Tweets The Plights of Penan Students 6Oct2014
“A big helping hand”
helping 9 Penan children in cash and kind so that they can continue their
studies at a school 200km – 300km away from home.
I don’t know how many
Penan children have dropped out from school as a result of parents being not
able to pay for the trip of their children to go back to school after the
school break. Each has to pay RM300-RM600 for a trip.
Who are the ministers of
the said areas? With RM1, 000,000 at the
disposal for each BN minister, why are these poor Penans not helped properly?
Who is going to
co-ordinate the various departments to do their work efficiently to help the
needy properly and accordingly?
Who? Tell us!
The BN ministers “reap the
votes” during the election without so little effort to put forth for the
“ploughing”. They use money to buy the
votes and so ……
They never bother to find
out the needs and difficulties the people in their constituencies face. Why are there high dropouts from school
without caring to find out?
the former Deputy Education Minister has tried his best to help 9 Penan children to pay out of his pocket for
the transport and other expenses.
There are detailed reports
of his visits to the communities and what plights he has witnessed there and why
he needs to pay for their expenses.
Will there be any
amendments to the practices of the said departments to solve the problems? Or it is still the “Who cares?” attitudes to
persist until next election.
Well, I hope more and more
people will put pressure to the authorities concerned to pull and push them
into actions and be more responsible and dutiful.
I am a staunch believer in
the change of government for the good of everybody as it is a good way to overhaul
everything in the country.
(The Borneo Post
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