It is
not good for Agong being so autocractic and stubborn despite the wide protest
of the people in general still insisted to install Taib Mahmud as Head of Sarawak.
This is
a very bad behaviour in my both right
and left eyes. Agong would face a lot
of curses for being so autocratic and stubborn in the age of democracy.
This is
the age of wide awareness of our rights as the taxpayers of the country to
demand the ones who are given the authority to do the work for the good of the
will alone against so many people’s wishes will push people in general to become
more determined to flush out the old
system and practices for good.
If Agong
wants respect from us people, he must first learn to respect us or he will
receive a lot of bad and foul words and curses from us. Ya,
people are firm to think that we
are the real master of the
We hate
to see that the taxpayers’ money is so abused on such a corrupt and abusive
person like Taib Mahmud. We are in rage/furious
to see our Agong being so abusive.
What a
waste of money it is to feed Agong and officials fully
financed by taxpayers’ money. It is
like employing someone to torture us.
alone has limited knowledge, view, understanding ……to make such an arbitral decision
against the people’s wishes. Isn’t it Agong accept corruption a norm
The King
of Thailand has too much power to bring peace for the country. He is always hiding behind to conduct the game
of conflicts. He is still a god to the ignorant.
installed Taib Mahmud as Head of the state means that he appreciates his
corrupt and abusive behaviours. The Chief
Minister/Head of the state is supposed to set good examples for people. But ……..
We people
see Agong in the same polluted water as Taib Mahmud (同流合污) and in the same bundle to be
burnt. Ya, they are friends and wield the power to take full advantage of the people.
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