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Friday, 31 May 2013

The Boat Tragedy on 28/5/2013

The Boat Tragedy  on 28/5/2013          31/5/2013
      Who should be blamed most?   I  bet 90% of the people in Sarawak/ Malaysia will agree with me that the BN government has not done their work to build the road to facilitate people in rural areas.   How much is the allocation fund for the construction of road?  Why is the road construction project (s)  in Sarawak given to the company/ies in West Malaysia?  Why? 
        We all hate to see the contracts of road building to be given to few companies dominated by Taib Mahmud and his cronies as well as conglomerates in West Malaysia.  We want the road building to be given to as many as companies as possible.
        If PR were in power now, I believe we would  have at least 800 companies to help in constructing Pan Borneo Highway and it would be completed within 5 years. 
        If the BN government at the state level and federal level were serious with the development of rural areas,  they would have been done long long ago.   Boat tragedies would not have occurred again and again and again in Sarawak.  The boat tragedy on 28/5/2013 is the curse and shame of the BN government.  It is shame of the BN national representatives  who have never  been assertive enough especially Michael Manyin.  He has no sense of urgency for the road construction for rural people. 
        Taib Mahmud and his cronies are only concerned  for their own gain and interest to care about the welfare and well-being  of rural people.   They have been betrayed again and again. 
        I hope all the rural people know now at whom they should point their gun and to whom they should mark X to support for a change of government for their own good. 

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