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Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Why UMNO and PBB can stay in power for so long

*My humble analysis on how UNMO & PBB has the staying power to rule the country*

In politics we need loyalists, not people who can turn their gun at you. If you have commanders who turn soldiers under their command at you, you will have to spend much time and energy to deal with them. 

The time and energy spent should be put to better use to fight our enemy.

Why UMNO is strong? Why PBB is strong?

We all know their leaders been fighting criminal charges in court with either their cases withdrawn or been convicted. 

They also know what their leaders had done to the country.

Despite all these, UMNO and PBB remain strong and are still the backbone of BN and GPS. 

This is because they never put their leaders down even if their leaders made mistakes or are weak. They know their leaders are convicted criminals but they praised them and came with Apa Malu Boss Ku! 

They followed their leaders wherever they go and never abandoned them. They never abandoned their party. 

We can also learn how China fell into foreign powers and loss of Macau and Hong Kong. 

We can also learn how China is a very strong nation now. 

This was because there were Chinese who were running dogs for the foreigners to betray their own country. This led to the Opium Wars and China suffered for one hundred years. 

China learned their lessons well. If you go to China, their people never condemn their leaders and country. The last time they condemned their leaders was during Teng Sio Peng time as Premier which led the famous Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989. 

China imposed martial law and sent their army to forcibly suppress the protesters.

Let us not forget our task is to set Sarawak free and independent and we cannot allow ourselves to disagree with our leaders on how to run the party because the leaders are given the mandate by the party members to run the party

We must trust them and we must encourage and support them. We need to survive and to survive we demand strong esprits de corps among members. 

 In politics, no party leaders in any political party wish to see their party collapse. 

Leaders in the Supreme Council and I need your support. As leaders, we expect you to help the party to fight our enemies. Talking is not enough. Unity with no action is not enough. 

Voon Lee Shan 
Parti Bumi Kenyalang

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