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Thursday, 24 July 2014

Tweets 25/7/2014

Tweets 25/7/2014
Common people here and there/there and here, in the past /now hate War as we all see it laden with negative forces only.  War brings 100% destruction and disaster to mankind regardless of race, religion and creed.

War is totally blind and Allah/God really cares not of whatever suffering /torture that may befall on any individual.  It is so believed [He] allows self-will and thus just ignores, I guess. 

Allah /God is apathy to battlefields of any kind, trust me.  No matter how you pray to request Him to exercise His power, I mind you,  it is futile /no use.  So to put an end of war, it is we mankind’s business.   

Wars have always been started by the leaders in/ between / among countries and common people have to bear all the costs of the war.   So to stop the war, people must take actions.

For the civil war in Syria, what can people do to stop further destruction and torture? 
This requires a lot of communications to deal with the problems there and an international force is needed to help to enforce the laws.

For the war between Isreal and Palestine, I believe in an international force and a lot of negotiations and education to resolve these century-old long hatred, retaliation, grievances and torture.

The people there are needed to be guided to focus their minds on skills training and development for their own good and their future generations to come to enjoy peace and prosperity.

An international force must be set up to act out on the behalf of countries everywhere and every country, big /small must be prepared to disarm.  I think people in every country must force their leaders to do so.

It is people who can pressurise their leaders everywhere to disarm and uphold the principles of peace and democracy.  I believe in people’s power collectively to force their leaders to bow in submission. 

We all must make it a point to find out how much taxpayers’ money has been spent on arms preparation to kill one another in each country.  It is believed that the piled-up ammunition is enough to kill the world population many times.

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