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Wednesday, 24 February 2016

My view on Mat Rempit 25/2/2016

Tweets II   My view on Mat Rempit   25/2/2016
Who goes for Mat Rempit?  Ar…..h!  Now maybe we should check and see which race in Malaysia enjoys illegal street racing.  One and most important question you should ask is A Big WHY?   Let’s investigate who takes part in Mat Rempit and the reason why they go for this indulgence.  Don’t they have better occupation than this dangerous activity? 

Isn’t it when a person is mentally and emotionally bored, frustrated and has no better occupation and interest to regulate their life and keep them occupied in some more useful, creative and challenging things, then he goes astray?  In Chinese, we say 精神空虚。 It is the void mental condition, not having a good, creative and useful occupation.

It is definitely not to legalise the activity and encourage these restless teenagers and  youths to get indulged in this dangerous activity.  Building more mat rempit racing tracks is  idiotic, insensible and mindless.  It is a waste of resources, too.  It is to look for the right occupations for them so that they can be rightfully occupied to stay calm and be happy. 

Jobless and not rightly occupied people are not happy people.  And these unhappy people are the ones who will go out of bound and astray.  The teenagers and youths  who indulge in mat rempit, in my eye, are the ones who are not guided properly.

It is mindless to blame the parents alone.  The leaders must know how to lead these people properly to deter them from going astray.  Mat rempit, for sure, is not a good and noble culture to be encouraged.   It is dicing with Death and may lead more terrible consequences than death, ie to become paralysed.  This activity will never make them feel happy, useful, fulfilling and meaningful.  It is more or less like taking drug and the effect is just that moment.  The leaders must think of all ways to keep them properly occupied so that they can be developed into good, creative and useful people.

Find out what abilities they have and how they can be developed to become good, creative and useful people.   These people must be helped to develop themselves to be rightfully occupied in the jobs which they can commit themselves and forget and even detest mat rempit.

I hope that these political thugs will think thrice before thinking of building more racing track for mat rampit for nothing contributive.  

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