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Thursday, 9 October 2014

Tweets The Abusive Land Deal7Oct2014

Tweets The Abusive Land Deal 7Oct2014
“DAP urges state govt to nullify ‘lopsided deal over land at MJC Batu Kawah’”  (The Borneo Post 3Oct2014) This is the deeply-rooted practice of the BN government.

A 260-acre land opposite MJC Batu Kawa with estimated market value of RM500 million will be sold at RM115 million in return for the construction of few buildings.

DAP Chong Chieng Jen has read the said Agreement signed by Amar  Morshidi and the 2 directors of the company and seen a lot of uncertainties in it.

Will CM Adenan care to nullify the said Agreement?  Well, I believe if there are a lot of self- and crony-interest to consider, Adenan will follow in the footstep of Taib Mahmud.

It is understood why Taib Mahmud always “ crowns a tall hat ” on Adenan and Adenan does it in the same way shamelessly so much to the disgust of the people.

It is understood why Adenan rejects the idea to stop the state assembly members from involving in the businesses of land and timber deals when he declared the pledge of integrity.

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