**鉴于1963 年马来西亚协议 (MA63) 规定的权利*
在研究 1963年馬來西亞協议(MA 63 )下的权利之前,最重要的事務是沙巴和砂拉越政府与联邦政府都需要确定马来西亚联邦成立的合法性。所有事情都必须从根本上进行审查,包括MA63 的合法性。 砂政盟政府(GPS)应该向公众披露其在伦敦所发现的有关 MA63 的事情。
如果協议无效或不合法,為何須要执行呢?如果協议无效或非法缔約签署的,后果是马来西亚联邦必须解散而各方应离开联邦。如果该協议有效,那么只需执行其中的所有条款和条件即可。為何需要等待、谈判或重新谈判呢?在过去的 59 年里,这个问题一直悬而未决。
尊敬的首相拿督斯里安华建议 MA63 的事情需要多一点谈判,这似乎不会很快结束过去几年一直困扰着沙巴和砂拉越政府与联邦政府的“幽灵” 。
首相可能需要被告知沙巴和砂拉越人民都知道; 成立马来西亚联邦的主要目的是为了保护英国在第二次世界大战后之东南亚的利益,以及让马来亚从沙巴和砂拉越的石油资源受益。
如果首相要否认这些油气资源从未被用来发展马来亚的事实,那就废除1974年石油发展法令, 2012年领海法令和1966年大陆架法令,并将所有油气资源归还沙巴和砂拉越。
许多沙巴人和砂拉越人在 1960 年代不同意组建马来西亚联邦之方式而导致了反对这一想法的大规模公众示威,因为在决定成立马来西亚之前英国沒有授予沙巴和砂拉越独立。
要恢复砂拉越的所有权利,首先全部必須将沙巴和砂拉越恢复到它们原来作为国家的地位,而不是作为马来西亚联邦内的地区或省份。这是因为马来西亚是大马来亚的计划並且很难否定沙巴和砂拉越没有被吸纳、吞并或合并是为了扩大马来亚領土。 这种精心策劃的馬來西亞(大馬來亞)是通过MA63而落实的。
现在担心的是,一些联邦和地方领导人建议使用的术语; 地区(wilayah)或省份(province),会有一天造成到沙巴和砂拉越变为联邦领土,并被称为 (Wilayah Persekutuan Sabah )联邦直轄区沙巴和 (Wilayah Persekutuan Sarawak)联邦直轄区砂拉越。这就像现在被称为 Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan 的联邦直辖区纳闽。
如果发生这种情况,根据 MA63 保护沙巴和砂拉越权利的移民法将变得多余。
Re: Rights under Malaysia Agreement 1963(MA63)
Before looking at the rights under MA 63 it is utmost important that both the federal and governments of Sabah and Sarawak need to determine the legality of the formation of the federation of Malaysia. All things must be examined from the roots including the legality of the Treaty, MA63. The GPS government should disclose to the public what they had found in London about the matters concerning MA63.
If the Treaty was invalid or illegal, what is there to implement? The consequence is that, if the Treaty was invalid or illegally signed, the federation of Malaysia has to be dissolved or parties should leave the federation. If the Treaty is valid, then, just implement all terms and conditions therein. What is there to wait or to negotiate or re-negotiate? The matter had been left outstanding or unsolved for the past 59 years.
The suggestion by the honourable prime minster, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim that things in MA63 could be negotiated a little more seems will not bring an end soon to the “ghost” that had been haunting the federal and state governments of Sabah and Sarawak for past years. The prime minister may need to be informed that peoples of Sabah and Sarawak are aware that the main intention for having the federation of Malaysia formed was to protect the interest of the British in South East Asia after world war II and for Malaya to benefit from the oil resources of Sabah and Sarawak.
If the prime minister wish to deny that fact that these oil and gas resources had never been used to develop Malaya, then repeal the Petroleum Development Act 1974, Seas Territorial Act and also the Continental Shelf Act and to return all oil and gas resources to Sabah and Sarawak.
Many Sabahans and Sarawakians in 1960s did not agree as to how the federation of Malaysia should be formed. This led to huge public demonstrations against the idea because Sabah and Sarawak were not granted independence by the British before deciding on Malaysia be formed.
To restore all rights of Sarawak, all must begin with putting back Sabah and Sarawak to their original positions as countries, not as regions or provinces within the federation of Malaysia. This is because Malaysia was a plan for Greater Malaya and it is difficult to dispute that Sabah and Sarawak had not been absorbed, annexed or merged for the plan for Greater Malaya, that is, to enlarge Malaya and this was carefully planned and done by way of MA63.
The fear now is that the term, region (wilayah) or province being used as suggested by some federal and local leaders, will one day see Sabah and Sarawak becoming federal territories and be called as Wilayah Persekutuan Sabah and also Wilayah Persekutuan Sarawak. This will be like Labuan, which is now, known as Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan.
If this happens, the immigration laws protecting the rights of Sabah and Sarawak under MA63 will be left redundant.
President, Parti Bumi Kenyalang
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