砂拉越人的精神状态如何?这就得看多少砂拉越人有身份和文化认同的问题,是否以身为砂拉越人为傲,尊重砂拉越各种族传统文化, 多热心去探讨追究砂拉越历史事迹,期盼砂拉越成为一个独立自主国家。。
砂拉越人的历史在那儿? 在2013年之前,S4S/砂拉越人的砂拉越还未崛起之前,砂拉越人完全被马来亚政府控制,狠狠被洗脑。所以,砂拉越在砂人的脑海中的轮廓是模糊不清的。是的,我的心目中就是这模样。广播媒体不间断的灌输马来西亚是咱们的国家和咱们是马来西亚人。无论如何,当时我心里深处还是完全无法认同跟千里之外的一个土地想成一个国家。
早在2000年之前,个人就在探索,参考现况,总觉得砂拉越完全没有被尊重,是被殖民。这种觉醒还是在初步阶段。是的,我一直有追踪任何新闻涉及砂拉越独立的事。 在2018,我是第一次参加谈论政治的微信群时,我才真正接触和深一层认识砂拉越的历史。透过集体的传播力量,后来,才知道MA63为何物?原来,独立是咱们砂拉越固有的权力,也是人权。
咱们砂拉越情形跟以上我所提到的国家截然不同。咱们是被外邦人假借马来西亚联邦之名来殖民咱们砂沙两邦国,其中有很重其诈骗成分而成立这假联邦。把这些迷途的砂人带回原途,咱们必须加倍努力灌输砂拉越独立理念。让他们相信砂拉越是有100%权力独立。使他们心生这种信念而产生这信仰 ,砂拉越独立大事离咱们还有多远呢?请相信【相信】的力量,信念的重要和信仰的同在完成砂拉越独立程序。 BL
Lost Sarawakians 8422
What is the mental state of Sarawakians? It depends on how Sarawakians accept and identify themselves as Sarawakians culturally and spiritually, whether they are proud to be Sarawakians and respect the traditional culture of various ethnic groups in Sarawak. We are eager to explore and investigate the historical facts of Sarawak, and hope that Sarawak will become an independent country.
Where is the history of Sarawakians? Before 2013, before the S4S/Sarawak for Sarawakians emerged, the minds of Sarawakians were completely controlled by the Malayan government and were severely brainwashed. Therefore, the outline of Sarawak in the minds of Sarawak is vague. Yes, that was what I had in mind once. The mass media constantly instills that Malaysia is our country and that we are Malaysians. In any case, deep down in my heart at that time, I still couldn't identify with Malaysia a country a land thousands of miles away.
As early as 2000, personally, I was exploring and referring to the situation of Sarawak, I always felt that Sarawak was not respected at all and was colonised. This awakening was then in its budding stages. Yes, I had been following any news concerning Sarawak independence. In 2018, when I joined a WeChat group talking about politics for the first time, I really got in touch with and had a deeper understanding of the history of Sarawak. Through the collective power of propagation, only muc later did I know what MA63 is? I found out that Sarawak independence is our intrinsic right, and it is also a human right.
So why don't Sarawakians go independently? The reason is that the current government does not want independence. Look at how many times Abang Johari has said that he will never secede for independence. As long as Abang Johari, the leader, with the advantage of the existing 76 seats, has the will, he can pass a Sarawak independence decree with his team/Sarawak DUN, and then announce to the world, the Sarawak Political Alliance's decision, and at the same time let the United Nations know and apply for membership. The Sarawak Independence Process will be completed then.
For Sarawak to become independent, it must first have the backing of Sarawakians to fully support Sarawak independence, otherwise, everything will be in vain. BL
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