Tweets II 6April2014
任何政党要生存绝对是要人民集体的赐福。 所以我们人民要好好的思虑中央派出来的代表:到底是以中央利益为本/以民为文本位呢? 这是我们人民要好好斟酌后一起好好决定。 这才是真正的[民道]。 这样我们才能维护民主上正规道:民权,民生,民治,民有和民享。 非民主统统都要get out once and for all.
“Appeal to repair village bridge” (The Borneo Post
4April2014 ) This is people, not their
representative who are affected by the cracked wooden structures.
They might become the victims of these appalling
bridge conditions and be pinned under the collapsed bridge. So the people must
act bold and fast to let their representative know of their plights and rights
to demand for the urgent attention.
So it is the responsibility of the people to act
collectively and sternly to get the attention of their said representative. Do they
know who your representative is?
This should be the benchmark to keep /kick the said
representative for this constituency for good and also for people own good and
How fast and responsible your said representative is
to act to remedy the situations all for the good of the people in the said
constituency should be the main factor for people to decide
to keep/kick to improve their lots.
Adenan劝华人“勿在外俳徊 华人应重回返政治主流“ 不知道首长Adenan指的主流是以人数来计算还是席位做考量。 这首长 我猜不太清楚这是smartphone 时代了,当年Nokia几乎统治天下,现在Nokia在世界还是主流吗? 面对Samsung smartphone 还有Apple 的Ipad 和Iphone。 主流/非主流看年代吧。
Tweets 7April2014
Adenan口中的主流政治应该是向BN执政集团叩头伏地称:[贱民愿意听你的]。 是任霸权随意摆布的吧。 是的,中东茉莉花之前的,308之前的主流政治文化就是这样。 人民当时都把 自己的权益交给代表,代表们转个身全为霸权做事一起掠夺和剥削人民。 这是事实现象。这是当年人分不来M/W的年代。 现在? 现在的主流政治是什么?
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