Baram dam will not drown people” (BP 9July2014)Dennis Ngau, Telang Usan
assemblyman. But can he 100% prove to
the people there no mishap will happen in the course of time?
Baram dam may stay there for several hundreds /thousands of years but his
lifespan is not in the match. Can he be
sure he can live up to 100 hundred years old to say it will or not?
Baram dam is a mammoth project and the construction is so destructive to the
flora and fauna there on a immense scale.
It is irreparable to the area.
he said the construction of the dam will bring a lot of job opportunities and
benefits for the Baram people. I hope
the advantages are so much greater than disadvantages.
told them to ‘see them as partners in devt not monsters to devour their land
and resources ’. I believe all the
Sarawakians with thoughts are watching the development. I hope it will turn out just as what he has
no express boat service to upper Rajang as promised’ (BP 6July2014) Without the
service the people from the upper Rajang need to take a very long route to
reach Kapit.
people from Belaga and Bakun have to spend RM250 instead of RM30 to travel to
kapit when the sole express boat stopped service on 19/6/2014.
the complaints, nothing has been done to date.
Thus the people either have to spend so much money and time to take a
long route or their own long boat to get to Kapit.
is the road connecting Kapit to Belaga and Bakun area? It is one of the curses of Taib Mahmud’s
ministry as chief minister of 33 years.
never cared to develop the rural area properly.
He only had a lot of ‘sweet talk’ and knew how to make good use of the
leaders to woe people to vote for the BN government.
me, he was the most abusive, corrupt, cunning,
despotic, nepotistic and manipulative and cronistic (practise crony) person to
describe him as a chief minister for 33 years.
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