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Saturday, 26 July 2014

Tweets 空难和陆难2772014

Tweets 2772014
飞机空难事故接23还有4的发生让人对航空飞行的安全多多少少开始有点动摇。嗯。。。。。从308MH370至今还没有找到这飞机的一点蛛痕马迹,接着717MH17被击落。 连着723台湾飞机事故,还有724。。。在Mali一辆堕机事故。 昨天,我大妹S1大概9am从北京出发。

3pm多到新加坡在酒店等大概6小时后再飞往澳洲,今天大概8am多到达了。她一路都报平安。 Wechat这平台真的很方便。 到达在澳洲后,他们还要在酒店等几个小时再搭另一架飞机回到她先生的父母家。 怕归怕,他们能不搭飞机吗? 我大妹在中国国内常常因公事一个月都要飞这飞那几次呢。飞离中国一年也是要几次。 除了大妹,我小妹和二哥一年也是至少飞十多次。

MH370发生事故的同一周的星期一/二,我二哥和二嫂是去温州参加教会活动。 他们是忠诚的基督教徒。 他们把好多时间都交给教会活动。 常常为了教会活动他们一起飞到东飞到西也飞到南和北。 他们连非洲都去。已飞去那里几次了,有必要他们还是会往那里飞的。 真的不可思议。 宗教是会给一个人很多动力和勇气的。 飞行对他们来讲太平常了。 没有怕不怕的事。   

在过一阵子,我大哥和大嫂会飞去Dubai跟他们的大儿子会合。 之后,他们会陪儿子一起飞向Kyrgyzstan去迎娶那里的姑娘,他们所飞行的航线对我来讲都很陌生而且好像都很靠近战争区呢。 这当然会让人担心焦虑和不安的飞行。 我们大家除了祷告以外,还是祷告一切平安顺利。 我们这时代,真的好像开始动弹不稳了。 到底有多少个国家有战争了/军火对峙?

无论怎样,我对航空飞行,信心还是很高因为这是全世界专家和非专家都关注的事。而且各国专家和领袖是极其认真,用心和努力去要求研究和改善的事。 因此,航空飞行安全性没有国家会【掉以轻心】的,因为航空乘客都是来至于【48方】的。 飞机的安全是全世界的事。 利益团体和非利益团体大家都非常关注的事。 有这么样的积极心态,航空飞行还是行的。 好的。  

我们的马路一年,致死车祸死了多少人,有关当位是否有好好做统计,有好好做研究探讨和寻找策略逐渐减低致死车祸死伤。 用研讨航空事故的精神来研究道路的车祸问题。 据报道,我们一年几次佳节,每个佳节致死车祸至少都有200 -300不等。 据报道每天平均有几个????死于车祸?  为什么我们有关当位,还有首相,部长先生,女士和小姐们没有把他们当做像【飞机事故】一回事呢?    
   如果有关当局有深深的投入对每个个案很诚实的去做个别检讨,个别分析和解剖, 我认为这样有关当局可以肯定而且很清楚到底哪个因素才是导致该次车祸的发生。  这样交通意外事件才有机会获改善 。  大家的认知有机会提升。  无论怎样,我还是认为改善和鼓励使用【公共交通】,还有改善路况才是解决交通意外最最佳的办法。

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Tweets 25/7/2014

Tweets 25/7/2014
Common people here and there/there and here, in the past /now hate War as we all see it laden with negative forces only.  War brings 100% destruction and disaster to mankind regardless of race, religion and creed.

War is totally blind and Allah/God really cares not of whatever suffering /torture that may befall on any individual.  It is so believed [He] allows self-will and thus just ignores, I guess. 

Allah /God is apathy to battlefields of any kind, trust me.  No matter how you pray to request Him to exercise His power, I mind you,  it is futile /no use.  So to put an end of war, it is we mankind’s business.   

Wars have always been started by the leaders in/ between / among countries and common people have to bear all the costs of the war.   So to stop the war, people must take actions.

For the civil war in Syria, what can people do to stop further destruction and torture? 
This requires a lot of communications to deal with the problems there and an international force is needed to help to enforce the laws.

For the war between Isreal and Palestine, I believe in an international force and a lot of negotiations and education to resolve these century-old long hatred, retaliation, grievances and torture.

The people there are needed to be guided to focus their minds on skills training and development for their own good and their future generations to come to enjoy peace and prosperity.

An international force must be set up to act out on the behalf of countries everywhere and every country, big /small must be prepared to disarm.  I think people in every country must force their leaders to do so.

It is people who can pressurise their leaders everywhere to disarm and uphold the principles of peace and democracy.  I believe in people’s power collectively to force their leaders to bow in submission. 

We all must make it a point to find out how much taxpayers’ money has been spent on arms preparation to kill one another in each country.  It is believed that the piled-up ammunition is enough to kill the world population many times.