Elected Representatives (YBs) were given, besides elections funds, funds of RM8 million and ministers RM10 million annually for their constituencies. This was disclosed to me in a recent meeting I had with someone who was in the government managing the government fund.
The village headmen and community leaders were appointed and being given allowances to disseminate the regime's propaganda.
They also placed government officers who are aligned to them at key posts in all sections and departments and also in statutory bodies.
We all know all of these led to abuse of the system and an abuse of democracy.
*How could we defeat them?*
Being in a very much disadvantaged position, we need to find ways to dismantle these evils from the root.
We need to destabilise the appointment of village headmen and community leaders. I know many people are not happy with the appointment of village headmen and community leaders because many of those who were appointed had caused miseries in the community. Some led to the breakup of longhouses and the community.
The only way to do this at the moment is to bring the issue of appointment of the village headmen and community leaders to court. My humble opinion is that their appointments are against customs and unconstitutional.
What we need is to get people who are willing to challenge their appointment and persons who are versed in customs to give expert evidence in court of appointment or election of village and community leaders according to customs of community concerned.
Such suits before the court may not incur much costs and people in the community can easily raise the funds needed to get rid of the system.
Another strategy to dismantle the grip of the regime to hold on to power, is nothing more important than to educate the people the evils of the system of giving free lunch to them.
Remember, in politics and in societal influence money and gifts are not free to those who give. They sweat for it and definitely they want to take back what they have invested.
These gifts and free lunch are like baits to catch fish. Once the fish takes the bait, the fish is caught! People who take gifts and money from people in the regime may feel indebted to repay for their "kindness" by putting or retaining them in power. Once they retain or are in power, they use their power to grab what they could of our riches.
Please see what is happening to Sri Lanka now.
I had observed we talked a lot about independence and Sarawak Rights, but, failed to give reasons why independence and freedom are important to us. I can say most Sarawakians are not aware of the loss of marine wealth, oil and gas resources that affected our lives. I asked a very senior politician about these, he was stunned and stuck because he also didn't know!
Some may know but don't feel painful because these losses never came directly from their pocket.
It was disclosed to me we have lost more than RM750 billion of oil and gas but what we only got was about RM45 billion only.
I observe NCR land issues went stale and had lost its effectiveness to stir people's emotions to topple the regime. It went stale because lawyer-politicians who fought NCR cases have their own agenda whose interests are over and above the interests of NCR landowners.
NCR issues only attracts about 42% of Sarawak's population. NCR issues only attracts the dayaks and some malays, but, not the Chinese. Other races could not be bothered about NCR because NCR had nothing to do with them.
Chinese and other races, are Sarawakians but, not natives, have no land in this country but Sarawak is their country.
Sarawakians including the natives should come to their senses that the loss of their country, Sarawak, should be something more painful than losing the NCR land because NCR land which is less than 20% ( which I doubt this much) is only a small portion of the country that we all lost to a foreign country. By losing our country, we lost our NCR land, we also lost our freedom and independence to manage our affairs.
We lost our right to manage our natural wealth and resources including the management of our country and NCR land.
Please help to explain to our people of our rights
Voon Lee Shan
Parti Bumi Kenyalang
22 May 2022
**(温利山 肯雅兰全民党主席
当选的议員除了获得競選基金,每年有八百万选区撥款, 部長則有一千万。这是在我最近与一位在政府中管理政府基金的人会面时向我披露的。
据透露,我们已经损失了超过 7500 亿令吉的石油和天然气,但我们只得到了大约 450 亿令吉。
我观察到 NCR(土著习俗权) 的土地问题已经过时,并且已经失去了煽动人们情绪推翻政权的效力。它已经过时了,因为与 NCR 案件进行抗争的律师-政治家有自己的议程,其利益高于 NCR 土地所有者的利益。
NCR 问题只吸引了砂拉越约 42% 的人口。 NCR 问题只吸引达雅克人和一些马来人,但不吸引華裔。其他种族不能为 NCR 烦恼,因为 NCR 与他们无关。
砂拉越人包括土著应该意识到失去他们的国家砂拉越应该比失去 NCR 土地更痛苦,因为 NCR 土地不到国土 20%(我对此表示怀疑);它只是其中的一小部分。当我们失去我们的国家,我们失去了我们的 NCR 土地,我们也失去了管理我们事务的自由和独立。
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