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Saturday, 18 May 2013

Social ills and crimes

Social ills and crimes           19/5/2013
        Social ills like drug taking, playing truant, teenage pregnancy, smoking, fighting, bullying, vandalising ……. have become more/less a norm now.  We seem to take them numbly but with no good feelings.  Who is happy to see these?  For the crimes, we witness / experience break-in /burglary,  car theft, stealing, cheating, killing,  robbery, ……………happening almost every day.  Why?  Why?  Why?
        I believe in some ill and bad reasons behind them.   I believe in honest and sincere effort from our leaders to gather, sort out, analyse and resolve the problems, at least, reduce them to its minimum.  Now let’s take a look at those who are well-behaved, well-disciplined and self-willed.  Why are these people so positive (+) and why are those so negative (--)?  Take some effort to find out.  Let’s do it together to help them.  Let’s discuss it together.  Get professionals to talk about this.
        Do you agree with me when our teenagers go astray, the real cause is up to the lack of parental guidance, love  family conditions, social environment and the bad influence from bad friends and the like.  These teenagers would turn into criminals in the course of time if not checked properly.
        I believe in setting up community service centres everywhere to help, guide, direct and engage them in constructive and creative activities.  Get them to commit themselves to some activities like sports, games, handicraft, dancing, singing, chess playing, giving tuition, learning cookery, baking, chess playing, reading, writing ……………..  Start now!  Let these community service centres be the place where parents are willing and feel grateful for the help.
        I believe in having parks / recreational areas for teenagers to dispense their energies.   Always demarcate an area in the place where there are about 50 houses for children and teenagers to go during their free time.   Look, if our teenagers are guided, helped, engaged and directed properly,  who will still go astray?    I believe in mind-focus that rules a person to good / bad behaviour. 
It is mind-focus that decides all. 
       For those engaged in crimes, catch them, jail them and train them with some skills,  find jobs for them and list them in contact.  There should be regular check up on them to make sure that they are still on the job or find job for them again.  I think our whole society should be prepared to give this assistance and for this understanding so that nobody is wasted in anyway.  An individual will find life meaningful and interesting and so is happy. 
     The feeling of happiness will generate good force for the good of everybody.  When a person plunges to his /er death, this will only generate negative and bad force that brings curses to everyone.  Ponder on this!

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