( 温利山:2023年3月29日 )
由积极人士发掘的一份记录中記載東姑阿都拉曼说:“无论婆罗洲领土发生什么,马来西亚都将在明年 8 月 31 日成立”。他还说,马来西亚的成立是为了将婆罗洲领土从殖民势力手中解放出来,马来亚有权接收沙巴和砂拉越——见海峡时报 1962 27/12/1962海峡时报报导的人民从未要求马来亚将沙捞越和沙巴从英国的殖民主义中解放出来。任何有关砂拉越和沙巴的自由、独立或自决权,都是由砂拉越和沙巴人民决定的。
东姑或马来亚的干预引发了严重的政治和法律问题。也就是说,“马来西亚”是一个在紧急情况下强制执行的联盟。一个合法、自由和自愿的国家联盟,是要根据联合国大会第 1514 号决议第 2、4 和 7 条文以及 原则第 9 建立的. 該义決 第 2 条规定;所有民族都有自决权,包括自由决定其政治地位和自由谋求其经济、社会和文化发展的权利。
在汶萊于1962年12月8日由Partai Rakyat領導的反馬來西亞起义期間的緊急情況之下, 砂沙人民被拒绝根据联合国大会义决第1514号第9条原則决定他们国家的命运來自由选择马来西亚或独立。这不是根据有关领土人民自由表达的真实意愿行使自决的和平条件。
Press Statement
Re: Formation of Malaysia
In a record unearthed by activists, Tunku Abdul Rahman said, “Regardless of whatever happens in the Borneo Territories, Malaysia will come into being on Aug.31 next year”. He also said, Malaysia is to be formed to free the Borneo Territories from the colonial power and it was Malaya’s right of to accept Sabah and Sarawak – see Straits Times 27 December, 1962.
What made Tunku Abdul Rahman or Malaya having the right to decide things for Sarawak and Sabah? Our people never asked Malaya to free Sarawak and Sabah from colonialism of the British. Anything about freedom, independence or self-determination of Sarawak and Sabah were matters for the people of Sarawak and Sabah to decide.
Tunku Abdul Rahman or Malaya being a foreign country, had no right to interfere with the affairs of Sarawak and Sabah at that time.
The interference by Tunku or Malaya gave rise to a serious political and legal issue. That is, was “Malaysia” a union enforced under emergency in conditions, a legitimate, free and voluntary association of nations established in compliance with Articles 2, 4 and 7 of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution (UNGAR) 1514 and Principle 9 of UNGAR 1514. Article 2 states that all peoples have the right to self-determination, including the right to freely to determine their political status and freely to pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
The people were denied to decide the fate of their nation under Principle 9 of UNGAR 1514 to make a free choice on Malaysia or independence especially, in the middle of an emergency during the Anti-Malaysia Brunei Uprising on 8 December, 1962 led by Partai Rakyat Brunei. This was not a peaceful condition that should exist for the exercise of self-determination based on freely expressed and genuine will of the people of the territories concerned.
Therefore, this gave to great doubt that Malaysia was legally formed in compliance with international law or was it not just a new colonization?
Therefore, Sabah and GPS Sarawak governments need to examine the position of Sabah and Sarawak in the federation of Malaysia. There is increasing numbers of Sabahans and Sarawakians now that are not happy with the political situations in Malaya spilling over to Sabah and Sarawak.
Given the formation of Malaysia was shrouded with mysteries and confusion and legality of the federation is in doubt, they questioned the wisdom of the governments of Sabah and Sarawak to seek autonomy rather than exit from the federation of Malaysia. They said if we want lesser problems that are generated from Malaya, the best thing to do is to seek independence from the federation of Malaysia.
President, Parti Bumi Kenyalang
29 March, 2023
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