722 是愚弄砂拉越人的政治大骗局 7.22 应被称为 “追求独立日”
(温利山 2022年7月22日)
许多人认为英國于 1963 年 7 月 22 日授予砂拉越独立,以致使其可决定在 1963 年 9 月 16 日加入马来亚联邦,与新加坡和沙巴组建马来西亚。
砂拉越国阵政府在测试和评估某些政党、政治工作者和活动家的所引起之民间情绪后,将 722 列为砂拉越独立日。
好些人真的相信英国人授予砂拉越独立,並載歌載舞,把酒歡庆722。有些人甚至把自己打扮成殖民地总督和殖民地官员来庆祝 722。
GPS政府(不再使用砂拉越国阵;重新之命名)将722重新定为砂拉越日。但与砂拉越独立日有何不同?完全没有区别。告诉全世界英國于 1963 年 7 月 22 日授予砂拉越独立的信息仍然相同。
722 的庆祝活动使该政权有机会提高他们在未来很长一段时间内掌权的地位,如果没有得到纠正的话。
鉴于砂拉越所处的环境,722 应被称为*“追求独立日”*,向所有砂拉越人传达我们有权力根据联合国大会第 1514 号决议寻求独立;历程始于 1963 年 7 月 22 日当宁甘被任命为砂拉越首席部长之时。
Parti Bumi Kenyalang 将追求这种独立的权力;开弓无回头箭,直到完成使命。
*722 is a Grand Political Deception to fool Sarawakians*
Many thought Sarawak was granted independence by UK on 22 July 1963 and many thought this allowed Sarawak to decide to join the federation of MALAYA, Singapore and Sabah to form Malaysia on 16 September 1963.
The Sarawak BN government after testing and assessing ground sentiments caused by pressure from certain political parties, politicians and activists, then gazetted 722 as Sarawak Independence Day.
Those who were ignorant truly believed that Sarawak had been granted independence by the British and they all celebrated 722 with wine and songs. Some even dressed themselves as a colonial governor and colonial officials to celebrate 722.
The Sarawak government goes on to say Sarawak was independent and our forefathers helped form Malaysia and we had to agree to it. Historians, academicians and politicians began to sing the same tune and be part of this grand deception. The number of people who believed 722 was the day Sarawak was granted independence, swelled. This misconception have never been corrected.
The GPS government (rebranded by no more using Sarawak BN) regazetted 722 as Sarawak Day. What is the difference with Sarawak Independence Day? There is no difference at all. The message is still the same to tell the whole world that Sarawak being granted independence by UK on 22 July 1963.
The celebration of 722 gave the opportunity to the regime to enhance their position to stay in power for long time to come, if not corrected.
This misinformation or deception has to be corrected because Sarawak indeed had never been granted independence by UK, not even one minute before Malaysia was formed. There was no legal instrument issued by UK Parliament to say Sarawak had been granted independence by the British government. Instead there was an Act of Parliament to grant Sarawak, Singapore and Sabah be federated with the federation of Malaya to form Malaysia.
Politically, Sarawak is a colony of Malaya and the federal government, academicians, lawyers and politicians should not deny this fact.
In United Nations record, Malaya informed the United Nations that Malaya changed name to Malaysia effective from the date Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak were acquired as territories of Malaya.
Given the circumstances Sarawak is in, 722 should be called as *"In Quest Of Independence Day"* to give a message to Sarawakians that we have a right to seek independence under United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 and the journey began on 22 July 1963 when Ningkan was appointed as Chief Minister of Sarawak.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang will pursue this right of independence until the mission is achieved.
Voon Lee Shan
Parti Bumi Kenyalang
22 July 2022
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