Tweets 28/4/2014
我们不能用刀把那些病态和变态的政客碎尸万段, 但是我们可以运用刀笔狠狠的解剖他们让他们知道这年头你们最好,好好做人做事。 贪污舞弊滥权腐败注定没有好下场。 Taib Mahmud 过去33年当首长[披着民主的外套扮皇帝]。 在民主的国度里玩霸权,垄断, 朋党勾结,。。。。一起掠夺和剥削人民。
嗯。。。。308 之前有一半以上的人民是[无知愚蠢的会响](福州名言)505 时有一半以上知道[霸权Vs 民主]怎么一回事。 看清楚M和W的差别。 我重复民主是一切要以人民为本位的事业。 简而言之,就是 [民权,民治,民生,民有,民享等等等]。 因此,主权在我们人民手中。 是我们决定谁可以主朝。
308之前[主仆大颠倒]。 这是人民自己无知愚蠢不知自己的权益而[犯贱] 。 因此[仆人]才可以[宣宾夺主;反仆为主]胡乱非为。 308之后,以一大片,一大片的人苏醒了, 知道这些政客的[政治命运] 是我在我们人民集体的手里。 这[共识] 让我们有机会重建[民主]和[人民的尊严和应得的福利]。
308时开始,505 是进行,城市人一面倒向PR而乡下人还是无知愚蠢的靠着霸权鼻息和意愿生存。 不少人现在连最基本的水电的权益都没着落, 还是相信霸权的力量。 这样的思维,乡下人就是如此一次又一次再一次。。。。惨遭掠夺和剥削。 这他们能怪谁呢? 只要人们思维不更改的一天, 谁有能力帮你呢?
Changes only start when a person is willing to change
for his own good. Changes all begin in
the mindset /thought when a person starts to think logically, analytically and
Human beings are capable of all kinds of evil once
they go loose. So is it suprising that the Japanese war criminals committing
all kinds of atrocious acts?
So the Japanese War Shrine symbolises all kinds of
atrocious acts of those war criminals who were subjected and so manipulated by
their generals to killing for their own selfish aims.
It is a place enshrined with shame and humiliation and
why are the leaders in other countries are so concerned whether the Japanese leaders
visit the shrine or not.
The bloody day 13/5/1969 was a day when evil acts were
committed by some damned devils who were so instructed to committing these
atrocious acts .
Why do u want to highlight these evil acts every now
and then as a classical example? You are
exposing the atrocious acts and thoughts of these leaders only. Only the morbidly sick person would refer to this bloody day as a way to reflect to foster unity.
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