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Saturday, 27 February 2016

To legalise Mat Rempit?

Tweets III To legalise Mat Rempit  28/2/2016
I hope someone will rally Malay mothers and wives to protest such idiotic political thugs and clowns as well as leaders think of building racing circuit in Kuala Lumpur for mat rempit to indulge in this wild activity.  No matter what reason they put forth as this activity brings nothing contributive to oneself and others but some instant pleasure, maybe.  It is dicing with death or paralysis or serious injuries.

Yes, many of these mat rempit have been caught and punished but they still remain the same.  I think these mat rempit should be put in rehabilitation centres and taught some technical skills and led properly. After that, suitable jobs should be found for them to keep them occupied.  For the hardcore mat rempit, they should be subjected to harbour at first.  Many factories, plantations, farms, food centres and service sectors need workers.  This is one of the good ways to get local people employed.    

It is to start training a person at the rehabilitation centres if not at institute of learning.  Yes, it is better late than never. 

I know many criminals only start learning some technical skills in prison.  Why not let these mat rempit learn some skills especially carpentry at rehabilitation centre.  I always think carpentry is a good occupation.  It is the skill which requires a lot of creativity. 

Now, I hope Malay mothers and wives are boldly enough to stand out to shout at these Malay or Bumiputra political thugs and clowns to stop making  fools of them. 

Friday, 26 February 2016

名家  2016年02月26日 | 作者:杨善勇 | 专栏:仅供参考


















名家  2016年02月26日 | 作者:孙和声 | 专栏:狂生噪语



早在1944年,瑞典经济学家繆达尔(Myrdal)便写了本大块头的《美国的困境:黑人问题与现代民主》一书,书中提到,美国人的信条 (American's Creed)是主张人人生而自由、平等,有追求幸福的自由,可美国人对黑人又歧视、又排斥,並不把黑人当作平等的人类,这显然与美国人的信条有所衝突,是 所谓的美国的困境。


也不知是否受了老马的影响,1998年,学者莉莉(Lily Zubaidah Rahim),也出版了一本学术著作《新加坡的困境:马来族群的政治与教育的边缘性》一书。从书名可看出,这是本探討新加坡马来人边缘性的著作,之所以称 之为新加坡而非单纯马来人的困境,原因在于,作者认为,马来人的「边缘性」事关全民,与新加坡这个岛国的社会、政治、经济挑战有机地联络在一起,故需要国 家层次而非单纯族群层次的解决方案。






只是,有趣的是,有位本国华人叶林生在其2003年出版的《华人的困境》一书里,则与眾不同地认为,像新经济政策这种偏向马来人的政策,是打造成功 的多元社会所必需付出的代价。至少,大马的国家介入型扶弱政策比美国的扶弱济贫成功得多。作者在书中,还表达了一些,相信不仅是华人,连印度裔也难接受的 观点;如认可马来人的支配权等,听起来像出自巫统领袖之口的文字。


龙门阵  2016年02月26日 | 作者:周文標 | 专栏:观念平台












群英会  2016年02月25日 | 作者:林建荣



飆车现象,特別是马来社会的青少年飆摩哆行为,存在已久,过去也曾有部长高官,甚至有王子不久前,建议设赛场,让飆车族在安全及不危害他人的情况 下,在场內竞速。这些建议背后,不管是要收编或控制飆车的现象,也等于是將非法赛车合法化,对当局多年来推动道路安全运动,以减少车祸率居高不下的努力, 背道而驰。








因此不难看见,大马新一代只知道国父东姑阿都拉曼带领各族人民爭取独立;却不知道在此之前,由各族人民组成的136部队曾在山野浴血奋战,抵挡日军 护我河山。如今人们只庆幸新加坡已故建国总理李光耀,在马新分家后带领新加坡建立家园;却忽略了在独立之初,最先认为新加坡应该自治不该与马来亚合併是林 清祥。




由此可见,「自古以来这片土地是属于谁」这句话,根本就是一种乡愿。若八辈子之前的事情也可作为今天爭取利益的基础,那么或许会引发更多的国际纷 爭。这包括了印尼可以爭取对大马的主权,因为马来半岛自古以来是印尼王朝的藩地。再来中国可爭取对越南的主权,因为多个朝代以来,越南同样是中国更迭王朝 的藩属国。




My comments:
所以马来特权或土族特权到底是什么东西?  我希望大家都给说清楚?   这是很病态的政客们的 问题。  是时候拒绝任何不公正,公平,不民主的运作。  我希望马来人或土族不要被这些政客操弄了。 最后,只有那一撮人享尽100%特权。  其余的,自己说吧!

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

My view on Mat Rempit 25/2/2016

Tweets II   My view on Mat Rempit   25/2/2016
Who goes for Mat Rempit?  Ar…..h!  Now maybe we should check and see which race in Malaysia enjoys illegal street racing.  One and most important question you should ask is A Big WHY?   Let’s investigate who takes part in Mat Rempit and the reason why they go for this indulgence.  Don’t they have better occupation than this dangerous activity? 

Isn’t it when a person is mentally and emotionally bored, frustrated and has no better occupation and interest to regulate their life and keep them occupied in some more useful, creative and challenging things, then he goes astray?  In Chinese, we say 精神空虚。 It is the void mental condition, not having a good, creative and useful occupation.

It is definitely not to legalise the activity and encourage these restless teenagers and  youths to get indulged in this dangerous activity.  Building more mat rempit racing tracks is  idiotic, insensible and mindless.  It is a waste of resources, too.  It is to look for the right occupations for them so that they can be rightfully occupied to stay calm and be happy. 

Jobless and not rightly occupied people are not happy people.  And these unhappy people are the ones who will go out of bound and astray.  The teenagers and youths  who indulge in mat rempit, in my eye, are the ones who are not guided properly.

It is mindless to blame the parents alone.  The leaders must know how to lead these people properly to deter them from going astray.  Mat rempit, for sure, is not a good and noble culture to be encouraged.   It is dicing with Death and may lead more terrible consequences than death, ie to become paralysed.  This activity will never make them feel happy, useful, fulfilling and meaningful.  It is more or less like taking drug and the effect is just that moment.  The leaders must think of all ways to keep them properly occupied so that they can be developed into good, creative and useful people.

Find out what abilities they have and how they can be developed to become good, creative and useful people.   These people must be helped to develop themselves to be rightfully occupied in the jobs which they can commit themselves and forget and even detest mat rempit.

I hope that these political thugs will think thrice before thinking of building more racing track for mat rampit for nothing contributive.  

Mat Rempit

Mat Rempit

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Police stopping hundreds of motorcyclists at the Kerinchi Link in Kuala Lumpur recently in an effort to curb the Mat Rempit menace
A group of Mat Rempit conquered Kuala Lumpur's street on Saturday night
A larger group of Mat Rempit in Terengganu
Mat rempit road rage over two car
Mat rempit with his bohsia on their wheelie stunts
A Mat Rempit is a Malaysian term for "an individual who participates in illegal street racing", usually involving underbone motorcycles,[1] colloquially known as Kapcai, or scooters. Not all Mat Rempits are involved in street racing; some of them perform stunts for fun, such as the wheelie, superman (lying flat on the seat), wikang, and scorpion (standing on the seat with one leg during a wheelie).
Mat Rempits usually travel in groups and race in bustling city centres on weekend nights. In recent times, Mat Rempits have been linked to gangsterism, gang robbery,[2][3] street fighting, assault,[4] vandalism, theft and bullying. Most motorcycles used by the Mat Rempits do not meet standard specifications, or have been modified extensively for greater speed, or just to make the exhaust noisier.
According to Selangor police chief Datuk Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah, it was the parents who are the ones who should be blamed on this and while Kuala Lumpur deputy police chief, Datuk Amar Singh said that it was due to lack of parents' attention, Amar also pointed out that especially when they are in a big group, they would act beyond the limit by attacking the authorities and challenging traffic laws indiscriminately, further pointed out that their peers will challenge them to do something outrageous like assaulting police officers and challenging road rules, just to prove that they're not cowards." [5]
Additionally, some Mat Rempits do not have valid motorcycle licenses, do not pay road taxes, and ride stolen motorcycles.[6][7] A growing number of housing estates have also been turned into racing tracks.[8] It is estimated that there are about 200,000 Mat Rempits in Malaysia.[9]
In some other countries, the term Mat Rempit is also used, but more to refer to one as a motorcycle lover or rider (Mat Motor), as opposed to an illegal motorcycle racer. Sometimes, the term "Mat Rempit" is misused to refer to any individual who rides an underbone motorcycle. Related to this is the Mat Konvoi, which claim to be the non-racing version of Mat Rempit.


The word "Rempit" comes from "ram(rev)-it" (ram the throttle). According to Kamus Dewan, the definition of "Rempit" is "the act of whipping with a cane".[10] An alternative source of the word is derived from the noise made by a 2-stroke motorcycle. "Mat" is a Malay slang term used to address or to refer to a male person who is usually of Malay descent but is generally used derogatorily.


In April 2009, Malaysia's Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan said that the Mat Rempit had become violent and brazen instead of just being a public nuisance. He said "We have to come down hard on the Mat Rempit who have started to become involved in robberies, snatch thefts and are even attacking innocent road users and we also need to use harsh tactics to catch the Mat Rempit that try to runaway from the roadblocks ." He also added that "Parents must be more responsible and should not allow their underage children to drive cars or ride motorcycles"
Mat Rempits often end up being hospitalised after they fail to perform their actions or stunts such as 'superman', 'spider' and many more. Every weekend, around 10 people are hospitalised after being involved in accidents when riding motorcycles at high speed.

Political influence

There are numbers of political influence in helping Mat Rempit.

Mat Cemerlang

Khairy Jamaluddin and Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim from Putera ". Khairypits" should become the "Eyes and Ears" of Malaysian

Adopt Mat Rempit

Datuk Mohamed Jaafar from UMNO suggested that Mat Rempit should be accepted and guided to save them from indulging in dangerous activities.[11]

Kelantan to build track for Mat Rempit

Kosmo! reported that Mat Rempit in the state of Kelantan will be allowed to show off their skills at a special track to be built by the state government soon.[12] The Menteri Besar of the state of Kelantan, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat said the track in Tanah Merah was not a waste of money.

Kedah considering circuit for Mat Rempit to race

The Government of the state of Kedah is looking into the possibility of building a circuit [13] for Mat Rempit to race and overcome the menace, saying another option was to create more job opportunities for them as most of them were jobless. Azizan said:

Notable massive operations

On 3 May 2009, the Bukit Aman Traffic Division of the Royal Malaysian Police, together with the Road Transport Department, have launched a major integrated operation to crack down on both car and Mat Rempit motorcycle illegal racing. More than 115 motorcycles were impounded in the major operation which was held simultaneously in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Penang and Negeri Sembilan.[14]