pig fed with processed food and growth promoter (beta-agonist) may not have fat anymore?  If you don’t believe me, you may go to check it yourselves.  (Don’t mistaken it to be a new breed of pig, fatless.  Pork is nice to the Chinese.  But we can’t accept the fact that pigs are fat due to the gene and eating too much as well as having too little exercise.  But our fear of becoming fat like a pig makes us reject the thick fat layer of the pig and thus our pig keepers have no choice but resort to fatless pig to please our consumers.  What consequences we have to face one day?  Who cares!) 
          Did you know that cattle may not eat grass anymore but processed food?  The processed food may contain the ingredients of cattle and sheep internal organs.  Can you imagine what the end result is?  Have you heard before:  “You are what you eat.”? 
          A person does not need so many kinds of detergent to keep clean.  A person indeed needs clean water system for the health and well-being to worth a living.  Count the number of detergents you are attached to.  Imagine how much waste we can create in a day.   Think of the water system and how these toxic chemicals come back to us in the drinking water and food we consume. 
          Have you heard people say the bigger the fish, the more concentrated the mercury and other toxic chemicals are in the fish?  Are you advised to buy smaller fish to be on the safer side?   Well, how long could we upkeep ourselves like this?  How long do you think the condition of win-loss can go on?
          The happening of drinking water contaminated with ammonia acid and other toxic chemicals in Selangor is a good and valid example of retribution of our abuse and negligence of our natural environment.  Do we have to wait until the state of pollution has become so alarming to create awareness and remedies?
          We really don’t need to take so much medicine to get cured.  We indeed need a strong immune system which has the power to do most of the healing if you are willing to give it time to work up.  However, the proverb “Prevention is better than cure.” should always serve as a good motto.  To stay in good health, our air and water must be clean.  The food our consume must be clean,  organic,  bio-diversified and balanced.  Besides, we need to have enough exercise and rest to keep fit. 
          To be wealthy is good but health should be the first wealth.  To stay in good health, we need clean air, water and food (organic and bio-diversified).  What is the use of money/ wealth, if our air, water and food are so polluted and contaminated.  It is nightmare to think that the air we breathe in may lead to lung cancer and other lung diseases; the water we take may cause cancer of one kind or another;  the bread from the bakery has health threatening preservative, the noodles contain high level of boric acid, pork and beef contain growth promoter and other chemicals; vegetables have the residue of pesticides, fertilisers and other chemicals instead of mineral and vitamins we need ……………ha …………………………………………….. ………………………………………………..
          Clean air to be packed in bags to be sold, too in order to get enough clean air to survive some day.  I think our government should encourage the business for selling “clean air in bags”.  It, no doubt, would become thriving business, a good source of revenue for the country, ha …………………………….…. 
Drink enough water = drink enough pollutants and other contaminants.  No wonder, at one time many people opted for bottled mineral water which guaranteed free of pollutants and contaminants.  But it is said plastic bottles may leach chemicals and the discovery has deterred people to greater or lesser extent. 
          Food is enjoyed with mixed feelings to think that you have to eat other contaminants along.  You might have to pay a heavy toll for your indulgence.  So a new trend is to eat less if you can in order to avoid your system being contaminated too much.
          Now how do you evaluate your lives when you need to buy packaged clean air to breathe or buy an air-filtering device to filter the air; need to treat your water from the tap again by installing infra-ray water filtering system or something like that (Or have you already got one at home?) and well, you definitely need to pay more for clean, organic and bio-diversified food.  I wonder if it is easy to come by even if you want to pay more.  For example, you like to eat “sou mai”, how can you know that the ingredients: pork and wheat flour used are clean and organic?  (The safest way to avoid being contaminated like my family is not to eat “sou mai” anymore.  It was once our favourite.  Actually, we try to reduce or not to eat at all many kinds of preserved foods which were once among our favourites.  After knowing that bread may contain preservatives, we have cut down bread intake and we eat with some sort of fear and distaste.) 
          Our country does not need to target the population to reach 7000 million (Is it the right figure Dr. M advocated once?).  But our country should aim to develop the existing human capital.  We should have a better medical facilities and services, education system, transport system, social welfare system and other amenities to facilitate the lives of the people in general.  Our government should create enough job opportunities for the needs of the people with different qualifications and skills.  What is it for to have so large a population when people have few job opportunities and have to compete for the limited resources available.  Don’t you view the large population in China, India, Indonesia and the Philippines with apprehension?  Large population only debases the value of lives.  We only create “living hell” on earth here.  Bear in mind how a very heavy toll we human tend to pose on our natural environment.
          It is not how huge a “cake of development” to make.  It is about how fair it is to share out the “cake of development”.   It is also about how well-formulated and developed our system is to prevent widespread “pickpocket” of fund allocations for various development projects.  It is about the sustainable development, too.  It is definitely not  plundering and exploitative way of development. 
          It is not………………………but it is………………ha………………………….

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