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Tuesday, 30 May 2023


马来亚和婆罗洲载重量相差3 吨,这种双重标准不是罗里/L业者的主要困扰。



基本上,L车斗规划和BDM 都是由 LB交通部(冷气房里)策划和批准。同一部门却有两个标准。




















1. 农业地 RM200
2. 郊区地 RM2500
3. 城市地RM5000





后来,燕农归纳在森林局管辖下,要申请 燕屋执照,手续非常复杂,要通过6个部门,准证很难获得批准。申请准证要等很久,常常无下文。诗巫申请文件必须寄去古晋总部批准。
燕窝是天然资源给砂带来外资和就业机会,同时燕农获得应有的回报。今天在森林局大搅局下破坏了至少整10万多人的生计。 同时,燕农和燕商在森林局的淫威下都变成罪犯。

Monday, 29 May 2023


( 俞诗东 29-05-2023 )

     以13位砂拉越子民:多鲁斯卡丹祖曼.诺雅威.哈维亚吉纳法.泽麦亞烏吉.伯拉勇雅丹.加莱希勃.Yu Chin Liik.Chieng Kung Chiew.章杰玛邦.阿末阿旺阿里和乔瓦尼阿德利,(姓名摘自星洲日报)向古晋高庭申请废除1963立国契约的诉讼案,经一年多审理及多次展延后,终于5月25日宣判。
      (注明:第一次上诉时有13位原告,华族佔15.4%,其他伊班丶比达友丶馬来丶马兰诺族佔84.6%。在案件审理过程有两位伊班原告逝世,宣判日只有上述11位原告。我只知道伊班原告之一是Serijin Ak Ubong,谁会懂的另一位伊班原告姓名,望能将之记录载入史册)


















Sunday, 28 May 2023

The Baram Regatta

Shared by Diana Ningkan 

The Baram Regatta 1966

1996, the small town of Marudi,
in Sarawak's Fourth Division, 
was the scene of 
an international gathering.

Thousands of Central Borneo
Tribesmen, as well as Chinese,
Malay and European converged
on the town, situated some 350
miles north-east of Kuching. 
The reason for their visit was to 
witness one of the most 
colourful & spectacular events 
of the year - The Baram River 

The first Baram Regatta 
was held 70 years ago. The
biennial event has been the 
biggest in the calendar for the  
Kelabit, Kenyah, and Iban 
longhouse dwellers of Central 

The Regatta, held on May 14 
and 15, brought excitement to 
Marudi. The spectators travelled 
in motor launches which took 
one day's outboard journey from 
the remote areas along the 
Baram River.

Source: Reuters

Photo showed L-R
Tun Jugah ak Barieng
Tan Sri Stephen Kalong Ningkan
Tun Abdul Razak 
Unidentified headman (could be Tmg Oyong Lawai Jau)
Tan Sri Ong Kee Hui

Friday, 26 May 2023


温利山:法院对 MA63 的判决

 感谢媒体和媒体工作人员於昨天报道有关 MA63 诉讼的裁决讯息。



 我们感谢博学的司法专员 YA Alexander Siew 耐心指导原告的法律团队,确保案件在他面前的辩论中顺利进行。 我们知道,MA63诉讼涉及太多新奇的法律问题,对于任何法官来说都不是一件容易处理的事情。

 媒体报道称马来西亚的成立涉及欺诈和虚假陈述,这是一个信息,我们希望所有砂拉越人和沙巴人都知道,根据我们的拙见和我们的记录,我们被“欺骗”和拿走了我们的祖国, 海洋财富、石油和天然气资源,我们通过寻求法院调查此事来寻求收回它们。 由于这些原因,PBK 支持原告在法庭上解决这些问题。

 法院裁定只有砂拉越州政府才有资格寻求废除 1963 年马来西亚协议(MA63)的事实现在很清楚,砂拉越政府在法庭上追究此事的责任已落在脚下 寻求法院废除 MA63。 砂拉越政府作为砂拉越人民权利和自然资源的受托人或监护人,应该维护砂拉越人民的权利。

 根据 1974 年石油发展法令和议会通过的法律,砂拉越没有理由将她的海洋财富、石油和天然气资源输给联邦政府。


 PBK也对砂拉越倡导者协会没有派代表观看这起MA63案的简报表示遗憾。 这是一个影响数百万砂拉越人和沙巴人的公共利益案件,但砂拉越倡导者协会似乎没有跟进诉讼程序。 我们相信,作为律师和砂拉越人,砂拉越维权协会的成员应该对诉讼表现出特别的兴趣。


 2023 年 5 月 26 日
[26/05, 11:32 pm] yuchinliik: PRESS STATEMENT 

Re: Decision by court on MA63 

Thanks to members of the press who covered the decision or news on the MA63 Suit yesterday. 

To Sarawakians and Sabahans who followed the news we also thank you for your interest in this suit.

We know it was tough to get court to buy our argument but we have achieved our purpose. 

We thank the learned Judicial Commissioner YA Alexander Siew for his patience and guidance to the legal team for the Plaintiffs in ensuring the case went on smoothly during arguments before him. We know MA63 Suit is not easy for any judge to handle because of too many novel issues of law involved. 

With the reporting in the press to say fraud and misrepresentation were involved in the formation of Malaysia is a message we wanted all Sarawakians and Sabahans to know that in our humble opinion and from records we have, we had been "cheated" of our motherland, marine wealth, oil and gas resources in which we have sought to take them back by seeking the court to look into the matter. For these reasons PBK was supportive of the plaintiffs to have these matters settled before the court. 

The fact that the court had ruled that only the state government of Sarawak has the locus standi to seek the nullification of the Malaysia Agreement 1963(MA63) is now clear that the ball is at the feet of the Sarawak government to pursue the matter in court to seek court to nullify MA63. The Sarawak government being the trustee or custodian of people's rights and natural resources of Sarawak should pursue the rights of people of Sarawak. 

There is no reason for Sarawak losing her marine wealth, oil and gas resources to the federal government under the Petroleum Development Act 1974 and under laws passed in parliament. 

Parti Bumi Kenyalang regrets that the current Sarawak government under GPS had decided not to support the plaintiffs' case but together with the federal government had sought to strike out the case of the plaintiffs. 

PBK also expressed its regret that the Sarawak Advocates Association did not send any representative for watching brief of this MA63 case. This is a case of public interest which affects millions of Sarawakians and Sabahans but Sarawak Advocates Association had not appeared to follow the proceedings. We believe that being lawyers and Sarawakians themselves, the members of the Sarawak Advocates Association should have shown special interest in the suit.

I was asked by members of the public why Sarawak Advocates Association had no representatives attending the court proceedings but I have to say that Sarawak Advocates Association could have known of the proceedings before the court. 

President Parti Bumi Kenyalang 

26 May 2023

Kelantan government sued Federal government of Malaya over MA63

Here is a historical fact for your reference
( 下面一则历史事实供大家参考)

Kelantan government sues Federal government of Malaya, seeks court to declare MA63 invalid
( 吉兰丹政府起诉马来亚联邦政府,寻求法院宣判MA63无效 )

11 September 1963 

The Kelantan State Government sued the Federal Government of Malaya, seeking the court to declare MA63 invalid as it violated the Federation of Malaya Agreement and without consulting the rulers of Malaya and Kelantan The Federal Constitution was amended to admit 3 new members (North Borneo, Sarawak, Singapore) with the consent of the government and without the consent of other state governments. The sole presiding judge ruled that MA63 was not invalid but said he acted under intense political pressure to bring about the Malaysian Proclamation on 16 September 1963. The Kelantan government could have appealed the above decisions, but they did not.

( 1963 年 9 月 11 日     吉兰丹州政府起诉马来亚联邦政府,寻求法院宣告 MA63 无效,因为它违反了《马来亚联合邦协议》,并在没有征求马来亚统治者和吉兰丹政府的同意,也没有征求其他州政府的同意下,就修改联邦宪法以接纳 3 名新成员(北婆罗洲、砂拉越、新加坡)。 唯一的主审法官判决 MA63 并非无效,但表示,他是在巨大的政治压力下行事,以促成 1963 年 9 月 16 日马来西亚得以公告。吉兰丹政府原可以对相关的上述决定提出上诉,但结果他们并没有如此做。)

Courts often refer to successful cases as the basis for judging new cases.
So this Kelantan case, can it reflect the wrongdoing of the defendant's lawyer and the judge's disregard of the plaintiff's right to sue MA63?

( 法庭时常提到的是成功的案例,以作为其判断新案的依据。
那么这个吉兰丹的这个案例,是否可以反衬出被告律师的理亏和法官的无视原告可以控告MA63 的权利? )

Tuesday, 23 May 2023


砂燕窝业 24/5/23 Wed


森林局再配合警察一条龙的举动,燕农燕商肯定死翘翘。所以,2023年5月3日, 森林局带着警察上美丹商业中心向4位有买卖执照的燕商下手,充公价值250万令吉的燕窝,强行夺走。以莫虚名的理由说燕窝货源来自非法燕农,这已经引起无限公愤。


森林局如此横行霸道,粗暴野蛮对待燕农燕商是部长先生,女士和小姐们对该单位监管不利。掀开他们过去黑史,扣留,充公非法伐木之后,自行拍卖当然是自肥腰包。 今天,制造无数非法燕农,充公燕农引燕器材和灯光设备,还有采光燕窝,也自行拍卖。这种行为变成森林局的常态。



反观咱们砂燕窝业处处面对森林局无限的刁难,限制,破坏和掠夺。只要修正这法令,砂燕窝业就会逢勃发展起来。燕窝业“对社会福利,就业机会和外汇收入都可以带来很多的益处”。 还有燕农和燕商需要砂政府的支持和关注以保证燕窝业获得良好发展。 有政府的配合,还有燕农和燕商对引燕知识和认知,就可以轻易解决燕屋的噪音,卫生等等的问题。燕窝业对整体砂人都是有益处的。

重拳出击(4)James Chin Podcast 5

重拳出击(四):James Chin Podcast 5
James 问既然,马联邦有提供法院补救任何联邦政府的缺失或犯规。法院有提供这些方便,沙砂政府为什么不用呢?



让我补充一下这点,在2/2020, 希盟倒台了。在阴差阳错下,也在马联邦元首的操作下,和砂政府的支持下,慕尤丁便任相。之后,他允许砂抽5%的石油天然气的销售税。这5%是相等于30亿令吉。

2018年之前,砂政府从来没有向Petronas 征收石油和天然气的销售。这之前,Petronas 和其他石油公司从来没有申请开采准证等等。





在1975,PDA74签署文件中,并没有书写规定给5% 现金补偿。过去,Petronas完全没有准证在沙砂开采石油和天然气的一切活动是违宪的,完全不符合MA63规定。


其实,对于PDA74争议不断,Fong前后有书写给联邦两个总检察长Tan Sri Affendi Ali 和Tan Sri Tommy Thomas. 他建议马联邦和砂政府就联邦宪法A1281(B)上法联邦法院求判决以一劳永逸解决PDA74引起的争端。





具有里程碑意义的法院判决 高等法院裁定联邦宪法第 122AB 条无效

KOTA KINABALU:在一项具有里程碑意义的决定中,高等法院在这里宣布联邦宪法第 122AB 条关于国家元首(TYT)为沙巴和砂拉越任命司法专员的条款无效。

法官拿督David Wong裁定,1994 年取消沙巴和砂拉越 TYT 任命司法专员/大法官的权力的修正案是无效的,因为它是在未经两州同意的情况下进行的。

在允许退休警察Robert Linggi对联邦政府提起的诉讼中,法官David还宣布了《司法任命委员会法》(JAC)第 37 条,该条授权首相通过公报修改该法的任何条款,无效和空白。

然而,他驳回了Keningau的Robert的说法,即《司法任命委员会法》(第 37 条除外)违宪。

在他于 2009 年 3 月 13 日提交的诉讼中,由律师Datuk Lawrence Thien代表的罗伯特,除其他外,要求法院宣布联邦取消两国元首权力任命沙巴和砂拉越高等法院司法专员/大法官无效。

大卫在 3 月 15 日提交的长达 39 页的书面判决书中表示,不可争辩的事实是联邦政府没有获得沙巴和砂拉越各自国家元首的同意下取消沙砂元首任命大法官的权力。

在 1994 年 6 月 24 日修订联邦宪法第 122A(3)和(4)条之前,沙巴和砂拉越高等法院的司法专员的任命可由各自的 TYTs 根据行政长官的建议任命沙巴和砂拉越高等法院法官(现称首席法官)。

“1994 年 6 月 24 日之后发生的事情是,沙巴和砂拉越元首任命司法专员的权力已被 1994 年宪法(修正案)法令(1994 年修正案)取消,该法令纳入了新的第 122AB 条同样的宪法,”他说。

大卫说,第 161E(2) 条禁止在未经各 TYT 同意的情况下修改联邦宪法,“如果该修正案会影响(联邦)宪法在沙巴和砂拉越高等法院的宪法和管辖权方面的运作。

“在我看来,‘1994年修正案 ’无疑‘ 影响了’联邦宪法的运作,因为它取消了沙砂元首任命高等法院司法专员的权力。



IGC 包含沙巴和砂拉越同意组建马来西亚的条款和条件,这反映在马来西亚协议的第八条中,Wong 补充说,该建议在废除的第 122a(3) 和 (4) 条中是根深蒂固的联邦宪法。


“这些权利是受保护的权利,要取消该权利必须获得沙砂元首/Yang di-Pertua Negeri 的同意。因此,可以推断,被废除的联邦宪法第122A条第3款和第4款(即IGC第3章第26(15)段)只能在得到沙砂元首同意后才能废除任命沙巴和砂拉越大法官/JC。



“通过 2009 年 JAC 法令,成立了司法委任委员会(JAC),主要是向首相推荐被委任为司法专员或法官的候选人,或将现任法官晋升至高等法院。

“我同意被告律师的意见,JAC 法案只是提供了一个程序,让 JAC 审查法官候选人,”他说。

看过相关规定后,David表示有一点很清楚,那就是JAC的所有职能都是向首相推荐合格的法官候选人,而这些推荐仍然是“推荐”,只是因为首相有全部自由裁量权。首相不受联邦宪法第 122AB 条和第 122B 条规定所影响。

“但是,JAC 法案中没有规定何时进行选择合适候选人的过程。是在咨询相关法官之前还是之后?

“《联邦宪法》第 122Ab 和 122B 条规定,‘首相还没向最高元首提出建议任命任何法官之前,应先咨询’相关法官。


“当然没有这样的宪法修正案,因此必须根据宪法的咨询义务来阅读 JAC 法案,”他说。


“因此,2009 年 JAC 法案第 28 条不应被理解为没有要求当时的首相在根据联邦宪法第 122AB 和 122B 条提出建议之前,先咨询相关法官,否则,将使第 28 节越权被解读为联邦宪法。

“最后,至于 JAC 法令第 37 条文,无论以何种方式解读,它赋予首相权力,以刊登公报的方式修改 JAC 法令的任何条款。对 JAC 法案的任何修正或与此相关的任何立法都是立法权的行使。

“联邦宪法所体现的三权分立原则规定,只有议会才能制定或修改法律。因此,我别无选择,只能认为 JAC 第 37 条无效,因为它违反了联邦宪法。

“这一发现现在当然是学术性的,因为该条款有两年的日落条款,然后太阳从 2011 年 2 月 9 日开始落山,”他补充说。

针对代表联邦政府的高级联邦法律顾问Suzana Atan和Narkunavathy Sundereson认为Robert没有法定资格提起诉讼,法官裁定“所有马来西亚人都有责任保护我们的宪法”。




Borneo Post Online
Landmark court decision High Court rules Article 122AB of Federal Constitution null and void

KOTA KINABALU: In a landmark decision, the High Court here has declared Article 122AB of the Federal Constitution on the appointment of Judicial Commissioners by the Heads of State (TYTs) for Sabah and Sarawak, null and void.

Justice Datuk David Wong Dak Wah ruled that the 1994 amendment to the provision for the removal of the power of the TYTs for Sabah and Sarawak to appoint Judicial Commissioner was invalid as it was done without the consent of the two states.

In allowing the suit brought by retired policeman Robert Linggi against the Federal Government, David also declared Section 37 of the Judicial Appointments Commission Act (JAC), which empowers the Prime Minister to amend any provisions of the Act by way of a gazette, null and void.

He however dismissed the claim by Robert, who is from Keningau, that the Judicial Appointments Commission Act (except for section 37) was unconstitutional.

In his suit filed on March 13, 2009 Robert, who was represented by counsel Datuk Lawrence Thien, had, among others, sought declaration from the court that the removal of the power of appointment of judicial commissioners to the High Court of Sabah and Sarawak by the heads of the two States null and void.

In his 39-page written judgement delivered on March 15, David said it was not disputed that no consent was obtained from the respective Heads of State for Sabah and Sarawak.

Prior to amendments to Article 122A (3) and (4) of the Federal Constitution on June 24, 1994, the appointment of judicial commissioners to the High Court of Sabah and Sarawak may be appointed by the respective TYTs acting on the advice of the Chief Justice (now known as Chief Judge) of the High Court of Sabah and Sarawak.

“What happened after 24th June 1994 is that the power of the respective Yang di-Pertua Negeri of Sabah and Sarawak to appoint judicial commissioners has been taken away by the Constitution (Amendment) Act 1994 (1994 Amendments) which incorporated a new Article 122AB of the same constitution,” he said.

David said that Article 161E(2) prohibits amendments to the Federal Constitution without the consent of the respective TYTs “if the amendment is such as to affect the operation of the (Federal) Constitution as regards the constitution and jurisdiction of the High Court of Sabah and Sarawak.

“The ‘1994 Amendment’ in my mind had no doubt ‘affected the operation’ of the Federal Constitution as it had removed the power of appointment of judicial commissioners to the High Court by the Yang di-Pertua Negeri.

“Hence, when the ‘1994 Amendment’ was introduced without the consent of the respective Yang di-Pertua Negeri, it contravened Article 161E (2) (b) of the Federal Constitution,” he held.

David said that the same conclusion can be reached by looking into the historical background of the Federal Constitution.

He pointed out that the starting point was the report of the Inter-Government Committee, 1962 (IGC) and the Malaysia Agreement dated July 8, 1963.

The IGC contained the terms and conditions in which Sabah and Sarawak agreed to form Malaysia and this is reflected in Article VIII of the Malaysia Agreement, said Wong, adding that the recommendation was entrenched in the repealed Article 122a(3) and (4) of the Federal Constitution.
“Hence, it can be said that the ‘1994 Amendment’ had contravened the IGC Report which for all intent and purposes set out the rights of Sabah and Sarawak in the formation of Malaysia.

“These rights are protected rights and their protection lies in the consent of the respective States through the consent of the Yang di-Pertua Negeri. Thus, it can be inferred that the repealed Article 122A (3) and (4) of the Federal Constitution (which is paragraph 26 (15) of Chapter 3 of IGC) can only be repealed with the consent of the Yang di-Pertua Negeri of Sabah and Sarawak.

“Accordingly, it is my view that the ‘1994 Amendment’ is invalid and therefore, null and void in so far as it concerns the removal of the power to appoint judicial commissioners by the respective Yang di-Pertua Negeri of Sabah and Sarawak,” he said.

Touching on the issue whether the enactment of the Judicial Appointments Commission Act 2009 (Act 695) is unconstitutional, null and void, David held that the Judicial Appointments Commission Act 2009 (JAC Act) came into force on Feb 2, 2009.

“Through the JAC Act 2009, a Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) was established mainly to make recommendation to the Prime Minister on the candidates to be appointed as judicial commissioners or judges or on the promotion of sitting judges to the higher courts.

“The JAC Act, I agree with counsel for the defendant, merely provides a process in which candidates for judgeship are vetted by the JAC,” he said.

Having read the relevant provisions, David said one thing is clear and that is, all JAC do in their function is to recommend to the Prime Minister qualified candidates for judgeship and such recommendations remain as ‘recommendations’ only in that the Prime Minister’s discretion is completely untouched which is as provided in Article 122AB and 122B of the Federal Constitution.

“However, there is no provision in the JAC Act as to when this process of selecting suitable candidates is to occur. Is it before or after the consultation with the relevant judges?

“Article 122Ab and 122B of the Federal Constitution provides that ‘the Prime Minister shall consult’ the relevant judges before he advises the Yang di-Pertuan Agong for any appointment of judges.

“This duty to consult is a constitutional duty and it can only be taken away by an express amendment to the Federal Constitution, that is, by votes of two-third of members of Parliament.

“Of course there was no such constitutional amendment and hence the JAC Act must be read subjected to that constitutional duty to consult,” he said.

In other words, David held the recommendations of the Judicial Commission are subjected to the Prime Minister’s duty to consult the relevant Judges.

“Accordingly, Section 28 of the JAC Act 2009 should not be read as if there is no requirement for the Prime Minister of the day to consult the relevant Judges before he tenders his advice in accordance with Article 122AB and 122B of the Federal Constitution and to read otherwise would make section 28 ultra vires the Federal Constitution.

“Lastly, as for Section 37 of the JAC Act, whichever way one reads it, it gives the power of the Prime Minister to amend any provisions of the JAC Act by way of a gazette. Any amendment to the JAC Act or for that matter any legislation is an exercise of legislative power.

“The doctrine of separation of powers embodied in the Federal Constitution dictates that only the Parliament can make or amend laws. Accordingly, I am left with no option but to hold that Section 37 of the JAC null and void as it contravenes the Federal Constitution.

“This finding is now of course academic as this provision has a sunset clause of two years and then the sun has since set on 9 Feb 2011,” he added.

On the contention by Senior Federal Counsel Suzana Atan and Narkunavathy Sundereson who acted for the government that Robert had no locus standi to bring the suit, the judge ruled that “all Malaysians have a duty to protect our constitution.”

He said Robert, as a Sabahan, was genuinely concerned with the erosion of the rights of Sabah in so far as the Constitution and jurisdiction of the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak and the appointment, removal and suspension of judges of that court.

“I have no hesitation in finding that the plaintiff has the locus standi to bring this action.

“I am fully aware of the argument that this may encourage litigation but in my view when there is a challenge concerning and dismantling of the Supreme Law of the country, litigation should be encouraged,” David added.

Monday, 22 May 2023


     一直以来,我们都为了配合正规燕窝出口商去注册了兽医部燕屋准证来合法化我们的燕窝,所以市场上有一部分的燕农会自行注册此准证。但近年来有个叫”森林部”的部门出新的条规,规定只要在砂劳越的燕屋都得得到它的燕屋准证,事后民众有去申请,不但手续复杂,需要通过6个部门,准证申请的时间还无厘头的久。准证批准是由古晋总部批,所以在诗巫申请的文件也是全寄给古晋,曾经有燕农交文件给诗巫申请,一个半月后打电话询问,那份文件竟然还在诗巫,理由是公务员忘记了。然后再等半个月后文件才发到古晋开始处理。有个燕农甚至持续追问了8个月,得来的只是”sedang process”。大部分的燕农执照根本申请不到,理由也不清不楚。大众不是不配合森林部,而是内部的管理存在着极大的问题!整个砂劳越燕屋超过20000间,而自古以来准的只有区区的200间!这意味着剩下的2万间在森林部眼中都是非法燕屋,上门破门充公只是迟或早罢了!!
     天啊,这个事情轰动了整个马来西亚燕窝界,根本没有人或相关当局发布任何条规说明养燕的燕农必须要持有森林部买卖执照才能卖燕窝,也就是说一直以来市场上哪怕你卖一粒燕窝给朋友,只要你没有森林部买卖执照你就是犯人!森林部可以充公你所有燕窝,然后再在警局报你案!这简直是打枪人民啊!据了解,当时这4家都出示了买卖执照,3家都还valid ,只有一家是过期但森林部领头Azlan一直不当一回事,一心就想把眼前全部的燕窝拿走就是了,甚至连燕农带有ic的正规买货单都提供了还是不被当一回事。这根本就是打枪!充公了200多万马币的燕窝啊……这可是人民血汗钱,真金白银买回来的货,这些公司合计一年缴超过100千的所得税,都是持有合法经营,燕窝买卖执照的平民啊……
     燕窝是天然资源,是一个地方的福气,它不但带来了外资,就业机会,带给辛苦燕农的回报,还带给当地人享用燕窝的口福。但今天!这个森林部却把整个局面沦落为燕农和燕商都是罪犯。给的理由是从所未有,无中生有的!明明说好燕商需买卖执照,燕农需燕屋执照,结果抓的时候却说成是燕农需要买卖执照!而且在当局指出的Wildlife protection Ordinance 里面section 34,写的很清楚,罚款2千块。没了。结果森林部的出发点根本不在于执行该给的处罚,而是想尽办法篇故事充公民众的资产,下午几个小时就以扭曲的法律剥夺了你两百多万!!试问这如果不是抢劫,是什么?真正的燕屋进贼又从来没见过一次森林部协助警方捕获燕窝贼?!反而把目标指向平民手里合法的燕窝!
     早起在90年代开始森林部主要是抓水木为生,主要工作就是靠抓了水木,跟物主讨kopi o 然后再把水木归还。一直以来都是一门黑吃黑的肥肉生意。近年来水木已经少之又少了,所以把目光转移到你们华人的燕屋,其做法类似,想尽办法编故事把你货扣留,然后强行充公,然后进行拍卖,其利润又上面分配。

Saturday, 20 May 2023

重权出击(四)James Chin Podcast 5

重拳出击(四):James Chin Podcast 5
James 问既然,马联邦有提供法院补救任何联邦政府的缺失或犯规。法院有提供这些方便,沙砂政府为什么不用呢?



让我补充一下这点,在2/2020, 希盟倒台了。在阴差阳错下,也在马联邦元首的操作下,和砂政府的支持下,慕尤丁便任相。之后,他允许砂抽5%的石油天然气的销售税。这5%是相等于30亿令吉。

2018年之前,砂政府从来没有向Petronas 征收石油和天然气的销售。这之前,Petronas 和其他石油公司从来没有申请开采准证等等。





在1975,PDA74签署文件中,并没有书写规定给5% 现金补偿。过去,Petronas完全没有准证在沙砂开采石油和天然气的一切活动是违宪的,完全不符合MA63规定。


其实,对于PDA74争议不断,Fong前后有书写给联邦两个总检察长Tan Sri Affendi Ali 和Tan Sri Tommy Thomas. 他建议马联邦和砂政府就联邦宪法A1281(B)上法联邦法院求判决以一劳永逸解决PDA74引起的争端。






李光耀已计划好為新加坡引退。此計划当他还在英国与 EW Baker 一起学习法律时,就开始了,还有其他一些新加坡人也和他在一起。在他的回忆录中,他确实提到了其对新加坡如何获得自由和独立的想法。


新加坡未获独立后,李光耀执行 B 计划





在李光耀的指示下,EW Baker 匆忙提出分离法案。从我读到的,李光耀 似乎非常渴望离开马来西亚。

 EW Baker 是当时的新加坡总檢長。为什么是新加坡起草并提出了分离法案,而不是马来亚?







LKY planned Singapore Exit well. It started when he was still in UK studying law with EW Baker. A few other Singaporeans were with him and in his memoire he did mention of his thoughts on how Singapore need to be set free and independent.

To me, LKY knew British wanted Malaysia formed and would not allow Singapore gained independent. David Marshall together with him led a team to UK to ask independence but was not granted. David Marshall kept his words, resigned as Singapore CM if he failed to persuade UK to grant independence. Marshall was confident because he was the counsel in Tunku's team to UK to seek Malaya Independence. At that time Marshall was a lawyer in Kedah if I could recall what I read

Lee Kuan Yew executed planned B after Singapore was not granted independence 

 He came here and sold Malaysia Plan with Tunku. They succeeded. To my thinking, LKY painted a picture that Malaysia was the right move for Singapore but deep in his heart he wanted independence. At that time there was a communist threat in Singapore and LKY also feel safe if Malaysia was formed. 

After Malaysia was formed he then created havoc by his Malaysian Malaysia agenda and Tunku fell into the trap. 

In an article I read Singapore side said it was a peaceful coup de tat and they succeeded to get Singapore out of the federation and declared independent. 

LKY declared Singapore independent before Tunku tabled Singapore Exit in Malaysia Parliament. 

The Separation Bill was rushed into by EW Baker, as directed by LKY. From what I read it seems that LKY was very eager to leave Malaysia. 

 EW Baker was the Singapore AG at that time. Why it was Singapore that drafted and presented the Separation Bill, not Malaya? 

Therefore, for all purposes LKY could have planned and played his card well. His tears was tears of joy not of regret as expressed by him when Singapore exited. 

In his Declaration of Independence speech he was talking of the right of self-determination. Why was LKY talking about self-determination if this was not his strategies to get out of Malaysia? If Singapore was kicked out he could in his speech said so but he didn’t. 

Although it was a mutual agreement for Singapore to exit but I look it differently. It was a political maneuvering by LKY for exit not by mutual exit but by unilateral declaration of independence (UDI). The Separation Agreement was only for presentational purpose only. 

Therefore, reading a politician's thought, politicians normally don't talk straight and we need to read between the lines. In all circumstances, it was truly a coup and a slap on the face of Tunku.

Voon Lee Shan 
14 May 2023

Thursday, 18 May 2023

How democracy works to control our society

*How democracy works to control our society*

Democracy is a tool used by politicians and wealthy entrepreneurs to control the behaviour of people. Democracy is also a tool to rob the resources of the country. The wealthy entrepreneurs will work with the politicians to win elections and to ensure that politicians they support will form the government. 

The wealthy entrepreneurs are willing to pump in any amount of money as long as they can make sure that the politicians whom they support will form the government after elections 

These politicians in gratitude normally will repay these wealthy entrepreneurs with land and licences to rob the resources and wealth of the country. 

But again there is no free lunch 
These wealthy entrepreneurs have to 'buy" the licence, land and mines of the state from the politicians or ministers in power. Here corruption creeps into the system of government.  

The politicians in power and entrepreneurs may also destroy the environment and land of indigenous people of the land. Land alienated to wealthy entrepreneurs may encroach into land of indigenous people. Indigenous people found themselves to become squatters in own land because politicians may pass law to dissolve their rights to the land. The court is also controlled by the politicians and the wealthy entrepreneurs. Therefore indigenous people will find it difficult to fight them in court. 

Indigenous people who are less educated are easily taken to believe that the politicians are sincere to help them when politicians come with sweet words and some honey supplied by the wealthy entrepreneurs during elections. 

The system of democracy is also to ensure the indigenous people remain poor and uneducated so that they could not understand what is happening in the world and so that they become subservient and dependent to their ruling government. 

To non indigenous people, you work for the entrepreneurs from morning until evening and are their "slaves". While you are working these wealthy entrepreneurs could be on holiday or playing golf with the politicians and ministers. You make money for them and they are laughing to the bank. They give your salaries according to their perceived value about you and they keep you comfortable. When you feel comfortable you never wish to come out from your comfort zone. 

Salaried people never be rich because salaries are like drugs which is to keep you happy and you forgot to pursue your financial freedom but just keep on working for the entrepreneurs. 

When you get older or about to retire you then realise you do not have enough saving for your retirement.

Voon Lee Shan 
President Parti Bumi Kenyalang 
17 May 2023

Singapore independence --a coup de


LKY planned Singapore Exit well. It started when he was still in UK studying law with EW Baker. A few other Singaporeans were with him and in his memoire he did mention of his thoughts on how Singapore need to be set free and independent.

To me, LKY knew British wanted Malaysia formed and would not allow Singapore gained independent. David Marshall together with him led a team to UK to ask independence but was not granted. David Marshall kept his words, resigned as Singapore CM if he failed to persuade UK to grant independence. Marshall was confident because he was the counsel in Tunku's team to UK to seek Malaya Independence. At that time Marshall was a lawyer in Kedah if I could recall what I read

Lee Kuan Yew executed planned B after Singapore was not granted independence 

 He came here and sold Malaysia Plan with Tunku. They succeeded. To my thinking, LKY painted a picture that Malaysia was the right move for Singapore but deep in his heart he wanted independence. At that time there was a communist threat in Singapore and LKY also feel safe if Malaysia was formed. 

After Malaysia was formed he then created havoc by his Malaysian Malaysia agenda and Tunku fell into the trap. 

In an article I read Singapore side said it was a peaceful coup de tat and they succeeded to get Singapore out of the federation and declared independent. 

LKY declared Singapore independent before Tunku tabled Singapore Exit in Malaysia Parliament. 

The Separation Bill was rushed into by EW Baker, as directed by LKY. From what I read it seems that LKY was very eager to leave Malaysia. 

 EW Baker was the Singapore AG at that time. Why it was Singapore that drafted and presented the Separation Bill, not Malaya? 

Therefore, for all purposes LKY could have planned and played his card well. His tears was tears of joy not of regret as expressed by him when Singapore exited. 

In his Declaration of Independence speech he was talking of the right of self-determination. Why was LKY talking about self-determination if this was not his strategies to get out of Malaysia? If Singapore was kicked out he could in his speech said so but he didn’t. 

Although it was a mutual agreement for Singapore to exit but I look it differently. It was a political maneuvering by LKY for exit not by mutual exit but by unilateral declaration of independence (UDI). The Separation Agreement was only for presentational purpose only. 

Therefore, reading a politician's thought, politicians normally don't talk straight and we need to read between the lines. In all circumstances, it was truly a coup and a slap on the face of Tunku.

Voon Lee Shan 
14 May 2023

Wednesday, 17 May 2023


虚假独立 有什么值得庆祝的?
(16-05-2023) 转载



 砂拉越统治精英继续其 60 年的欺骗和迷惑人民,说砂拉越获得“独立”,甚至不清楚砂拉越是否曾被英国人合法地自治过。


 在大英殖民帝国存在期间,任何英国殖民地的独立都必须由伦敦的英国议会通过一项法案。 但这从来没有做过。

 有 3 个不同的日期,不同的人声称是 1963 年砂拉越独立的日期。

 一个团体声称是在 1963 年 7 月 22 日,当时英国殖民地总督任命斯蒂芬卡隆宁甘为砂拉越第一任首席部长,并有一些砂拉越人担任内阁成员。

 它不可能是独立的,因为英国人一直控制着该殖民地,直到 1963 年 9 月 16 日。

 第二组声称 1963 年 8 月 31 日是砂拉越获得独立的日期。 由于上述原因,这也不准确。

 最后一组声称,当英国最终放弃对砂拉越的控制并离开时,砂拉越于 9 月 16 日获得独立。 但在同一天,英国人并没有根据 MA63 将砂拉越主权移交给人民,而是移交给马来亚。

 很明显,英国政府从未在 1963 年 9 月 16 日正式授予砂拉越独立。

 根据 MA63 第 1 条和第 4 条,砂拉越只是与北婆罗洲和新加坡一起作为 3 个额外的“州属”转移到马来亚,更名为“马来西亚”。 这正如马来亚联合国代表拿督翁育林在1963年9月16日致联合国秘书长的信中所说。



 GPS 仍然想尊重“受辱”的 MA63,因为他们没有勇气退出。






鉴于:1963 年马来西亚协议 (MA63) 诉讼。

法官 Alexander Siew 将于明天 2023 年 5 月 5 日 0900 时在古晋高等法院就 MA63 诉讼作出裁决。

这是由 11 名砂拉越人提起的诉讼,其中包括寻求法院宣布 MA63 无效。即使有效但由于根本性违约历时或約超过 50 年,马来西亚协议也是等于无效的。

我们的论点含括尤其是沙巴砂拉越和新加坡 (SSS) 仍然英国是殖民地,在签署协议时没有法律定位与英国签署协议。我们的论点基于国际法院于 2019 年 2 月 25 日提交的查戈斯群岛案。殖民地总检察长 PEH Pike 也持相同与附和此观点。


我们还认为Cobbold(科博尔德)委员会报告被用来克服閃避联合国大会第 1514 号决议是一种欺诈行为。 Cobbold 委员会当中,沒有一位成员能深諳和拥有理解砂拉越人民的当地方言或语言。他们是被精心挑选出来提供有利的报告,以确保马来西亚的成立。没有 Cobbold 委员会的报告,就不可能起草提供各方签署的马来西亚协议。

菲律宾和印度尼西亚反对马来西亚成立,因为它不遵守国际规则; 包括没有实施国际法之要求沙巴和砂拉越人民决定他们和国家命运的公民投票。



數名原告在抗击非法成立大马时遭到当局骚扰。迫于骚扰,他们只好躲进丛林。我们知道许多民族主义者不得不离开砂拉越,自我流放海外。 Ubong Anak Nuing 是为数不多的人之一,他是砂拉越恢复独立国家的伟大战士。当他被当局追捕时,他拿起武器自卫。我被告知根据国际法,为保卫国家而被追捕的人有权拿起武器自卫。这是在保护生命的规则下。 《刑法》还允许在受到拥有强大武器的人的攻击时进行自卫。那些躲藏起来的人武装配备很差,无法保护自己。双方火力非常不均。

Ubong Anak Nuing Wen Ming Qiun 和 Bong Kee Chok (黃紀作)被打上共产主义者或恐怖分子的烙印,因为他们拿起武器为其认为是他们的权利而战——挑战马来西亚成立的权利。他们与 SUPP(砂拉越人民联合党) 中的许多其他人并不希望马来西亚成立。




4 May, 2023
*Sent to Reporters*

Dear Good Friend Reporters, 

Re: Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) Suit.

Justice Alexander Siew will deliver decision on MA63 Suit tomorrow 5 May 2023 at 0900hrs in High Court Kuching. 

This is a Suit filed by 11 Sarawakians seeking inter alia the court to declare MA63 as null and void. Even if valid but due to fundamental breaches or past over 50 years, the Malaysia Agreement is void. 

Our arguments inter alia was that Sabah Sarawak and Singapore (SSS) being still colonies had no legal capacity to sign the Agreement with UK as at the time of signing the Agreement, SSS being still colonies of UK had no legal capacity to sign the Agreement. We based our argument on the Chagos Islands case delivered by INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE on 25 February 2019. The colonial Attorney General PEH Pike also opined/echoed the same. 

We also argued that the High Court has jurisdiction to hear the suit on the grounds that this court existed even before Malaysia was formed .It was previously called High Court of Borneo which is now renamed High Court of Sabah and Sarawak only recently. 

We also argued that Cobbold Commission Report was use to overcome United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 was a fraud. None of the members in the Cobbold Commission were able to understand the local dialects or languages of peoples of Sarawak. They were handpicked to give favourable Report to ensure Malaysia be formed. Without the Cobbold Commission Report there could not be a Malaysia Agreement being drafted to be signed by the parties.

The Philippines and Indonesia were against the formation of Malaysia because it didn't follow international rules. There was no referendum as required by international law for peoples of Sabah and Sarawak to decide their fate and the fate of their countries. The Borneo confrontation in 1963 - 1965 from Indonesia was because Indonesia was against Malaysia being formed illegally. This led to peace talk called Manila Accord in which Tunku promised to hold a referendum for Borneo people to decide their fate but this was not done until today. On these few grounds and legal points I was advised by law professors and some foreign lawyers that Malaysia was a fraud. 

The 11 plaintiffs were aware of the formation of Malaysia was not constituted in accordance with international law then took up the Suit to sue the Sarawak and federal governments 
The UK government had been served the court documents through the British High Commissioner in Kuala Lumpur but UK government did no response or appeared in court. 

A few of the plaintiffs were harassed by the authorities when they fought against the unlawful formation of Malaysia. Being harassed they had no choice but went into hiding in the jungle. We know many nationalists had to leave Sarawak and self exiled themselves overseas. Ubong Anak Nuing among the few, was a great fighter for Sarawak be restored as an independent Nation. He took arms to defend himself as he was hunted by the authorities. I was advised under international law, a person who is hunted in defence of his country has a right to defend himself by taking up arms. This is under the rule to preservation of life. The Penal Code also allows self defence when under attack by persons with superior arms. Those who went into hiding were very poorly armed to protect themselves. There was unequally of fire power. 

Ubong Anak Nuing Wen Ming Qiun and Bong Kee Chok were branded as communists or terrorists because they took arms to fight for what they believe was their rights - the right to challenge the formation of Malaysia. They didn't with many others in SUPP want Malaysia be formed. 

But history is written by the victors.

You may wish to attend the delivery of the decision by the learned Justice. 

Yours sincerely & respectfully 

Voon Lee Shan
Counsel for the Plaintiffs
4 May, 2023

MA63 Suit, Whether Court Has Jurisdiction to Hear


Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) was signed before Malaysia was formed The Malaysian Court was not in existence at that time although there was a High Court of Borneo and High Court of Malaya existing at that time 

We had filed a Suit against the two retired Judges who were not Sarawakians to practise as Lawyers in Sarawak but we lost. Under MA63 no lawyer who is a Sarawakian could practise law in Sarawak. Therefore MA63 gave protection against Lawyers outside Sarawak to practise here. But the federal constitution and the Advocates Ordinance gave certain leeway for floodgates to be opened. There was no full protection by the constitution and Advocates Ordinance which in spirit to my opinion is against MA63. 

The suit against the two retired judges were filed because we want to know how the court would decide on matters protected by MA63.

We lost the case but the court did not touch on issue of court's JURISDICTION to hear cases protected under MA63. With that, it is not sure how the court will rule on issue of jurisdiction in our MA63 SUIT.

If the court rules it has no jurisdiction to hear matters touching on MA63 then the MA63 Suit filed by us under 11 plaintiffs would be struck out on this ground alone. 

If the court decides that it has jurisdiction the court will look into other grounds if the court decides to strike our case out. 

Voon Lee Shan 
14 May 2023

Saturday, 13 May 2023

重拳出击(三)James Chin Podcast 5

重拳出击(三):James Chin Podcast 5
1. JC Fong认为MA63或许不完美,但这世间没有完美的事。这就激发我无限的思考。我认为MA63契约是完全违反国际法而失效。这是一个有极度缺陷不完美协议。




2. James Chin也完全认同沙砂人民对马联邦不满是有根据的,因为马联邦否决SS/沙砂自主权和剥夺他们的权益。马联邦完全不尊重和遵守MA63协定。 我认为这种不满已经达到愤怒不已水平。


3. JC Fong 认为在马联邦法院是有机会进行补救的。针对MA63协定中,沙砂拥有特殊权益保障,不受尊重时,可以提交诉讼上法院。 于是,他就提起(A)Robert Linggi (前警察)对沙巴拥有委任沙巴大法官的权力被剥夺时提交诉讼上沙巴高等法院。David Wong(法官)说他有法定资格,所以,法庭判他胜诉。但是,联邦政府上诉,他在上诉庭被否决,而且还不允许他上诉,说他没有法定资格。


B).. Ting Check Sii 和.. Tofail Mahmud 即使在Putrajaya法院审理,他们有权力要求砂律师处理他们的法律案件。凡是源自砂拉越的案件在KL审理,沙砂人就是有这种权力。沙砂的法律案件不管在SS或KL,我们就是有这种权力要求沙砂律师审理。

C) 另一宗是有关Sugumar Balakrisnan被禁止入境沙巴而提交诉讼上沙巴高等法庭,败诉后,他上诉到联邦法庭。联邦法庭的判决是尊重SS拥有特殊移民权。最后,沙移民庭强势禁止Sugumar入境沙巴。



4. James认为SS政府从来未用过。

JC Fong辩护说在砂前首长Adenan 时代开始一直有诉求。譬如,联邦教育和医疗服务非常不到位。教育系统不良,砂有无数残校,破坏不堪,没钱重建。医疗服务和设备在Covid-19的肆虐下,更是暴露无遗。所以,Fong认为马联邦一定要权力下放。 


5. James述说在Najib任相时有设立处理MA63课题的委员会。到希盟时也有窜联级别的委员会。 他质疑以法律处理是否会让人觉得法律超越政治呢? 这些委员会所探讨的超过一半是权力下放而非MA63课题。



马来亚 ----------------》869亿令吉
沙巴--------------------》 65亿令吉
砂拉越------------------》 56亿令吉



重拳出击(二)James Chin Podcast 5

重拳出击(二)James Chin Podcast 5

JC Fong 说Chagos 岛和砂拉越情况截然不同。





因此,英国政府在1965年要求Mauritius 割让Chagos 岛给英国以交换独立是违反联合国大会通过的宪章。

随着时间转移,Mauritius 政府发现英国政府触犯国际法要求割让Chagos 岛以换取Mauritius 独立。

Mauritius 政府在2000年后期,就提交上诉,2019年2月25日,终于获得平反。联合国国际法院的咨询意见后,Chagos 岛就完璧归赵。








JC Fong 提到中菲在南中国海的纷争提交上国际仲裁庭



他是认同Cobbold Commission 调查结果。沙砂当时人口大约有百多万。他们只调查4000多人。三分之一同意参组马联邦,三分之一不同意,还有三分之一没意见。可是,调查结果是大多数沙砂人同。








重拳出击(一)James Chin Podcast 5

重点出击谈James Chin Podcast 5 访问Dato Sri JC Fong.



对这两道题,砂人民都有答案了。砂政府就是有法定资格,因它拥有砂议会82席位中76席位。 砂政府有资格提交MA63契约上联合国的国际法院/ICJ。











总而言之,把MA63协议提交上联合国的国际法院判决才是最最佳,if Justice means being just and fair after checking all the justification for the judgement.

Thursday, 11 May 2023



我看GPS官爷们似乎也很想独立。可是,就是没什么勇气,所以,只好放纵于玩游戏。装模作样create很多 make-believes。








其实,砂政盟要独立, 就走这三步曲:




Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Podcast 5: Dato Sri JC Fong

马来西亚协议 / MA63                                                            
播客第 5 期:Dato Sri JC Fong


James:今天我非常高兴地邀请砂拉越前总检察长拿督斯里 冯裕中前来我的播客做客。他写了几本关于联邦与州关系的书。最新一期由 Law Publisher 出版,内容涉及马来西亚联邦和砂拉越的关系。


正如我所提到的,我已经尽可能跟无数 的专家就MA63 相关的问题进行了交谈。如您所知,它引起了相当大的争议,尤其是在沙巴和砂拉越。很多很多团体都对沙砂人对马来西亚联邦政府不满归咎联邦政府没有覆行 MA63协议规定的项目而引起的。也许,沙砂人应该根据国际法寻求法律补救措施。


我们就试图执行已注册为联合国契约的MA63协议条文。 联邦政府不按照协议规定办事,在国际法中有哪些补救措施?




我认为英国政府不想再参与其中,因为他们已经授予*(1)沙砂独立并在英国议会通过了《马来西亚法》以按照 MA63 中的约定授予主权。他们还将砂拉越殖民统治期间的砂拉越的所有财产权授予新的砂拉越邦,作为联邦内的一个邦。他们把以前拥有的一切还给了我们。这就是我们现在讨论的的课题。



JC Fong:*(2)可是砂拉越的情况不同。在你去国际法院之前,当事方必须接受其判决权。否则,我们将陷入*(3)中菲之争。尽管菲律宾获得了有利的判决,但中国政府并不承认。

JCFong:到目前为止,砂拉越和沙巴的情况也是如此。 沙砂人民同意加入马来西亚联邦的过程是在 MA63 签署之前进行的。



1963 年 6 月,在 3 级制度下进行了地方选举:


然后英国按照惯例于 1963 年 7 月 22 日授予砂拉越*(6)自治政府,我们的首席部长和我们的内阁在上述日期宣誓就职。




现在取决于我们如何让MA63协议发挥作用,并确保 MA63 中达成的任何协议都得到今天的联邦政府的应有的尊重。

James Chin:很明显,沙砂人民对联邦与沙砂邦国之间关系的不满一定是有根据的,沙砂人民觉得他们被联邦政府欺负了。他们觉得他们没有保留 SS 的自治权力和应享的权益(10)。


在 MA63 中协定的内容以及为沙砂邦国的特殊利益所协定的特殊保障措施应得到该有的尊重。
沙巴的许多拟议案件,如Robert Linggi(沙巴警察)的案件和David Wong(法官)所说的马来西亚人在某种程度上对联邦政府忽视和不遵守 MA63 的协定,可以将此事告上沙巴高等法庭。 可是,联邦政府上诉时,上诉庭裁定 Robert Linggi 没有诉讼法定资格。

因此,人们必须为这一判断感到欣慰。那些拥有诉讼法定资格的人可以针对联邦政府有任何违反 MA63协定 的行为向法院寻求补救(11)。

还有一些其他案件,例如 Datuk Ting Check Sii 和 Dato Tun Tofail Mahmud 对于马来西亚律师在 沙砂 法院审理案件,包括源自沙砂的案件在 Putrajaya 审理的出庭权。

他们拒绝Tan Sri Tommy Thomas出庭审理他们案件的权利,即使是在吉隆坡开庭审理。

在移民问题上有 Sugumar Balakrisnan起诉,但砂拉越强行使用移民的自主权禁止 他 进入砂拉越。



例如,旅游业在 1963 年 9 月 16 日之前已列入邦立法名单。当联邦政府在 1994 年进行修正时,他们将旅游业从残留列表中取出并放入联邦列表(13)而不是共同列表中。因此,他们剥夺了对旅游业有巨大兴趣的沙巴,伤害了即将建立其旅游业的砂拉越。




JCFong:嗯,我们从Tan Sri Adenan时代(16)开始就一直在要求,因为我们觉得教育系统不够好,学校落后,破旧不堪,我们没有钱重建它们。卫生服务还有很多不足之处。

当前的 Covid-19 大流行暴露了其中的许多缺点。所以联邦必须有一定程度的权力下放(17)。

James:当你谈到权力下放时,我假设你是在谈论联邦政府没有履行责任而使沙砂人民不满,这些责任和不满始于首相纳吉任期,他设立了处理 MA63 问题的委员会。然后在希盟政府的领导下,他们也有串联级别的委员会(17)来处理这个问题。


当您查看已讨论的问题时,超过一半的问题不是 MA63 的一部分,而是像您提到的权力下放的行政问题。

JCF: No. 1 两个行政单位想研究如何处理沙砂人民的不满,以收回一些失去的权利或自治权。两届政府都公开表示希望看到好的决议得以实现。

我一直持着怀疑的态度。由于我已经参与其中多年,所以我看不到太多或坦率的说,联邦政府必须有政治意愿(18)来执行在 MA63 中达成的协议,以消除这些不满,不知何故,谈MA63契约的课题使我们看到马来西亚联邦陷入同样不得安宁或问题。


根据马来西亚法令,联邦政府在马来西亚日保留的任何砂土地,如果不再用于联邦用途,必须归还给 砂拉越。相反,联邦政府却使用代理机构将砂土地私有化。


JCFong:我们不排除任何可能性。我们已经将他们告上法庭,例如,Petronas 在 2018 年的销售税问题上。他们试图阻止我们使用砂法律来规范石油和天然气行业。我们拒绝了服从他们的指令,告上法庭,他们失败了。我们将看到接下来会发生什么。




JCFong:几十年来,PDA74 的合法性和合宪性一直是一个有争议性的课题。双方都有争议论点。一些人从砂拉越的立场认为,联邦政府利用 PDA建立起的国油公司 试图将他们对矿产和土地的权利运用在砂拉越边界内。PDA只是联邦宪法 A32 规定的探索性法律,但是对于对此类措施该法律要求国油必须给予足够的补偿,在宪法上才生效。

没有人能说 5% 的现金支付是足够的补偿。在 1975 年签署的任何文件中(19),也从未如此表示。

其次,PDA74 影响了在马来西亚日之前或在国际边界内属于国家财产的土地上的自然资源。该措施在砂拉越就是违宪(20)的,因为那只不过是联邦议会获得了这种权力。

反对意见认为是当时的 首长 签署了砂石油权力归属令(21)。石油权力归属令是否对绝对归属国油所有权产生效果,这本身就是一个有争议的问题。

争论点之一是:国油能否在不遵守砂法律的情况下行使这些权利?根据《石油开采条例》/OMO 或马来西亚成立之前的法律,根据《马来西亚法》第 73 条,在马来西亚日之后继续执行的砂法律。

没有采矿名单,任何人都不能在砂拉越及其大陆架开采石油,因此马来西亚国家石油公司在其 PDA 条款中从未拥有不必遵守砂法律的豁免权(21)。

给予国油的唯一豁免是它不必遵守马来西亚联邦的 1966 年石油开采法。该法案可以适用于砂拉越。

这些争论点需要解决。我本人已向两位联邦总检察长TanSri Affandi Ali和Tan Sri Tommy Thomas建议解决这些问题。两种方式之一:一种方式是上庭(21)。由联邦法院根据联邦宪法A1281(B)条文行使其原本管辖权来决定联邦与砂之间的争端,或者如果您想要更友好的诉讼类型,请在A130法令 下寻求联邦法院的咨询意见。


James:砂拉越政府为什么不自己寻求对这个问题的司法答案吗?为什么我们需要咨询联邦 总监察长?






哦,当我当着沙巴人提出这个,他们既不反对也不支持。通常,沙巴让砂拉越先完成所有工作后才跟着去做,像有关SST 课题。



回顾过去 50 年来,砂从未采取所有这些法律补救措施,联邦层面几乎没有任何政治意愿。未来,联邦与砂关系的最佳前进方式是什么。我们知道过去十年以来,由于社交媒体的兴起,社会活跃分子的数量大幅增加,越来越多的沙砂人对这个课题感到愤怒。


James:我的最后一个问题与去年 4 月发生的极具争议的事情有关,希盟政府领导下的联邦议会希望象征性地修改措辞,将措辞恢复到 1963 年的措辞。对许多人来说,在将那些词语放回法律里显而易见纯粹只是象征性而已。



JCFong:嗯,就我而言,对 A1(2) 的修正案没有任何区别,因为我们的权利、我们的特殊保障和我们的自主权不会通过仅仅象征性地改变第 1(2) 条来解决。



基本上,我们想要比第 1(2) 条或追究 MA63 或其他更多的变化。我们希望将其中的内容纳入MA63协议其中,以便将旅游业与环境一起列入共同列表。我们希望一些执行,譬如将土地归还砂、某些土族习俗土地课题等等的规定。







JCFong:宪法唯一要求做的是每 5 年审查给予这两个州的特别拨款和收入来源,但却在 1970 年代停止了(24)。

在我1997年任职期间,当时Datuk Anwar担任财政部长,我们提出了这个课题。他说他要的会议是秘书长来处理这件事,最后,就不了了之。在Tan Sri Adenan任职期间,当前谈判开始时,要审查这是他提出首要课题之一。他们说这是他们要检讨的法案,例如土地交易的印花税等等。


The Malaysian Agreement 1963/ MA63                                     
Podcast No. 5: Dato Sri JC Fong
Their points of view and my understanding

So today I am really pleased to welcome this podcast with Dato Sri JC Fong , the former Attorney-General of Sarawak. He has written a few books dealing with the Federal-State relations. The most recent one is published by Law Publisher concerning Federal-State in Sarawak.

Thank you very much for your presence on my podcast.

As I mentioned to you, I have talked to as many experts as possible about the issues relating to the MA63. As you know it has caused a fair bit of controversy especially in Sabah and Sarawak. And many and many groups blamed that because of unhappiness over MA63. Perhaps, they should seek legal remedies under international laws.
Can I have your opinions on these issues?

What sort of remedies are we thinking about?

What remedies are available in international laws in terms of trying to enforce a treaty like MA63, which, no doubt, is registered as a treaty of the United Nations?

Which international tribunal is able to grant any remedies that can be enforced?  

These are the problems we have in terms of seeking remedies what some people say to be a breach of MA63 as an international treaty?

Another point is:
Who has the Locus Standi to go to seek these remedies and whom are we going to name as respondents of such proceedings?

I don’t think the UK government wants to be the party to it anymore as far as they are concerned they had granted the independence and passed the Malaysia Act in the UK parliament to vest sovereignity as agreed in MA63. They also vested all the rights to property existed in Sarawak during the colonial administration in Sarawak to the new State of Sarawak as a State within the Federation. They had given us back everything they previously had.

That is the issue that we have now.

As I mentioned earlier, under international law, remedies as you mentioned are usually quite difficult. Another to note is that if you want to go to ICJ, it will only take cases of sovereign nations.

A lot of people got very excited last year (2019), because they claimed that there is a precedent now. That was an advisory opinion issued from ICJ in relation to the Chagos Case.

  JC Fong: 
The circumstances are different in Sarawak. Before you can go to the ICJ, the party must submit to its jurisdiction. Otherwise, we will end up in the dispute like the one between China and the Philippines. Though the Philippines got the judgement to its favour, the Chinese government does not recognise it.

Now in so far the situation in Sarawak and for the matter Sabah as well. The process of getting the people of SS/SabahSarawak to agree to join the Federation of Malaysia was undertaken before MA63 was signed.

Whatever maybe the defects / shortcomings of fact-finding issues including the ones by the United Nations just before the Malaysia Day.

The findings do show the majority of the population of the two Borneo States agreed to be part of the Federation of Malaysia.

In June, 1963m there was a local election conducted under 3-tier system:
Municipal Level
Divisional Level
Council Negri Level

The outcome of the election showed also that the majority of the people/representatives were in favour of Malaysia.

Then British in accordance to the normal practice granted us self-government on 22nd July, 1963 with our own chief Minister and our Cabinet sworn in on the said date.

So effectively, what happened was the self-government which had the executive authority to a large extent to over the state took the decision to pass a motion in the Council Negri which effectively agreed to the formation of Malaysia and recified the MA63 which was signed by its representatives in London.

So with all these, it is difficult to argue that we are in the same position as the Chagos Case.

I think if we take all these factors into consideration, it is difficult to unwind what has been decided already by our forefathers.

Maybe it is imperfect but in this world nothing is perfect.

It is up to us now how to make it work and to make sure for whatever has been agreed in MA63 is duely honoured by the Federal Government of today.

James Chin:
Obviously this unhappiness in SS people over federal-State relationship, there must be some basis to it , SS people feel that they are being bullied by the Federal Government. They feel that they have not kept the issue of autonomies for SS.

If international group is not available, are there any legal remedies available in the domestic court?

In the Malaysian Court, there are opportunities: 
What was agreed in MA63 and what was agreed to be the Special safeguards for the special interests of SS to be duely honoured.

Many of the proposed cases of Sabah like the case of Robert Linggi (Sabah police)and what David Wong (judge) said Malaysians who are in some way agreed by the way MA63 is implemented may take the matter to court. Of course, on an appeal, the court decided that Robert Linggi had no Locus Standi.

So one must take comfort for that judgement. For somebody who has the Locus Standi can go to the court to seek remedy for any breach of MA63.

There are some other cases as well like the case Datuk Ting Check Sii & Dato Tun Tofail Mahmud over the rights of audience by way of Malaysian lawyers before the court of SS including the case originating from SS to be heard in Putrajaya.  

And they denied Tan Sri Tommy Thomas the right to appear in that case even though it was to be heard in Kuala Lumpur.

There is Sugumar Balakrisnan over the immigration matter where the autonomy of SS over immigration was held forcefully to bar the entry of Sugumar Balakrisnan to Sarawak.

So I think overall, when the case is properly made up to the court to safeguard the special interest of SS, the court would not fail your order.

There are cases of unhappiness, of course, occur as time goes by, with the new breed of politicians coming, new administrators, make them forget about the special rights, safeguards and privileges accord to the Borneo States. It is true to some extent, there is an erosion of the rights of SS.

For instance, tourism, was on state legislative list before 16/9/1963. When they made an amendment in 1994, they took it from the Residue List to be put in Federal List instead of Concurrence List. So they deprived Sabah which has vast interests in tourism whereas Sarawak was about to establish its tourism industry.

Such a big setback, there are things like that. There are provisions in the constitution for some executive authority to be transfered to the States of SS and for federal to fund the performance of the executive duties or responsibilities on behalf of the federal government.

If money given is not enough to do so, it would be brought before a tribunal appointed by Chief Justice of Malaysia. All these structures are in place.

But there have never been used.

Well, we have been asking for it since the time of Tan Sri Adenan because we felt that the education system was not good enough and the schools were lagged in dilapidated states and we had no money to rehabitate them. The health service left much to be desired.

The current Covid-19 pandemic exposes many of these shortcomings. So there has to be some degree of decentralisation.

When you talk about decentralisation, I am assuming you are talking about the federal government’s responsibilities and unhappiness which started from Najib’s premiership who set up the committee dealing with the issues of MA63. Then under the PH government, they also had the tandem level of committee to deal with the issue.   

I am assuming that if you think that it is a good way handling the issue or it is another way to cabal the legal issue over the political issue.   

What is your thinking on this federal committee?
When you look at the sort of issues that have been discussed, more than half of the issues are not part of MA63 but rather administrative issues of decentralisation like what you have mentioned.

No. 1 The two administrations want to look into how to deal with he grievances of SS to reclaim some of the lost rights or autonomies. Both administration, publicly said that would want to see good resolutions to achieve

I have always been a sceptic. I don’t see much or be quite frank as I have been involved in it for many years. There must be a political will to implement what has been agreed in MA63 to dissolve these grievances, somehow rather it falls into the same sort of malaise or the problems we see in Malaysia.  

As I always say that there are a lot of taskforce but they have tasks but no force. They can say whatever they want. But when it comes to implementation, there is no political will on the part of the federal government when we brought up the issues of SS to resolve.  

Under the Malaysia Act, any land reserved on Malaysia Day taken by the Federal government, if no longer used for the federal purpose must be returned to SS. On the contrary, the federal government uses an agency to privatise the land.

Why doesn’t Sarawak government challenge this in court?
(JCF was not able to answer it for the Sarawak Government. )

We are not ruling out anything. We have taken them to court, for example, Petronas on the sales tax issue in 2018. They had tried to prevent us from using our State law to regulate the oil and gas industry. We had resisted that and they failed. We would see what develops next. 

I take instructions and I cannot do anything which I am not instructed to.

I am inviting you here to talk on your personal capacity, not on behalf of the Sarawak government.
There are many activists claiming PDA74 to be illegal as CM of Sarawak had no legal right to sign the agreement without the consent of Sarawak Dun.  


Can I have your legal view?

The legality and constitutionality of PDA74 has been a contentious issue for many decades. There are arguments on both sides. Some take the view from the State that PDA74 which seeks to base their rights over mineral and land within the boundary of Sarawak in Petronas is in the way for exploratory law which is under A32 of the Federal Constitution which requires an adequate compensation for such measure to be constitutionally valid.

Nobody can say that the 5% cash payment is adequate compensation. It is never represented as such in any of the documents that was signed in 1975.

Secondly, the PDA74 affected natural resources on land which is the property of the State before Malaysia Day or within the boundary of the State. That measure is unconstitutional because the Federal parliament simply got this power

The counter-argument is that there is a vesting order signed by then the CM. Whether that the vesting order has the effect on absolute vesting on all the rights of petroleum in Petronas is itself a contentious issue.    

Among the points of contention: Can Petronas just exercise those rights without complying to the State laws? The State law under the Oil Mining Ordinance/ OMO or pre-Malaysia law which continues to be re-enforced after Malaysia Day because of Section 73 of Malaysia Act.

Nobody can mine oil in Sarawak and its continental shelf without the mining list, so Petronas has never had in its PDA provision exemption not to comply to the State Laws.

The only exemption given to Petronas is that it does not have to comply to petroleum mining act 1966 of the federation of Malaysia. That act can apply to Sarawak.

These points of contention need to be resolved.  

I myself have proposed to two federal AG Tan Sri Affandi Ali and Tan Sri Tommy Thomas to clear out these issues. One of the two ways: one way is to go to the court. It is for the federal court to exercise its original jurisdiction to decide this dispute between the Federation and State under the A1281 (B) of the Federal Constitution or if you want a more friendly type of litigation, go and seek the advisory opinion of the Federal Court under A130.

These suggestions of mine were brushed off because they were not willing to submit this issue for a judicial interpretation or ruling that would have settled the matter once and for all.

When the judicial decision is reached, then the political leadership can decide what to do in the course of time.

What don’t the Sarawak government seek the judicial answer to this question on its own?
Why do we need to consult the federal AG?

Well, No. 1 we need to get leave of the Federal Court in order to launch it unilaterally. 

We can’t have it because we are the government

We can do that on our own but I am not the one to make decision as I have told you before I only act on instructions.  

Remedy is available. Do we want to pursue?

On the personal level, I would think it is time to put this issue to rest.

By getting a definitive ruling from the higher court of the country, whichever way the decision goes doesn’t matter. At least, there is clarity and there is opportunity for the political leadership at Federal and State levels to see how the matters to be dealt with after the Federal Court has given its opinions. That would be the best way to resolve this dispute. Otherwise, there are a lot of opinions and statements expressed outside. Some of them I found are hilarious.

Can I ask whether these positions you suggest to go to the Federal Court to get a definite answer, is it the same position taken by legal people in Sabah or is this primarily a Sarawak thing? 

Well, when I proposed this when Sabah people were around, they neither objected nor supported it. Usually, Sabah let Sarawak do all the work first in the case of SSD issue.  

They underline the assumption that what applies to Sarawak will apply to Sabah as well.

Can I ask you one final question?
Given all these legal remedies that have not been taken for the last 50 years, there is hardly any political will at Federal level. What is the best way forwards in terms of Federal-State relationship since we know the last ten years, the number of activists have grown substantially because of the rise of social media, more and more are angry over this issue.

Well, I don’t have the answer to that.

I want to stay out of political controversy. I can only point out the way forwards whether my advice is taken up or not is different matter and up to them.

My final question related to highly controversial thing that happened last year in April, the Federal parliament under PH administration wanted to amend symbolically putting the wordings back to 1963 wordings. It is obvious to many laws by putting the words back that are purely symbolic.

Do you think under the new Federal government of Muhyddin, Sabah and Sarawak people are still concerned about the wordings? Or on Sarawak side, they are still concerned to add the words in pursuit of MA63?

Speaking as a legal person, what is your opinion?

Well, on myself on amendments to A1(2) makes no difference because our rights, our special safeguards and our autonomies will not be addressed by just symbolically changing the Article 1(2).

Our State Assembly has put up a proposed bill for the amendment of the Federal Constitution. We have passed this over to the former minister of Law Datuk VK Liu of Sabah.

Unfortunately, although he said that matters would be brought up in April this year (2020), it would not be materialised because of the change of government.

Basically, we want more changes than the Article 1(2) or pursuing MA63 or whatever it is. We want to incorporate there among other things to put Tourism in the Concurrence List together with the environment. We want some reinforcement into the provision of the return of the land to the State, certain native land issue and so on and so forth. 

It is on record in State Assembly’s answers on what the content of the bill ought to be.

I am not sure if the present government will want to entertain it.

Whatever it is, it might be difficult now as the present government does not have a clear cut of the majority to pass a constitutional amendment bill.

The present government is more concerned about the next election than the issue dealing with SS.

Was this amendment or slab of amendment brought up in the Cabinet level of committee set up by PH only dealt with the administrative or decentralisation issues

No, we put it officially, at that time, the steering committee, a level below the Cabinet Committee. It was a joint committee chaired by then Attorney-General and Datuk VK Liu. Subsequently, we got the information that they wanted to table the bill to incorporate some or all the bills we had proposed into the constitutional amendment bill in April. But they were not materialised.

Everything was not done according to plan
Sabah, Sarawak and Federal government were supposed to meet 10 years after the signing of the agreement in 1963.VWhy was the Sarawak government never asked for the meeting?

The only thing the constitution requires to do is 5 yearly review of the special grants and revenue sources given to the two States but it stopped in 1970s.

During my tenure in 1997, we brought the matter up when Datuk Sri Anwar Ibrahim was the Finance Minister. He said that the meeting he wanted was the Secretary-General to deal with the matter and we heard nothing.

On the onset of the current negotiation during Tan Sri Adenan Satem’s time, it was one of the top issue he brought up for review. They said it was a bill they wanted to review it like the stamp duty on land transaction and so on.

They had drafted the procedural rules for such a review to take place and Sabah also agreed to it . But then the Federal Finance Ministry, under Mr Ling Guan Eng did not agree. The Finance Minister in its last budget suddenly said it topped up the sum of certain amount of special grants without calling for a meeting, so there was no proper review.

Monday, 8 May 2023


沙巴砂劳越和新加坡是送给马来亚的礼物,马来亚从 1963 年 9 月 16 日起正式改名为马来西亚。法律专家认为,沙巴和砂劳我现在是马来亚的殖民地。

Sabah Sarawak and Singapore were a gift to Malaya which then took a new name Malaysia effectively from 16 September 1963. Legal experts opined that Ssbah and Sarawak now are colonies of Malaya.


东姑在接获“Britian's gift to Malaysia" 电报后,回复桑迪斯的电报里说:


The transcript of the video Podcast 5

The Malaysian Agreement / MA63 7/5/23 
Podcast No. 5: Dato Sri JC Fong
Their points of view and my understanding

So today I am really pleased to welcome this podcast with Dato Sri JC Fong , the former Attorney-General of Sarawak. He has written a few books dealing with the Federal-State relations. The most recent one is published by Law Publisher concerning Federal-State in Sarawak.

Thank you very much for your presence on my podcast.

As I mentioned to you, I have talked to as many experts as possible about the issues relating to the MA63. As you know it has caused a fair bit of controversy especially in Sabah and Sarawak. And many and many groups blamed that because of unhappiness over MA63. Perhaps, they should seek legal remedies under international laws.
Can I have your opinions on these issues?

What sort of remedies are we thinking about?

What remedies are available in international laws in terms of trying to enforce a treaty like MA63, which, no doubt, is registered as a treaty of the United Nations?

Which international tribunal is able to grant any remedies that can be enforced?  

These are the problems we have in terms of seeking remedies what some people say to be a breach of MA63 as an international treaty?

Another point is:
Who has the Locus Standi to go to seek these remedies and whom are we going to name as respondents of such proceedings?

I don’t think the UK government wants to be the party to it anymore as far as they are concerned they had granted the independence and passed the Malaysia Act in the UK parliament to vest sovereignity as agreed in MA63. They also vested all the rights to property existed in Sarawak during the colonial administration in Sarawak to the new State of Sarawak as a State within the Federation. They had given us back everything they previously had.

That is the issue that we have now.

As I mentioned earlier, under international law, remedies as you mentioned are usually quite difficult. Another to note is that if you want to go to ICJ, it will only take cases of sovereign nations.

A lot of people got very excited last year (2019), because they claimed that there is a precedent now. That was an advisory opinion issued from ICJ in relation to the Chagos Case.

  JC Fong: 
The circumstances are different in Sarawak. Before you can go to the ICJ, the party must submit to its jurisdiction. Otherwise, we will end up in the dispute like the one between China and the Philippines. Though the Philippines got the judgement to its favour, the Chinese government does not recognise it.

Now in so far the situation in Sarawak and for the matter Sabah as well. The process of getting the people of SS/SabahSarawak to agree to join the Federation of Malaysia was undertaken before MA63 was signed.

Whatever maybe the defects / shortcomings of fact-finding issues including the ones by the United Nations just before the Malaysia Day.

The findings do show the majority of the population of the two Borneo States agreed to be part of the Federation of Malaysia.

In June, 1963m there was a local election conducted under 3-tier system:
Municipal Level
Divisional Level
Council Negri Level

The outcome of the election showed also that the majority of the people/representatives were in favour of Malaysia.

Then British in accordance to the normal practice granted us self-government on 22nd July, 1963 with our own chief Minister and our Cabinet sworn in on the said date.

So effectively, what happened was the self-government which had the executive authority to a large extent to over the state took the decision to pass a motion in the Council Negri which effectively agreed to the formation of Malaysia and recified the MA63 which was signed by its representatives in London.

So with all these, it is difficult to argue that we are in the same position as the Chagos Case.

I think if we take all these factors into consideration, it is difficult to unwind what has been decided already by our forefathers.

Maybe it is imperfect but in this world nothing is perfect.

It is up to us now how to make it work and to make sure for whatever has been agreed in MA63 is duely honoured by the Federal Government of today.

James Chin:
Obviously this unhappiness in SS people over federal-State relationship, there must be some basis to it , SS people feel that they are being bullied by the Federal Government. They feel that they have not kept the issue of autonomies for SS.

If international group is not available, are there any legal remedies available in the domestic court?

In the Malaysian Court, there are opportunities: 
What was agreed in MA63 and what was agreed to be the Special safeguards for the special interests of SS to be duely honoured.

Many of the proposed cases of Sabah like the case of Robert Linggi (Sabah police)and what David Wong (judge) said Malaysians who are in some way agreed by the way MA63 is implemented may take the matter to court. Of course, on an appeal, the court decided that Robert Linggi had no Locus Standi.

So one must take comfort for that judgement. For somebody who has the Locus Standi can go to the court to seek remedy for any breach of MA63.

There are some other cases as well like the case Datuk Ting Check Sii & Dato Tun Tofail Mahmud over the rights of audience by way of Malaysian lawyers before the court of SS including the case originating from SS to be heard in Putrajaya.  

And they denied Tan Sri Tommy Thomas the right to appear in that case even though it was to be heard in Kuala Lumpur.

There is Sugumar Balakrisnan over the immigration matter where the autonomy of SS over immigration being used forcefully to bar the entry of Sugumar Balakrisnan to Sarawak.

So I think overall, when the case is properly made up to the court to safeguard the special interest of SS, the court would not fail your order.

There are cases of unhappiness, of course, occur as time goes by, with the new breed of politicians coming, new administrators, make them forget about the special rights, safeguards and privileges accord to the Borneo States. It is true to some extent, there is an erosion of the rights of SS.

For instance, tourism, was on state legislative list before 16/9/1963. When they made an amendment in 1994, they took it from the Residue List to be put in Federal List instead of Concurrence List. So they deprived Sabah which has vast interests in tourism whereas Sarawak was about to establish its tourism industry.

Such a big setback, there are things like that. There are provisions in the constitution for some executive authority to be transfered to the States of SS and for federal to fund the performance of the executive duties or responsibilities on behalf of the federal government.

If money given is not enough to do so, it would be brought before a tribunal appointed by Chief Justice of Malaysia. All these structures are in place.

But there have never been used.

Well, we have been asking for it since the time of Tan Sri Adenan because we felt that the education system was not good enough and the schools were lagged in dilapidated states and we had no money to rehabitate them. The health service left much to be desired.

The current Covid-19 pandemic exposes many of these shortcomings. So there has to be some degree of decentralisation.

When you talk about decentralisation, I am assuming you are talking about the federal government’s responsibilities and unhappiness which started from Najib’s premiership who set up the committee dealing with the issues of MA63. Then under the PH government, they also had the tandem level of committee to deal with the issue.   

I am assuming that if you think that it is a good way handling the issue or it is another way to cabal the legal issue over the political issue.   

What is your thinking on this federal committee?
When you look at the sort of issues that have been discussed, more than half of the issues are not part of MA63 but rather administrative issues of decentralisation like what you have mentioned.

No. 1 The two administrations want to look into how to deal with he grievances of SS to reclaim some of the lost rights or autonomies. Both administration, publicly said that would want to see good resolutions to achieve

I have always been a sceptic. I don’t see much or be quite frank as I have been involved in it for many years. There must be a political will to implement what has been agreed in MA63 to dissolve these grievances, somehow rather it falls into the same sort of malaise or the problems we see in Malaysia.  

As I always say that there are a lot of taskforce but they have tasks but no force. They can say whatever they want. But when it comes to implementation, there is no political will on the part of the federal government when we brought up the issues of SS to resolve.  

Under the Malaysia Act, any land reserved on Malaysia Day taken by the Federal government, if no longer used for the federal purpose must be returned to SS. On the contrary, the federal government uses an agency to privatise the land.

Why doesn’t Sarawak government challenge this in court?
(JCF was not able to answer it for the Sarawak Government. )

We are not ruling out anything. We have taken them to court, for example, Petronas on the sales tax issue in 2018. They had tried to prevent us from using our State law to regulate the oil and gas industry. We had resisted that and they failed. We would see what develops next. 

I take instructions and I cannot do anything which I am not instructed to.

I am inviting you here to talk on your personal capacity, not on behalf of the Sarawak government.
There are many activists claiming PDA74 to be illegal as CM of Sarawak had no legal right to sign the agreement without the consent of Sarawak Dun.  


Can I have your legal view?

The legality and constitutionality of PDA74 has been a contentious issue for many decades. There are arguments on both sides. Some take the view from the State that PDA74 which seeks to base their rights over mineral and land within the boundary of Sarawak in Petronas is in the way for exploratory law which is under A32 of the Federal Constitution which requires an adequate compensation for such measure to be constitutionally valid.

Nobody can say that the 5% cash payment is adequate compensation. It is never represented as such in any of the documents that was signed in 1975.

Secondly, the PDA74 affected natural resources on land which is the property of the State before Malaysia Day or within the boundary of the State. That measure is unconstitutional because the Federal parliament simply got this power

The counter-argument is that there is a vesting order signed by then the CM. Whether that the vesting order has the effect on absolute vesting on all the rights of petroleum in Petronas is itself a contentious issue.    

Among the points of contention: Can Petronas just exercise those rights without complying to the State laws? The State law under the Oil Mining Ordinance/ OMO or pre-Malaysia law which continues to be re-enforced after Malaysia Day because of Section 73 of Malaysia Act.

Nobody can mine oil in Sarawak and its continental shelf without the mining list, so Petronas has never had in its PDA provision exemption not to co ❤️mply to the State Laws.

The only exemption given to Petronas is that it does not have to comply to petroleum mining act 1966 of the federation of Malaysia. That act can apply to Sarawak.

These points of contention need to be resolved.  

I myself have proposed to two federal AG Tan Sri Affandi Ali and Tan Sri Tommy Thomas to clear out these issues. One of the two ways: one way is to go to the court. It is for the federal court to exercise its original jurisdiction to decide this dispute between the Federation and State under the A1281 (B) of the Federal Constitution or if you want a more friendly type of litigation, go and seek the advisory opinion of the Federal Court under A130.

These suggestions of mine were brushed off because they were not willing to submit this issue for a judicial interpretation or ruling that would have settled the matter once and for all.

When the judicial decision is reached, then the political leadership can decide what to do in the course of time.

What don’t the Sarawak government seek the judicial answer to this question on its own?
Why do we need to consult the federal AG?

Well, No. 1 we need to get leave of the Federal Court in order to launch it unilaterally. 

We can’t have it because we are the government

We can do that on our own but I am not the one to make decision as I have told you before I only act on instructions.  

Remedy is available. Do we want to pursue?

On the personal level, I would think it is time to put this issue to rest.

By getting a definitive ruling from the higher court of the country, whichever way the decision goes doesn’t matter. At least, there is clarity and there is opportunity for the political leadership at Federal and State levels to see how the matters to be dealt with after the Federal Court has given its opinions. That would be the best way to resolve this dispute. Otherwise, there are a lot of opinions and statements expressed outside. Some of them I found are hilarious.

Can I ask whether these positions you suggest to go to the Federal Court to get a definite answer, is it the same position taken by legal people in Sabah or is this primarily a Sarawak thing? 

Well, when I proposed this when Sabah people were around, they neither objected nor supported it. Usually, Sabah let Sarawak do all the work first in the case of SSD issue.  

They underline the assumption that what applies to Sarawak will apply to Sabah as well.

Can I ask you one final question?
Given all these legal remedies that have not been taken for the last 50 years, there is hardly any political will at Federal level. What is the best way forwards in terms of Federal-State relationship since we know the last ten years, the number of activists have grown substantially because of the rise of social media, more and more are angry over this issue.

Well, I don’t have the answer to that.

I want to stay out of political controversy. I can only point out the way forwards whether my advice is taken up or not is different matter and up to them.

My final question related to highly controversial thing that happened last year in April, the Federal parliament under PH administration wanted to amend symbolically putting the wordings back to 1963 wordings. It is obvious to many laws by putting the words back that are purely symbolic.

Do you think under the new Federal government of Muhyddin, Sabah and Sarawak people are still concerned about the wordings? Or on Sarawak side, they are still concerned to add the words in pursuit of MA63?

Speaking as a legal person, what is your opinion?

Well, on myself on amendments to A1(2) makes no difference because our rights, our special safeguards and our autonomies will not be addressed by just symbolically changing the Article 1(2).

Our State Assembly has put up a proposed bill for the amendment of the Federal Constitution. We have passed this over to the former minister of Law Datuk VK Liu of Sabah.

Unfortunately, although he said that matters would be brought up in April this year (2020), it would not be materialised because of the change of government.

Basically, we want more changes than the Article 1(2) or pursuing MA63 or whatever it is. We want to incorporate there among other things to put Tourism in the Concurrence List together with the environment. We want some reinforcement into the provision of the return of the land to the State, certain native land issue and so on and so forth. 

It is on record in State Assembly’s answers on what the content of the bill ought to be.

I am not sure if the present government will want to entertain it.

Whatever it is, it might be difficult now as the present government does not have a clear cut of the majority to pass a constitutional amendment bill.

The present government is more concerned about the next election than the issue dealing with SS.

Was this amendment or slab of amendment brought up in the Cabinet level of committee set up by PH only dealt with the administrative or decentralisation issues

No, we put it officially, at that time, the steering committee, a level below the Cabinet Committee. It was a joint committee chaired by then Attorney-General and Datuk VK Liu. Subsequently, we got the information that they wanted to table the bill to incorporate some or all the bills we had proposed into the constitutional amendment bill in April. But they were not materialised.

Everything was not done according to plan
Sabah, Sarawak and Federal government were supposed to meet 10 years after the signing of the agreement in 1963.VWhy was the Sarawak government never asked for the meeting?

The only thing the constitution requires to do is 5 yearly review of the special grants and revenue sources given to the two States but it stopped in 1970s.

During my tenure in 1997, we brought the matter up when Datuk Sri Anwar Ibrahim was the Finance Minister. He said that the meeting he wanted was the Secretary-General to deal with the matter and we heard nothing.

On the onset of the current negotiation during Tan Sri Adenan Satem’s time, it was one of the top issue he brought up for review. They said it was a bill they wanted to review it like the stamp duty on land transaction and so on.

They had drafted the procedural rules for such a review to take place and Sabah also agreed to it . But then the Federal Finance Ministry, under Mr Ling Guan Eng did not agree. The Finance Minister in its last budget suddenly said it topped up the sum of certain amount of special grants without calling for a meeting, so there was no proper review.