杨清河: 在所有保障中,最重要是有权通过全民公投来脱离大马联邦
1962年9月26日 砂拉越立法议会通过参组大马联邦的动议,同时批准成立政府级委员会。在当天的动议辩论时,有多位立法议员提出异议或担心的问题,他们的建议是:
① 德拉仁达夫人最先提出,脱离联邦的课题纳入建议。
② 达科蓝登提议:不要采用Malaysia, 而采用 BORBRUSIMA (按:BOR 是Borneo,,BRU是Brunei,SI是Singapore,MA是Malaya.)他还建议,要列入脱离联邦的条文。
③ 陈宗明提出,砂拉越应该先自治与独立,则人民的权益才能够获得充分的代表。因此,他提议进行全民公投,以取得人民的真正意见。
④ 黄金明认为,虽然应该有一个强大的中央政府,邦的自主权,也不应该被联邦漠视。他要保障中的保障,来保障砂拉越的权益(the safeguard to safeguard the safeguards),而非简单的保障。
⑤ 天猛公欧阳认为,如果联邦成立后的5到10年间,被发现是不合实际的,则砂拉越应该有权脱离大马联邦。
⑥ 杨清河认为,在所有保障中,最重要是有权通过全民公投来脱离大马联邦。
⑦ 钱惠光提议修改动议,取消“8月31日”字眼,以便有更长时间来考虑保障的课题。陈高明和律政司反对这项提议。最后钱惠光收回这项动议。
⑧ 最后发言的是王其辉,他说,很多人和他一样,接受马来西亚概念,却还不准备接受马来西亚计划。他要砂拉越人民的权益获得保障。
1962 Tan Chong Ming: Sarawak should gain autonomy and independence first
Yang Qinghe: Of all the guarantees, the most important is the right to secede from the Federation of Malaysia through a referendum.
Recap history
On September 26, 1962, the Sarawak Legislative Assembly passed a motion to participate in the formation of the Federation of Malaysia and also approved the establishment of a government-level committee. During the motion debate that day, many legislators raised objections or concerns. Their suggestions were:
① Mrs. Drajenda was the first to propose the inclusion of the issue of secession from the Federation.
② Colandon suggested: Instead of using Malaysia, use BORBRUSIMA (Note: BOR is Borneo, BRU is Brunei, SI is Singapore, MA is Malaya.) He also suggested that provisions for secession from the federation should be included.
③ Tan Chong Ming proposed that Sarawak should gain autonomy and independence first, so that the people's rights and interests can be fully represented. Therefore, he proposed a referendum to obtain the real opinions of the people.
④ Wong King Ming believes that although there should be a strong central government, the autonomy of the states should not be ignored by the federation. He wants the safeguard to safeguard the safeguards, not just a simple safeguard.
⑤ Temenggong Ouyang believes that if the federation is found to be unrealistic within 5 to 10 years after its establishment, Sarawak should have the right to secede from the Federation of Malaysia.
⑥ Yang Qinghe believes that among all guarantees, the most important is the right to secede from the Federation of Malaysia through a referendum.
⑦ Qian Huiguang proposed to amend the motion to remove the word "August 31" so that more time can be given to consider the issue of protection. Chen Gaoming and the Department of Justice opposed this proposal. In the end, Qian Huiguang withdrew the motion.
⑧ The last speaker was Ong Kee Hui. He said that many people, like him, accept the concept of Malaysia but are not ready to accept the Malaysia Plan. He wants the rights and interests of the people of Sarawak to be protected.
Financial Secretary John Pike said that under the Malaysia Agreement, Sarawak can receive an allocation of 500 million Dollars for development purposes in the next five years.
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