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Friday, 26 May 2023


温利山:法院对 MA63 的判决

 感谢媒体和媒体工作人员於昨天报道有关 MA63 诉讼的裁决讯息。



 我们感谢博学的司法专员 YA Alexander Siew 耐心指导原告的法律团队,确保案件在他面前的辩论中顺利进行。 我们知道,MA63诉讼涉及太多新奇的法律问题,对于任何法官来说都不是一件容易处理的事情。

 媒体报道称马来西亚的成立涉及欺诈和虚假陈述,这是一个信息,我们希望所有砂拉越人和沙巴人都知道,根据我们的拙见和我们的记录,我们被“欺骗”和拿走了我们的祖国, 海洋财富、石油和天然气资源,我们通过寻求法院调查此事来寻求收回它们。 由于这些原因,PBK 支持原告在法庭上解决这些问题。

 法院裁定只有砂拉越州政府才有资格寻求废除 1963 年马来西亚协议(MA63)的事实现在很清楚,砂拉越政府在法庭上追究此事的责任已落在脚下 寻求法院废除 MA63。 砂拉越政府作为砂拉越人民权利和自然资源的受托人或监护人,应该维护砂拉越人民的权利。

 根据 1974 年石油发展法令和议会通过的法律,砂拉越没有理由将她的海洋财富、石油和天然气资源输给联邦政府。


 PBK也对砂拉越倡导者协会没有派代表观看这起MA63案的简报表示遗憾。 这是一个影响数百万砂拉越人和沙巴人的公共利益案件,但砂拉越倡导者协会似乎没有跟进诉讼程序。 我们相信,作为律师和砂拉越人,砂拉越维权协会的成员应该对诉讼表现出特别的兴趣。


 2023 年 5 月 26 日
[26/05, 11:32 pm] yuchinliik: PRESS STATEMENT 

Re: Decision by court on MA63 

Thanks to members of the press who covered the decision or news on the MA63 Suit yesterday. 

To Sarawakians and Sabahans who followed the news we also thank you for your interest in this suit.

We know it was tough to get court to buy our argument but we have achieved our purpose. 

We thank the learned Judicial Commissioner YA Alexander Siew for his patience and guidance to the legal team for the Plaintiffs in ensuring the case went on smoothly during arguments before him. We know MA63 Suit is not easy for any judge to handle because of too many novel issues of law involved. 

With the reporting in the press to say fraud and misrepresentation were involved in the formation of Malaysia is a message we wanted all Sarawakians and Sabahans to know that in our humble opinion and from records we have, we had been "cheated" of our motherland, marine wealth, oil and gas resources in which we have sought to take them back by seeking the court to look into the matter. For these reasons PBK was supportive of the plaintiffs to have these matters settled before the court. 

The fact that the court had ruled that only the state government of Sarawak has the locus standi to seek the nullification of the Malaysia Agreement 1963(MA63) is now clear that the ball is at the feet of the Sarawak government to pursue the matter in court to seek court to nullify MA63. The Sarawak government being the trustee or custodian of people's rights and natural resources of Sarawak should pursue the rights of people of Sarawak. 

There is no reason for Sarawak losing her marine wealth, oil and gas resources to the federal government under the Petroleum Development Act 1974 and under laws passed in parliament. 

Parti Bumi Kenyalang regrets that the current Sarawak government under GPS had decided not to support the plaintiffs' case but together with the federal government had sought to strike out the case of the plaintiffs. 

PBK also expressed its regret that the Sarawak Advocates Association did not send any representative for watching brief of this MA63 case. This is a case of public interest which affects millions of Sarawakians and Sabahans but Sarawak Advocates Association had not appeared to follow the proceedings. We believe that being lawyers and Sarawakians themselves, the members of the Sarawak Advocates Association should have shown special interest in the suit.

I was asked by members of the public why Sarawak Advocates Association had no representatives attending the court proceedings but I have to say that Sarawak Advocates Association could have known of the proceedings before the court. 

President Parti Bumi Kenyalang 

26 May 2023

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