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Thursday, 13 July 2023

Citizenship given to Ragad Taib and her son



Social Activist Panglima Peter John Jaban is among several Sarawak citizens who have filed police reports against Ragad Kurdi Taib and her son Nizar for causing affront to the genuine natives of Sarawak by their disregard and open contempt for the undeserved honour bestowed on them by their host country. He renews his call for an investigation into how Ragad received her IC and Native title lands, when so many genuine natives still await documentation and are forced to apply for native status, despite having both or at least one native parent.

Sarawak Report bertarikh 18.6.2023

Peter said: “We have seen this far too often. Some of our civil servants will bow to wealth and privilege, no matter how that is gained, and others are forced into it by their superiors. They bend the rules to accommodate people in power, while genuine natives are ignored or told to come back later. I have personally seen many examples in government offices of rural people pushed aside or simply placed at the bottom of the pile, waiting years while their children go without education or healthcare and worst still they are entitle to cast their vote. So, to see this wealthy woman using her status to grab even more land and her son flaunting his Sarawak riches on social media is simply too much.”

He went on to say: “No ordinary person in Sarawak could have received Sarawak citizenship at that speed, let alone native status. The government must investigate the circumstances in which it was granted and indeed whether the decision followed proper procedure regarding language and links to a community. Civil servants must be shown that the rules are there to protect this most important privilege, the birth right of Sarawakian natives. If Ragad and her son had undergone the proper process, like everyone else, perhaps they would be a bit more respectful of the honour now, instead of acting like money can buy everything.”

“More importantly, the rules must be applied equally to all applicants. That is the only way that people can rely on the civil service and enjoy their rights as a citizen of this nation. If mixed race natives cannot inherit, despite having both parents as Sarawakian citizens, then why should Ragad, who is already awash with riches? Why should genuine natives see this boy flaunting his wealth and life of leisure when their children go without education and they have to pay for healthcare out of their own pocket from their pepper harvest?”

Peter also claims that their actions could amount to sedition as such action can clearly lead to a misunderstanding among the people and civil unrest. He believes that both Ragad and her sons also pose a threat to the stability and security of the nation. This is the second report filed against the family and more will follow if the matter is not addressed openly.

He would like the Police, MACC and the National Registration Department (JPN) to conduct a transparent investigation. He said: “It is sad to hear Sarawakians speculating on how Ragad was successful, given the double standard towards other local applicants. The vast majority of our civil service work hard to provide the people with services, only to find themselves tainted by the actions of a few who prefer the wealthy and connected over ordinary people. This cannot continue. Did Toh Puan Ragad Kurdi really pass the Melanau Customs Council Test? If Ragad really did pass her test, we challenge her to deliver a speech in the Melanau or Malay language.”

Robert Saweng another social activist is a Native from Kapit who accompanied Peter to the Police Station said he was confident that the Polis, MACC, National Registration and Home Minister, YB Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail would take serious proactive measures in this matter with pararell to the PMX Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim's policy that he is very serious when come to the Abuse of Power and Corruption. We are seeing a new era for our government services. This issue first came up some years ago but should not be allowed to stand given recent developments. But if this is allowed to continue, they should not be surprised if those people without any citizenship come out from the village to pursue equal rights for all.

Peter John Jaban
016 860 5272
Deputy President of Global Human Rights Federation.

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