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Tuesday 16 July 2024


原则 7:决策 

在生活中取得巨大成功的人总是做出勇敢的决定。 Napolean Hill 在采访了数百万人后得出了这一个结论。

Hill指出,成功者的一个共同特征是迅速做出决定,并缓慢地做出改变或调整以取得进步,例如著名汽车制造Mr Henry Ford。


做出正确决定的另一个永久遗产是 1776 年美国的独立。 如何开始的:

• 主要原因是大英帝国的压迫和镇压 统治美国 56 个州。
• 触发点是 1770 年的Boston冲突,当时武装殖民士兵用枪指着手无寸
• 1774 年,独立运动被提出。 
• Thomas Jefferson因此 加入了三位勇敢者General Robert E. Lee, Samuel Adams, John Hancock的行列。他独自撰写了《共和党宣言》,其中他阐明了独立运动的目的和意义。 
• 随后的另一项重大决定是任命一个来自各州的代表。 很快,它就变成 

• 此后,1776年7月4日在费城召开了由56个州代表组成的第一次全国代表大会,批准并签署了Thomas Jefferson起草的新宪法。

在1774 年首次开始的勇敢决定是勇敢无畏的最佳缩影。这一里程碑式的决定导致了两个重大后果:美国人获得自由,或让 56 州的代表因叛国罪而被绞死。最后,他们赢了。

这就引出了原则 9——坚持。任何有组织的计划,无论大小,都需要坚持不懈的精力来实现其预期目标。 做出的任何决定都需要全身心的投入和执行的意志力。
Principle 7: Decision 
Individuals achieving great success in life always make brave and courageous decisions. Napolean Hill concluded this fact after interviewing millions of people.

Hill states one common characteristic feature of the successful ones is Reaching Decisions PROMPTLY and making changes or adjustments for betterment slowly, for example Mr Henry Ford, a famous car maker.

Thus, having enough knowledge and one’s strong viewpoint as against others’ is vital to make a correct and definite decision.

Another a lasting legacy of making a good decision was the independence of America in 1776. This is how it began:

• The major reason was the oppression and suppression of the 
    powerful British Empire upon 56 American states.
• The trigger point was the Boston’s conflict in 1770, when the armed 
colonist soldiers pointed guns at an unarmed civilians demonstrating 
iagainst injustice. General Lee could no longer tolerate. 
• In 1774, the independent movement was mooted. 
• The 3 brave ones: General Robert E. Lee, Samuel Adams and John 
Hancock were joined by Thomas Jefferson, who had independently 
written the Republican Manifesto, which defined the purpose and the 
meaning of the independent movement. 
• Another major decision followed suit was the appointment of a 
   representative from each state. Soon, it was transformed into a 
   national movement.

• Thereafter, there was the convening of its first national congressof 56 
   state representatives to approve and sign the new constitution prepared 
   by Thomas Jefferson in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776.  

It was the epitome of that brave and courageous decision, first started in 1774. This landmark decision resulted in two major consequences: freedom to America OR death of the 56 states representatives for treason. They won.

A new nation, The American Republic, was born. This newly created, young nation, was full of energy, hardworking, and grew very prosperous. It became a new world force helping Europe to win the WWII. This is the ultimate global legacy of a courageous and a brave decision.
This brings us to Principle 9-Persistence. Any organised planning, big or small, requires persistent energy to achieve its intended goal. 
Any decision made involves total commitment and will-power to implement.

(Adapted from the summerised version by Tommy Entry Akoi, Sydney)

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