鉴于 沙巴和砂拉越不是邦(Region)。
沙巴人和砂拉越人必须审查政治家的声明,以及当副首相拿督斯里扎希声明时表示砂拉越和沙巴现在被赋予邦Region地位,不再被视为马来西亚的州 - 见 World of Buzz,2023 年 1 月 13 日。他們必须让沙巴人和砂拉越人知道,沙巴和砂拉越曾经是与马来亚互不相干毫無關係的国家,但却被卷入英国为保护其在该地区的利益而设计之新殖民主义所造成的后果。英国同时策划的新殖民主义也否絕沙巴和砂拉越根据联合国大会第1514号决议获得独立的权力,並通过1963年7月9日签署的1963年马来西亚协议将沙巴,砂拉越和新加坡交给马来亚。声称砂拉越通过加入马来亚联邦成立马来西亚联邦而独立,这在法律上具有误导性。因为根据国际法,一个国家不可能在另一个国家之內独立。
因此,沙巴和砂拉越不能称为马来西亚的邦Region。除非沙巴和砂拉越被称为国家Countries,否则被称为邦Region (区域)是不可接受的,因为根据国际法,一个邦Region (区域)没有固定的边界。若这样,沙巴人和砂拉越人便失去了其国家。
英国对马来亚的去殖民化以及随后创建马来西亚的方式是新殖民主义在起作用。 AJ Stockwell教授的研究工作和印尼总统苏加诺对当时英国和马来亚策划的新殖民主义导致印尼和马来西亚武装对抗的分析指出;沙巴人和砂拉越人应该认真对待此事以免后代人被掩蓋了历史关于马来西亚是如何形成的,以及为什么在 1963 年至 1966 年期间印尼和马来西亚之间发生武装对抗的知识, 信息和记录。
东姑阿都拉曼于 1957 年 8 月 31 日宣布马来亚“Merdeka”(独立),随后英国将北婆罗洲(沙巴)、砂拉越和新加坡与马来亚联邦合并成立马来西亚是以新加坡、沙巴和砂拉越签署1963 年马来西亚协定(MA63),从而规避了联合国大会第 1514 号决议规定的殖民地人民的自决权。要说英国对沙巴和砂拉越的殖民主义已经结束,并且可以用这种方式做到这一点是具有误导性与不正确的。
沙巴人和砂拉越人都知道,根据国际法,国家或国家可能会因合并而灭绝(1990 年南北也门)。国家或国家也可能因被另一个国家吸收或吞并而灭绝。当国家合并或被另一个国家吸收或吞并时,被合并、吸收或吞并的国家就失去了其身份。他们可能会以这种方式灭绝。
许多法律专家认为MA63不是有效的条约或协议,如果这是正确的; 马来西亚如何是合法的,沙巴和砂拉越如何成为马来西亚的合法一部分?许多法律专家认为,MA63是马来亚联邦用来吸收或被用来合并、吸收或吞并新加坡、沙巴和砂拉越的工具。
如果我们看看东姑阿都拉曼在一本名为《与东姑阿都拉曼的对话》的书中所说的话; 法律专家的分析可能是正确的。当时东姑说新加坡、沙巴和砂拉越等英国殖民地是英国政府送给马来亚联邦的礼物为了扩大马来亚联邦的领土。马来亚的这种扩张似乎是通过合并、吸收或吞并的方式进行的。马来亚联邦随后于 1963 年 9 月 16 日更名为马来西亚联邦。联合国秘书处在Dato Ong Yoke Lin致其信函中获悉更名一事。因此,马来西亚不是一个新的国家。
一份日期为 1963 年 6 月 15 日的解密文件是殖民地国务院大臣致英国砂拉越总督的文件,其中写道:“在马来西亚成立之前授予新州属独立是不可取的,无论如何也是不切实际的。然而,允许新加坡北婆罗洲和砂拉越成为该协议的缔约方可能会满足李的观点。这将涉及将协议形式从国家元首协议转变为国家间协议。”
1963年马來西亞协议第1条明确指出; 在1963年7月9日签署MA63时,沙巴和砂拉越是殖民地。因此MA63是将沙巴和砂拉越交给马来亚的协议,马来西亚怎么可能成立联邦呢?
Press Statement
Re: Sabah and Sarawak are not regions.
Sabahans and Sarawakians have to examine statements made politicians and also a statement made by DPM Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi when they said *Sabah and Sarawak* are now accorded the status of regions and no more regarded as states in Malaysia – see World of Buzz January 13, 2023. It has to be made known to Sabahans and Sarawakians that Sabah and Sarawak were once countries independent from Malaya but was a result of neo-colonialism engineered by the British to protect its interest in this region. Neo-colonialism engineered by the British at the same time was also denying the rights of Sabah and Sarawak to gain independence under the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 by handing Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore to Malaya by way of Malaysia Agreement 1963 signed on 9 July 1963. To say that Sarawak is independent by joining the federation of Malaya to form the federation of Malaysia is legally misleading. This is because under international law, there could not be a country independent within another country.
Sabah and Sarawak could not therefore, be called regions within Malaysia. Unless Sabah and Sarawak are called countries to be called as regions should not be acceptable because under international law, a region has no fixed boundaries. And in this way, Sabahans and Sarawakians have lost their countries.
Such a political arrangement between nations without a referendum to determine the wishes of the colonized people was against the natural and inalienable right of the people of the land to determine their future own future and the future of their country.
The manner of decolonization of Malaya by the United Kingdom and the subsequent creation of Malaysia was neo-colonization at work. The research work of Professor AJ Stockwell and the analysis of President Soekarno of Indonesia of neo-colonialism engineered by the British and Malaya at that time that led to the armed confrontation between Indonesia and Malaysia should be taken seriously by Sabahans and Sarawakians so that such historical records could not be swept under the carpet for the knowledge and information of future generations as to how Malaysia was formed and why there was an armed confrontation between Indonesia and Malaysia from 1963-1966.
Tunku Abdul Rahman declared Malaya “Merdeka”(independence) on 31 August, 1957 and this was then followed by the British merging North Borneo (Sabah), Sarawak and Singapore with the federation of Malaya to form Malaysia by having Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak signed the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) thus circumventing the right of self-determination of colonized people under the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514. To say that there was an end of colonialism of Sabah and Sarawak by the British and that this could be done this way was misleading or incorrect.
All things were therefore to make things look good by the British and Malaya t the expense of high illiteracy and ignorance of our people of their rights at that time as if Sabah and Sarawak were given independence when it was not.
Be it know to Sabahans and Sarawakians that under international law States or countries may become extinct through merger (North and South Yemen in 1990). The States or countries may also become extinct by absorption or annexation by another country. When countries merged or been absorbed or annexed by another country, then, the country that had been merged, absorbed or annexed lost their identity. They could be extinct in this way.
Many legal experts opined that MA63 was not a valid treaty or agreement and if this is correct, how could Malaysia be legal and how could Sabah and Sarawak be legally part of Malaysia? Many legal experts consider that MA63 was an instrument used to absorb or be used to merge, absorb or annex Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak by the federation of Malaya.
The analysis of legal experts could be correct if we see what was said by Tunku Abdul Rahman in a book, titled, CONVERSATION WITH TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN, when Tunku said the British colonies of Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak were a gift by the British government to the federation of Malaya. As a result of this, the territories of the federation of Malaya were enlarged. This enlargement of Malaya seemed was by way of merger, absorption or annexation. The federation of Malaya was then renamed as the federation of Malaysia effective 16 September, 1963. The United Nations Secretariat was informed of the change of name in a letter sent by Dato Ong Yoke Lin to the United Nations Secretariat. Therefore, Malaysia is not a new nation.
If truly the federal government is sincere to revert, Sabah and Sarawak to their original state, then, Sabah and Sarawak should not be called as regions, but, as countries. Only in this way, could equal partnership be restored provided that there would be equal distribution of seats in parliament and federal cabinet posts between Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak. At that same time, all resources and land taken by Malaya or federal government have to be returned back to Sabah and Sarawak. There should not be any political parties from Malaya be allowed to contest in any parliamentary seat in Sabah and Sarawak because this was what the intention of our forefathers that enticed Sabah and Sarawak to join the federation of Malaysia to form Malaysia.
There was a declassified document dated 15th June, 1963 from the Secretary of State for Colonies to the British Governor of Sarawak which states, “It would be undesirable and in any event impracticable to confer independence on new states before Malaysia. Lee’s point might however be met by allowing Singapore North Borneo and Sarawak to be parties to the agreement. This would involve changing form of agreement from a Heads of State agreement to an inter-state agreement.”
Article 1 of Malaysia Agreement 1963 mentioned clearly that Sabah and Sarawak were colonies at the time the MA63 was signed on 9 July 1963. Therefore the MA63 was an agreement to hand Sabah and Sarawak to Malaya and how could there be any federation of Malaysia formed?
May the federal and Sarawak governments re-look into legality, desires and intention of how Malaysia was formed. This is because what I know there is nothing to show that peoples of Sabah and Sarawak had wanted Sabah and Sarawak be merged, absorbed or annexed by the federation of Malaya to enlarge the territories of the federation of Malaya and have the federation of Malaya be renamed as the federation of Malaysia. If there is, the peoples of Sabah and Sarawak have the right to demand proof.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang.
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