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Wednesday 18 September 2024

Politics and laws

*Politics & Law*

Politics and law are like a web. They entangled with each other and not separable.

We need to be more sensitive about bad things politics can cause to society and we should not lost focus about the damage politics can cause to society and to Sarawak.

We cannot look at the law without understanding how politics can influence law to destroy our society. 

PDA74 is a product of politics to rob, steal and kill the wellbeing of Sabah and Sarawak.

 Since it is politics that caused PDA74 being passed by the federal Parliament, we should not think PDA74 could no more be valid just because the emergency has been lifted. 

This is because Parliament under the control of Malaya may not wish to remove or repeal PDA74 

Our argument that PDA74 is automatically repealed when emergency is lifted is a sound argument but could not buy the court. This is because the judiciary is controlled by Malaya and Malaya has to ensure they are in control of the judiciary and the judges.

Therefore, if PETRONAS is to bring a suit to court, the suit can seal that fate of Sarawak and Sabah in the coffin about the taking back of the oil and gas resources if the court rules that PDA74 is valid and MA63 is also valid. It is very likely that the court may rule in favour of PETRONAS because it is unthinkable that the court would wish to see Malaya to become a bankrupt. This is because most if not all people know that Malaya can be in financial problems without the money from oil and gas resources of Sabah and Sarawak. This can be politics involving the judiciary where law can be disregarded and court come with policy decisions to save Malaysia or Malaya from bankruptcy.

It can be politics at work in court too and it was for this reason we decided not to appeal against the decision of the High Court in our PBK suit because to appeal can destroy our mission to gain independence. 

But the judgment of the high court gave us the strategies on how we can fight for independence from Malaysia in the future. 

The court hinted that only the state government has the locus standi or stand to bring suits including declaring MA63 invalid and to seek Sarawak independence through the court, but we will not pursue this line of strategy to exit by using the court because we know we cannot get what we want through the court.

 If Sarawak wants exit, PBK has to be the state government. Once PBK is the state government, PBK has to follow Singapore's strategy to exit. That is, to use politics to create problems to federal government by demanding certain terms to be fulfilled within a time frame. We need to give terms that could not be fulfilled by Malaya and once terms could not be fulfilled, Sarawak under PBK should declare exit from Malaysia. This should be a legal and peaceful exit by avoiding bloodshed but by way of politics and political strategies like how Singapore did.

Voon Lee Shan 
10 September 2024
Revised 2010 hrs 11/09

*為什麼我們有合法權利為砂拉越尋求獨立* ?

 自 1974 年起,魔術就開始了! 馬來亚人利用他們的政治技巧克服所有法律障礙,吞併砂拉越和沙巴作為他們的領土。

 我們必須指出,馬來亞是自 1962 年起進入緊急狀態,這違反了聯合國非殖民化法律,並一直保持額外的緊急狀態聲明,直到 2011 年全部解除。


 *也就是說,馬來西亞是一個國家,在事实上由馬來亞軍事佔領沙巴和砂拉越並從 1963 年開始鎮壓獨立運動。

 這不需要法庭來確認。 緊急状态是事實,馬來亞巫統政府承認某些法律不符合憲法和約束力,但它們方便地排除了 1966 年大陸架法案(CSA66)、1974 年石油發展法案(PDA74)和新經濟政策(新經濟政策)結構。 


 這也是MA63無效的三大法律原因之一。 另外兩個問題是新加坡、沙巴和砂勞越(SSS)缺乏簽署MA63的法定地位,以及作為英國冷戰軍事戰略的一部分而將新加坡留在馬來西亞的非法目標。 

 國際法院 (lCJ) 在 2019 年查戈斯群島案中也處理了這 3 點。


 PBK 將繼續以合法和和平的方式爭取砂拉越脫離馬來西亞。


 上苍拯救 PBK,上苍拯救砂拉越!

 2024 年 9 月 11 日

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