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Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Sarawak, Borneo 25/2/2016

Sarawak, Borneo 25/2/2016
Every Sarawakian must know that Sarawak is a country in federation with Malaya Peninsular.  Thus I advise all the representatives to declare that if you want to represent Sarawak in the Sarawak Borneo / Federation  assembly. 
Know our rights and declare our rights firmly so that no one dare to exploit us at will.   

If we do not know self-respect and have no self-esteem, we just cannot expect respect and being treated properly.  So………….don’t debase ourselves.  Sarawak is not a state.  It is a country in federation with the Malaya Peninsular.

Reject the evil and sickly-minded political thugs who exploit us and plunder at will.  Tell them boldly that we feel deeply humiliated and expoited when anyone refer Sarawak as a state.  We may not be able to stop others for the time being to refer Sarawak as a state as they have been brain-washed so. 

It takes time to change and we expect One day /1 day, everyone everywhere and every time refer Sarawak as a country.  In Chinese, it is 砂地国/砂拉越 .  It is砂邦 if we are still in federation  But we ourselves are 100% able to declare Sarawak, Borneo is a country and our autonomy.   It is self-respect and take of our self-esteem to expect respect so that  nobody dares to exploit us at will.

Yes, for the past 53 years, we have had very abusive, corrupt, exploiting,  greedy, manipulative,  and nepotistic leaders  to rule the land.  Taib Mahmud especially betrayed and pawned Sarawak for his own interests and benefits.  He took full advantage of his position to build up his mega-wealth at the expense of all the Sarawakians.

Look at the lifestyes of Taib Mahmud, his children, relatives and friends.  We should expose them to the world openly 1 day though we can get most of the information about them on the internet. 

I hope 1 day, we can get back what belongs to us, people.  We only let him and his family have the wealth they deserve and the rest should be returned to the country, Sarawak, Borneo. 

I hope our PM Adenan Satem always proves himself an upright, good,  noble and people-minded in his policies.  

We must tell the whole-wide world that Sarawak is a country, not a state in the Malaya Federation.  Who are they with the land size if not smaller, but the same size as our Sarawak, Borneo.

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