MoU gives students better access to quality English books

Abu Bakar (left) exchanges the MoU documents with Herizal after
launching the ‘Books for Asia’ programme in Sarawak. Looking on are
Adenan (second right) and Morshidi Ghani. — Photo by Tan Song Wei
KUCHING: Thousands of students in Sarawak will have better access to quality brand new English books following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to extend The Asia Foundation’s much-beloved ‘Books for Asia’ programme to the state.
The MoU, signed between Yayasan Sarawak, The Asia Foundation and the International Institute of Public Policy and Management – a collaboration with Universiti Malaya – will see the first shipment of about 19,000 books arriving at the state on March 23.
The programme is part of the foundation’s aim to play an important role in education, deemed a crucial element to human capital development and capacity building.
Since 1957, the foundation has donated over 2.5 million books to hundreds of institutions and schools throughout the
country as it looked to empower students with information and knowledge.
“Through this programme, we will provide thousands of brand new books to committed teachers and individuals in Sarawak, in the spirit of working together to empower the next generation of leaders, educators, scientists, doctors, engineers, film makers and all who want to, and will benefit from not only learning and practising English but also through the journey of imagination and exploration that books can do to us,” Herizal Hazri, the country representative of The Asia Foundation – Malaysia said at the launching ceremony at the State Legislative Assembly complex here yesterday.
Also present at the programme officiatedat by Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem were Universiti Malaya deputy vice-chancellor (Academic and International) Prof Dr Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud, State Secretary Tan Sri Datuk Amar Mohamad Morshidi Ghani and Yayasan Sarawak director Datu Mohamad Abu Bakar Marzuki.
‘Books for Asia’ expands opportunities for individuals, communities and nations by putting brand-new books and digital content in English and local languages into the hands of students and educators including local and national leaders in 18 countries throughout Asia.
“While The Asia Foundation will strive to bring vibrant, entertaining books which are crucial to engaging students, we hope this partnership will work towards inspiring, especially children in Sarawak, to read,” Herizal added.
Touching on Universiti Malaya’s involvement in the programme, Awang Bulgiba said in September 2014, the university’s vice-chancellor Prof Dato Dr Amin Jalaludin signed an MoU which effectively placed International Institute of Public Policy and Management (Inpuma) as the custodian for ‘Books of Asia’. Since then, over 19,000 books have been distributed to over 150 institutions across Peninsular Malaysia.
“Our presence for the signing of this tripartite MoU between the Sarawak Foundation, The Asia Foundation and Inpuma, is a testament to the success of the Books of Asia programme in Malaysia and to the commitment of these three parties in ensuring a brighter future for young Malaysians in Sarawak,” he added.
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