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Monday, 27 October 2014

Tweets Sinful acts 和 贫穷28/10/2014

Tweets  28/10/2014
“RM56 billion for Education Ministry” (The Borneo Post 11Oct2014) [Najib had this to say to the defaulters, “It is a sin to die without settling one’s debts as the soul will not rest in peace” ]

I really don’t see it to be a sin to die without settling the PTPTN loan as the said policy contains too many terms and conditions "slaughtering" and plundering the students and their parents.

But I really see it an arch sin to die without settling the funds disposed to Mas airline, Proton Saga, other government linked companies endlessly.

Tell us how many RMs in billion these companies have squandered without any sense of guilt, regret and shame.  These sinful acts will for sure bring curses to the said persons and their off-springs for generation and generation to come.

I really see it "a sin to die" without returning the embezzled and swindled taxpayers' money by all those who have laid hands on these allocation funds. 

I really see it "a sin to die" for Najib to indulge himself, ministers and other high ranking officers to amass % in commission in different mega / non-mega projects.  We know why Petronas gave so many shares to Mahathir's son?

I really see it "a sin to die" for squandering, embezzling, swindling and amassing in commission in different projects.  It is so sinful to cover up all these criminal acts/conducts in the Official Confidential Act and any challenge from anybody, you have the Sedition Act to deal with these people.

I really see it "a sin to die" for Najib and the ministers without fulfilling the promises they have made to the people.

I really see it "a sin to die", "a sin to die", "a sin to die", "a sin to die", "a sin to die", "a sin to die", "a sin to die".................for Najib and his miniters.

【联国  12亿人靠不到RM3.8度日】(22/10/2014诗华日报);【正确心态面对贫穷】(外报评论;马来西亚前锋报)这家报关,据我所知,是国阵政府的喉舌,如果没有政府无条件的用人民的税金输入,依我看老早就【关门大吉】了。 那来的机会还在那里讲【风凉话】。  。。。。【其实,一个人并不是在金钱和物质方面,相反的, 真正贫穷的人都是因为缺乏正确的心态。】

作者说很多成功的人都经历很多困苦阻碍,不过经过不断努力才达到成功。  这是【摆在书上的原理】是对和不一定。 12亿人当中,我相信99%是很勤劳的,也经历各种困苦阻碍,也是不断努力,可是。。。。。。他们没有得到良好的【照顾】,因此一直活在【水深火热】中。  贫穷是会【恶性循环】的。 SarawakPenans, 还有其他穷人。

一切以我看都是政策和执行的好/不好的关系。 像在【民主国度】被【霸权化】。 国家资源全被一小撮人霸占。 因此贫富两极化。这是被霸权耍弄后所造成的无数贫穷人。 不是他们心态问题。 这是政策和执行偏差,【民主走样】的问题,资源分配不均的问题。 这跟个人努力不努力;心态没有多少关系的。

那些整天在喊【特权】像土狗们,他们并不贫穷,这真的不代表他们不是很懒惰的一群人。 也不代表他们心态是正确的。 他们有经历什么【骨头】的困苦阻碍的。  还在玩【特权】的我国,有一小撮人不必努力工作也没有阻碍的就有钱财万贯。 从发展金,还有各种拨款管道中尽情偷盗。 【贪污舞弊滥权腐败】是我国很明显的特点之一。 

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