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Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Tweets 24/7/2014

Tweets 24/7/2014
For every 100,000 people, road casualty is supposed to be in the ratio of 5.  In short, it is 100,000: 5 based on the world standard.  But we have 19 road fatalities and 13 are in Sarawak.

Michael Manyin is finally forced to admit that Pan Borneo trunk road conditions should no doubt be upgraded to a dual carriage way urgently to help in reducing road fatalities in Sarawak.

Of course, the attitudes of the road users are as important to prevent fatal road accidents.  But, the upgrading of road conditions should be done at all costs first as they are the fixed variables to ensure road safety.

The attitudes of the road users are the variable that is subjected to changes all the time to be considered and of course they should be educated, reminded, disciplined and watched for everybody’s sake.

So it is viable “Let’s work together to curb fatal road crashes” only when Public Works Department really work hard to improve the road conditions to reduce road casualty to a great extent.   (Borneo Post 19/7/2014)

So he said “5000km of roads need to be built to connect the rural areas and admitted that “Sarawak still far behind in road connectivity”.  This effort needs at least RM9- 10billion.

I hope Manyin Michael will assert and insist to be allocated the funds from the Federal government for the construction to catch up with the connectivity of the roads all through Sarawak.

He must know it is urgently needed to be attended to or he will feel really sorry for the negligence as Sarawakians are aware enough to undermine the whole foundation of the BN government.

The rural people were noisily stupid before 505.  But are they still noisily stupid now?  Will they still remain the same to vote for the BN party when the PR party offer better governance in 2016 state election?

I hope the people other than the BN leaders will let the rural people see the need to change the government /agents for their own good and the future generation to let the machinery of democracy works its course.

‘Building of schools to be expedited’ (Borneo Post 20/7/2014)  Deputy Education Minister P Kamalanathan “has vowed to push aggressively to expedite the construction of 2 new schools”

It was reported SK St Martin was “squatting in SK Jalan Muara Tuang” and he saw it in “desperate and dire situation” and thus required “far more than urgent” to be tackled to deem fair and square. 

Ya, the buildings were constructed for one school population but the squeeze in of another school population just makes the said school to be so ‘sardine packed’ to behold and not in shame and sadness.

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