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Tuesday, 9 January 2024

The impact of social behaviour... among Malays

*The Impact of Social Behavior on the Election of Ineffective Leaders Among Malays*

By Prof UCHIDA, Yukiko
University of Kyoto

The social behavior of Malays in Malaysia plays a significant role in shaping their mindset when it comes to electing leaders. This essay will delve into the influence of short-sightedness on the decision-making process, shedding light on the reasons behind the re-election of ineffective leaders and its consequences on the country's progress and development.

*_The Cycle of Electing Ineffective Leaders:_*
Malaysians of Malay descent have been observed to display a trend of being easily swayed and lacking discernment when it comes to their political choices. They often engage in a cycle of switching allegiance between political parties without thoroughly evaluating their options. This behavior demonstrates a short-sighted mindset, as decisions are made based on temporary factors rather than considering the long-term implications. Consequently, this behavior perpetuates a cycle that hampers the progress and development of the nation.

_*Forgetting the Failures of Past Leaders:*_
A noteworthy aspect of the short-sightedness observed among Malays is their tendency to forget about the failures of past leaders. This propensity may stem from a desire for change and a reluctance to dwell on the past. However, failing to critically address the mistakes and shortcomings of previous leaders can inadvertently enable ineffective governance and create obstacles to the country's growth.

_*Manipulability through Appeals to Religion and Race:*_
Another factor contributing to the short-sighted mindset among Malays is their vulnerability to appeals based on religion and race. Malays often prioritize these factors over assessing the capabilities and competence of potential leaders. This susceptibility allows leaders to manipulate Malays' sense of identity and emotions, effectively extracting political gain by leveraging their faith and heritage. Consequently, Malays may unknowingly overlook crucial evaluations of leaders based on their track records and abilities.

*_Contrast with Chinese Malaysians:*_
Contrasting the aforementioned behavior, Chinese Malaysians approach politics differently. They tend to exhibit a more reserved nature when it comes to publicly displaying support for particular leaders or parties. Instead, they rely on existing clan associations and business connections to negotiate privately with political parties, demanding policies and favors that align with their interests. This approach empowers the Chinese community to prioritize their own concerns and maximize desired outcomes, rather than solely relying on the re-election cycle.

The short-sightedness of Malays in re-electing ineffective leaders and disregarding past failures has a detrimental impact on progress and development within Malaysia. To ensure sustainable growth, it is crucial for Malays to engage in a thorough evaluation of leaders, considering their capabilities, competence, and track record, rather than being swayed by appeals to religion and race. By learning from past experiences and making informed choices, Malaysians can collectively work towards effective governance and national development.

Prof UCHIDA, Yukiko
University of Kyoto
26 Jul 2023 Kuala Lumpur

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