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Tuesday, 24 January 2023



关于马来西亚的问题是: 用于移交新加坡沙巴和砂拉越的 1963 年马来西亚协议(MA63)根据国际法是无效的协议 - 请参阅联合国国际法院(ICJ)于 2019 年 2 月 25 日所交付的查戈斯群岛案例之判決。

即使有效的 MA63 因根本违反协议而使之成为廢纸。


MA63被英国人用來提交新加坡沙巴和砂拉越予馬來亚以扩大其領土和然后马来亚政府将之更名为马来西亚。英国这样做是为了规避联合国大会第 1514 号决议,该决议称所有殖民地都将去殖民化。

不可否认,马来亚利用MA63吞并并占领了新加坡, 沙巴和砂拉越。李光耀还蒙骗我们加入馬來亞参组马来西亚来完成英国的偉大计划。当时他未能确保新加坡脱离英国独立之后就因而说服馬來西亞成立。马来西亚成立后,他制造了混乱致使东姑連吃敗陣因此经过辛苦谈判之后,新加坡终于解脱出局了。


The problem about Malaysia is that the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) that was use to hand over Singapore Sabah and Sarawak was an invalid agreement under international law - see Chagos Islands case by UN International Court of Justice (ICJ) delivered on 25 Feb 2019.

Even if valid MA63 became a toilet paper due to fundamental breaches of the agreement.

 Why all sides still think as if MA63 was a sacred agreement and that it is negotiatiable? 

MA63 was used by the British to hand Singapore Sabah and Sarawak to enlarge Malaya and MALAYA then changed its name to Malaysia. The British did this to circumvent UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 which said all colonies are to be decolonized 

It could not be denied that Malaya use MA63 to annexed and to occupy Singapore Sabah and Sarawak. LKY also cheated us to join MALAYA to form Malaysia to fulfill the British Grand Design plan. He persuaded Malaysia be formed after he failed to secure independence from the British for Singapore. After Malaysia was formed he created havoc and Tunku lost the game to him, kicked Singapore out

There is evidence about Malaysia is Malaya and Malaya is Malaysia in UN Juridical Year Book 1963.

Monday, 23 January 2023



**鉴于1963 年马来西亚协议 (MA63) 规定的权利*

在研究 1963年馬來西亞協议(MA 63 )下的权利之前,最重要的事務是沙巴和砂拉越政府与联邦政府都需要确定马来西亚联邦成立的合法性。所有事情都必须从根本上进行审查,包括MA63 的合法性。 砂政盟政府(GPS)应该向公众披露其在伦敦所发现的有关 MA63 的事情。

如果協议无效或不合法,為何須要执行呢?如果協议无效或非法缔約签署的,后果是马来西亚联邦必须解散而各方应离开联邦。如果该協议有效,那么只需执行其中的所有条款和条件即可。為何需要等待、谈判或重新谈判呢?在过去的 59 年里,这个问题一直悬而未决。

尊敬的首相拿督斯里安华建议 MA63 的事情需要多一点谈判,这似乎不会很快结束过去几年一直困扰着沙巴和砂拉越政府与联邦政府的“幽灵” 。
首相可能需要被告知沙巴和砂拉越人民都知道; 成立马来西亚联邦的主要目的是为了保护英国在第二次世界大战后之东南亚的利益,以及让马来亚从沙巴和砂拉越的石油资源受益。

如果首相要否认这些油气资源从未被用来发展马来亚的事实,那就废除1974年石油发展法令, 2012年领海法令和1966年大陆架法令,并将所有油气资源归还沙巴和砂拉越。

许多沙巴人和砂拉越人在 1960 年代不同意组建马来西亚联邦之方式而导致了反对这一想法的大规模公众示威,因为在决定成立马来西亚之前英国沒有授予沙巴和砂拉越独立。

要恢复砂拉越的所有权利,首先全部必須将沙巴和砂拉越恢复到它们原来作为国家的地位,而不是作为马来西亚联邦内的地区或省份。这是因为马来西亚是大马来亚的计划並且很难否定沙巴和砂拉越没有被吸纳、吞并或合并是为了扩大马来亚領土。 这种精心策劃的馬來西亞(大馬來亞)是通过MA63而落实的。

现在担心的是,一些联邦和地方领导人建议使用的术语; 地区(wilayah)或省份(province),会有一天造成到沙巴和砂拉越变为联邦领土,并被称为 (Wilayah Persekutuan Sabah )联邦直轄区沙巴和 (Wilayah Persekutuan Sarawak)联邦直轄区砂拉越。这就像现在被称为 Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan 的联邦直辖区纳闽。

如果发生这种情况,根据 MA63 保护沙巴和砂拉越权利的移民法将变得多余。


Re: Rights under Malaysia Agreement 1963(MA63)

Before looking at the rights under MA 63 it is utmost important that both the federal and governments of Sabah and Sarawak need to determine the legality of the formation of the federation of Malaysia. All things must be examined from the roots including the legality of the Treaty, MA63. The GPS government should disclose to the public what they had found in London about the matters concerning MA63. 

If the Treaty was invalid or illegal, what is there to implement? The consequence is that, if the Treaty was invalid or illegally signed, the federation of Malaysia has to be dissolved or parties should leave the federation. If the Treaty is valid, then, just implement all terms and conditions therein. What is there to wait or to negotiate or re-negotiate? The matter had been left outstanding or unsolved for the past 59 years. 

The suggestion by the honourable prime minster, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim that things in MA63 could be negotiated a little more seems will not bring an end soon to the “ghost” that had been haunting the federal and state governments of Sabah and Sarawak for past years. The prime minister may need to be informed that peoples of Sabah and Sarawak are aware that the main intention for having the federation of Malaysia formed was to protect the interest of the British in South East Asia after world war II and for Malaya to benefit from the oil resources of Sabah and Sarawak. 

If the prime minister wish to deny that fact that these oil and gas resources had never been used to develop Malaya, then repeal the Petroleum Development Act 1974, Seas Territorial Act and also the Continental Shelf Act and to return all oil and gas resources to Sabah and Sarawak.

Many Sabahans and Sarawakians in 1960s did not agree as to how the federation of Malaysia should be formed. This led to huge public demonstrations against the idea because Sabah and Sarawak were not granted independence by the British before deciding on Malaysia be formed.

To restore all rights of Sarawak, all must begin with putting back Sabah and Sarawak to their original positions as countries, not as regions or provinces within the federation of Malaysia. This is because Malaysia was a plan for Greater Malaya and it is difficult to dispute that Sabah and Sarawak had not been absorbed, annexed or merged for the plan for Greater Malaya, that is, to enlarge Malaya and this was carefully planned and done by way of MA63.

The fear now is that the term, region (wilayah) or province being used as suggested by some federal and local leaders, will one day see Sabah and Sarawak becoming federal territories and be called as Wilayah Persekutuan Sabah and also Wilayah Persekutuan Sarawak. This will be like Labuan, which is now, known as Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan. 

If this happens, the immigration laws protecting the rights of Sabah and Sarawak under MA63 will be left redundant.

President, Parti Bumi Kenyalang

Sunday, 22 January 2023





世界上,存在一群狂熱的 愛狼”分子。德國作家埃莉•拉丁格就是其中最為典型的一員。

















狼群裡的每一隻狼,都天生具備一種 共生”意識,有一種 利他”的格局。




在崇尚 狼性文化”的任正非身上,發生過這樣一件事。












1895年,達爾文在《物種起源》中,提出了 物競天擇,適者生存”的生物進化理論。




















她觀察到當今的年輕人生活節奏快,沒時間料理 一日三餐”。

於是,她自創 一周菜單”,提前把蔬菜處理好,顧客只需回家炒一下就可以吃。









每個狼群都有一個 共識”,那就是它們不僅會一起撫養幼崽,還會供養年長或者受傷的狼。



大多數情況,狼都遵循著規則安守其位,但也發生過一次例外,用埃莉的話說,那是 一件轟動一時的命案。”


這隻狼破壞了狼群裡 團結一致,嚴禁互鬥”的規則,而它的下場,也十分悲慘。



前段時間,一則 奔馳女硬闖小區”的新聞,在社會上引起軒然大波。


面對眾人的勸阻,她愈加張狂,揚言道: 車我不要了,罵你怎麼了,滾蛋!”











Saturday, 21 January 2023


         马耒亜说MA63是马来西亚立国契约,但对砂沙来讲是亡国契约!6O年代在砂最常听到的一句话是:通过参加马来西亚取得独立,马来西亚将带来繁荣,幸福!60年过去了砂拉越独立了吗?人民生活繁荣幸福了吗?说句实话6O前砂是英殖民地,6O年后的今天砂是马耒亜的次殖民地,成了资源最丰富 ,经济发展与基建设施最落后的"州 "!问砂同胞们这到底是怎么一回事?真无奈呀!千害万祸归根结底是可恨的英殖民主义者搞了个世纪大谎言,国际大骗局的MA63协议,把砂沙人民推进了万丈深渊的马耒西亚地狱中去永世不得翻身!

Monday, 16 January 2023



鉴于 沙巴和砂拉越不是邦(Region)。

沙巴人和砂拉越人必须审查政治家的声明,以及当副首相拿督斯里扎希声明时表示砂拉越和沙巴现在被赋予邦Region地位,不再被视为马来西亚的州 - 见 World of Buzz,2023 年 1 月 13 日。他們必须让沙巴人和砂拉越人知道,沙巴和砂拉越曾经是与马来亚互不相干毫無關係的国家,但却被卷入英国为保护其在该地区的利益而设计之新殖民主义所造成的后果​​。英国同时策划的新殖民主义也否絕沙巴和砂拉越根据联合国大会第1514号决议获得独立的权力,並通过1963年7月9日签署的1963年马来西亚协议将沙巴,砂拉越和新加坡交给马来亚。声称砂拉越通过加入马来亚联邦成立马来西亚联邦而独立,这在法律上具有误导性。因为根据国际法,一个国家不可能在另一个国家之內独立。

因此,沙巴和砂拉越不能称为马来西亚的邦Region。除非沙巴和砂拉越被称为国家Countries,否则被称为邦Region (区域)是不可接受的,因为根据国际法,一个邦Region (区域)没有固定的边界。若这样,沙巴人和砂拉越人便失去了其国家。

英国对马来亚的去殖民化以及随后创建马来西亚的方式是新殖民主义在起作用。 AJ Stockwell教授的研究工作和印尼总统苏加诺对当时英国和马来亚策划的新殖民主义导致印尼和马来西亚武装对抗的分析指出;沙巴人和砂拉越人应该认真对待此事以免后代人被掩蓋了历史关于马来西亚是如何形成的,以及为什么在 1963 年至 1966 年期间印尼和马来西亚之间发生武装对抗的知识, 信息和记录。

东姑阿都拉曼于 1957 年 8 月 31 日宣布马来亚“Merdeka”(独立),随后英国将北婆罗洲(沙巴)、砂拉越和新加坡与马来亚联邦合并成立马来西亚是以新加坡、沙巴和砂拉越签署1963 年马来西亚协定(MA63),从而规避了联合国大会第 1514 号决议规定的殖民地人民的自决权。要说英国对沙巴和砂拉越的殖民主义已经结束,并且可以用这种方式做到这一点是具有误导性与不正确的。


沙巴人和砂拉越人都知道,根据国际法,国家或国家可能会因合并​​而灭绝(1990 年南北也门)。国家或国家也可能因被另一个国家吸收或吞并而灭绝。当国家合并或被另一个国家吸收或吞并时,被合并、吸收或吞并的国家就失去了其身份。他们可能会以这种方式灭绝。

许多法律专家认为MA63不是有效的条约或协议,如果这是正确的; 马来西亚如何是合法的,沙巴和砂拉越如何成为马来西亚的合法一部分?许多法律专家认为,MA63是马来亚联邦用来吸收或被用来合并、吸收或吞并新加坡、沙巴和砂拉越的工具。

如果我们看看东姑阿都拉曼在一本名为《与东姑阿都拉曼的对话》的书中所说的话; 法律专家的分析可能是正确的。当时东姑说新加坡、沙巴和砂拉越等英国殖民地是英国政府送给马来亚联邦的礼物为了扩大马来亚联邦的领土。马来亚的这种扩张似乎是通过合并、吸收或吞并的方式进行的。马来亚联邦随后于 1963 年 9 月 16 日更名为马来西亚联邦。联合国秘书处在Dato Ong Yoke Lin致其信函中获悉更名一事。因此,马来西亚不是一个新的国家。


一份日期为 1963 年 6 月 15 日的解密文件是殖民地国务院大臣致英国砂拉越总督的文件,其中写道:“在马来西亚成立之前授予新州属独立是不可取的,无论如何也是不切实际的。然而,允许新加坡北婆罗洲和砂拉越成为该协议的缔约方可能会满足李的观点。这将涉及将协议形式从国家元首协议转变为国家间协议。”

1963年马來西亞协议第1条明确指出; 在1963年7月9日签署MA63时,沙巴和砂拉越是殖民地。因此MA63是将沙巴和砂拉越交给马来亚的协议,马来西亚怎么可能成立联邦呢?


Press Statement

Re: Sabah and Sarawak are not regions.

Sabahans and Sarawakians have to examine statements made politicians and also a statement made by DPM Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi when they said *Sabah and Sarawak* are now accorded the status of regions and no more regarded as states in Malaysia – see World of Buzz January 13, 2023. It has to be made known to Sabahans and Sarawakians that Sabah and Sarawak were once countries independent from Malaya but was a result of neo-colonialism engineered by the British to protect its interest in this region. Neo-colonialism engineered by the British at the same time was also denying the rights of Sabah and Sarawak to gain independence under the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 by handing Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore to Malaya by way of Malaysia Agreement 1963 signed on 9 July 1963. To say that Sarawak is independent by joining the federation of Malaya to form the federation of Malaysia is legally misleading. This is because under international law, there could not be a country independent within another country. 

Sabah and Sarawak could not therefore, be called regions within Malaysia. Unless Sabah and Sarawak are called countries to be called as regions should not be acceptable because under international law, a region has no fixed boundaries. And in this way, Sabahans and Sarawakians have lost their countries.   

Such a political arrangement between nations without a referendum to determine the wishes of the colonized people was against the natural and inalienable right of the people of the land to determine their future own future and the future of their country. 
The manner of decolonization of Malaya by the United Kingdom and the subsequent creation of Malaysia was neo-colonization at work. The research work of Professor AJ Stockwell and the analysis of President Soekarno of Indonesia of neo-colonialism engineered by the British and Malaya at that time that led to the armed confrontation between Indonesia and Malaysia should be taken seriously by Sabahans and Sarawakians so that such historical records could not be swept under the carpet for the knowledge and information of future generations as to how Malaysia was formed and why there was an armed confrontation between Indonesia and Malaysia from 1963-1966.

Tunku Abdul Rahman declared Malaya “Merdeka”(independence) on 31 August, 1957 and this was then followed by the British merging North Borneo (Sabah), Sarawak and Singapore with the federation of Malaya to form Malaysia by having Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak signed the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) thus circumventing the right of self-determination of colonized people under the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514. To say that there was an end of colonialism of Sabah and Sarawak by the British and that this could be done this way was misleading or incorrect.

All things were therefore to make things look good by the British and Malaya t the expense of high illiteracy and ignorance of our people of their rights at that time as if Sabah and Sarawak were given independence when it was not. 

Be it know to Sabahans and Sarawakians that under international law States or countries may become extinct through merger (North and South Yemen in 1990). The States or countries may also become extinct by absorption or annexation by another country. When countries merged or been absorbed or annexed by another country, then, the country that had been merged, absorbed or annexed lost their identity. They could be extinct in this way.  

Many legal experts opined that MA63 was not a valid treaty or agreement and if this is correct, how could Malaysia be legal and how could Sabah and Sarawak be legally part of Malaysia? Many legal experts consider that MA63 was an instrument used to absorb or be used to merge, absorb or annex Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak by the federation of Malaya.

The analysis of legal experts could be correct if we see what was said by Tunku Abdul Rahman in a book, titled, CONVERSATION WITH TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN, when Tunku said the British colonies of Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak were a gift by the British government to the federation of Malaya. As a result of this, the territories of the federation of Malaya were enlarged. This enlargement of Malaya seemed was by way of merger, absorption or annexation. The federation of Malaya was then renamed as the federation of Malaysia effective 16 September, 1963. The United Nations Secretariat was informed of the change of name in a letter sent by Dato Ong Yoke Lin to the United Nations Secretariat. Therefore, Malaysia is not a new nation.  

If truly the federal government is sincere to revert, Sabah and Sarawak to their original state, then, Sabah and Sarawak should not be called as regions, but, as countries. Only in this way, could equal partnership be restored provided that there would be equal distribution of seats in parliament and federal cabinet posts between Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak. At that same time, all resources and land taken by Malaya or federal government have to be returned back to Sabah and Sarawak. There should not be any political parties from Malaya be allowed to contest in any parliamentary seat in Sabah and Sarawak because this was what the intention of our forefathers that enticed Sabah and Sarawak to join the federation of Malaysia to form Malaysia. 

There was a declassified document dated 15th June, 1963 from the Secretary of State for Colonies to the British Governor of Sarawak which states, “It would be undesirable and in any event impracticable to confer independence on new states before Malaysia. Lee’s point might however be met by allowing Singapore North Borneo and Sarawak to be parties to the agreement. This would involve changing form of agreement from a Heads of State agreement to an inter-state agreement.” 

Article 1 of Malaysia Agreement 1963 mentioned clearly that Sabah and Sarawak were colonies at the time the MA63 was signed on 9 July 1963. Therefore the MA63 was an agreement to hand Sabah and Sarawak to Malaya and how could there be any federation of Malaysia formed?  

May the federal and Sarawak governments re-look into legality, desires and intention of how Malaysia was formed. This is because what I know there is nothing to show that peoples of Sabah and Sarawak had wanted Sabah and Sarawak be merged, absorbed or annexed by the federation of Malaya to enlarge the territories of the federation of Malaya and have the federation of Malaya be renamed as the federation of Malaysia. If there is, the peoples of Sabah and Sarawak have the right to demand proof. 

Parti Bumi Kenyalang.

Thursday, 12 January 2023

Pas leaders..mind their own business

PAS leaders should know when to mind their own business

Francis Paul Siah  
12 Jan 2023

COMMENT Firstly, it’s important that I get this out of the way and set the record straight. 

I have to declare at the outset that I find nothing wrong with PAS as a political party. I believe I have said this before. Every party shares one common objective – it is first and foremost a platform for politicians to pursue their careers in politics and PAS is no different.

The characteristics of PAS, as a political party, must surely be also about attaining power, pursuing an ideology, having a common agenda, and establishing a government.

Notwithstanding that it is a religion-based party, the direction of PAS will depend largely on who are the key people leading the party at the given time.

PAS today is seen as more extreme and bigoted under president Abdul Hadi Awang and his team. It is clear that after then PAS spiritual leader Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat passed away in 2015, the party has never been the same.

Many of us would surely have noted and recognised the whole world of difference between the PAS of Nik Aziz and that of Hadi.

For the record, and I’m always proud to repeat this, I had respectfully described Nik Aziz as a saint in my writing. It’s an honour I’ve accorded no other politician (not even among my fellow Christians) except Nik Aziz.

I also recall making a declaration years ago that if I were a Malay and a Muslim and keen on a political career, I would join PAS. Why? Because of Nik Aziz. Somehow, you felt safe, secure, and unlikely to be led astray when Nik Aziz was around.

PAS now run by hypocrites

Sadly, PAS today is top-heavy with hypocrites at the leadership level. For starters, head honcho Hadi had already declared that corruption is not wrong in Islam. What baloney!

I’m actually very worried that many of the first-time MPs and state assemblypersons in PAS are taking their president’s words at face value – it’s really okay to be corrupt and steal from the public coffers when you are in power.

Well, this is what the president had preached, isn’t it? Ever wonder why Hadi had chosen to settle a suit out of court involving an alleged sum of RM90 million with Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown a few years ago?

I believe we know how to write the concluding chapter of the story when the main party involved preferred a “hush-hush” deal. It’s clear something that is not right has to be covered up.

So, here we are, and I’m not sorry for saying this. I’ve absolutely no respect for a leader like Hadi. I’ve described him and Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin as “sour grapes” post-GE15.

The duo, comrades in arms or partners in crime (depending on how you view them), must have strong, valid reasons as to why they are so desperate to regain power.

We cannot help but wonder whether it has something to do with the ongoing MACC probe on the billions said to be missing from the Finance Ministry. This allegedly happened under Perikatan Nasional rule when Muhyiddin was prime minister.

Why? Didn’t Hadi say that corruption is okay in Islam? Only the president’s acolytes in PAS believe his statement; the other Muslims in Malaysia probably think Hadi must either be deluded or has some vital screws loose somewhere.

Seriously, only a “mentally unstable” person would come to Sarawak and declare that only bumiputeras who are Muslims are allowed to lead Sarawak.

Hello, brother Hadi, in case you are not aware, the majority of bumiputeras (the real sons of the soil) in Sarawak are Dayaks. Oh yes, some of them are loin-cloth (cawat) wearing Ibans whom you had unapologetically mocked in the past.

No, I’m not the only one slamming PAS leaders as hypocritical. Last month, Umno veteran Shahrir Samad has taken a cynical jab at PAS leaders who are always “pure” even though Terengganu Menteri Besar Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar was on holiday abroad when the state was hit by heavy floods.

Shahrir recalled that PAS leaders opposed the idea of holding the GE15 during the flood season, but it is also possible for the party’s leaders to go on vacation when the people are facing calamities.

Samsuri later apologised for not being “present” during the critical phases of the massive floods that struck the state.

Alcohol none of PAS’ business

I must also mention another hypocritical act of another PAS leader – that of Permatang Pauh MP Muhammad Fawwaz Mohamad Jan – who courted flak from a DAP assemblyperson in Penang for “assuming the role of moral police” regarding the promotion of alcoholic beverages at a mall in the state.

It is clearly not the MP’s business to check the legitimate sale of liquor in shopping malls. In fact, it is never the duty of an MP to carry out such an act, which is against the culture and practices of those of other races and faiths.

The trouble with a newbie MP like Fawwaz is that he probably thinks that a YB belonging to a superior race or religion has every right to trample on others with impunity.

I’ve read somewhere that Fawwaz is an ustaz, 39 years old, and has two wives and 10 children.

Brother Fawwaz, here’s my little advice. Please work hard, concentrate on doing good deeds and don’t get into trouble. Bringing up 10 kids is a tall order.

Five of them could be going to college at the same time and you have to be responsible for their studies. I know that an ustaz doesn’t earn much; neither does an ordinary backbencher MP.

Do not believe what your president has espoused. Corruption is wrong in every religion. Don’t think that being a YB gives you a license to accept bribes, steal and abuse your power.

For now, stop being a busybody and mind your own business.

I must also tell you this, Fawwaz. If I were the owner of the mall, I would have shown you and your team the door immediately.  

FRANCIS PAUL SIAH is a veteran Sarawak editor and heads the Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS). He can be reached at

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.

Wednesday, 11 January 2023

. SSRANZ .质疑安华立即“实施MA63”可行性

非政府组织质疑 首相立即“实施”(MA63) 1963年馬來西亞協议的指令是否是政治噱头 2023 年 1 月 9 日 @ 13:17

古晋,1 月 9 日:首相拿督斯里安华关于立即“实施”1963 年马来西亚协议(MA63)的指示是否是政治噱头?

沙巴砂拉越权力澳大利亚新西兰(SSRANZ)主席罗伯特贝说,不可能立即恢复或实施许多 MA63 基本条款和权利自1965年被剝奪之特别是行政权力和自治地位的下放,正如 砂拉越政盟Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) 和沙巴政盟 Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) 政府指出的那样。

“在实施之前必须解决一些法律问题。首先,联邦政府和州政府应在 2023 年 3 月之前暂停行动以等待婆罗洲高等法院就 MA63 有效性的令状作出裁决。

“其次,如果 MA63 有效,则有必要废除所有法律和1974年石油發展法令,尤其是第 354 号法令,该法令非法剥夺了沙巴和砂拉越根深蒂固的宪法权力, 从而使该協议恢复到 1963 年的状态。 .

“最重要的是,这将恢复对石油和天然气资源的控制,这对两国的发展至关重要,'' 他在今天的一份声明中说。

罗伯特贝还质疑,突然匆忙“实施 MA63”是否是为了“阻止”目前正在婆罗洲高等法院審判的案件,在该案件中,11 名诉讼当事人正在质疑 MA63 的有效性,并要求赔偿因违反条约而造成的损失和痛苦。

他说,根据新闻报道,该令状于 2022 年 12 月起訴针对英国、马来西亚和砂拉越政府並寻求宣布 MA63 无效且不具有法律约束力,因为它存在许多违反国际法的违法行为和缺陷.

他断言,即使 MA63 是有效制定,它也不具有法律约束力,因为联邦宪法从 1963 年起絕不承認該協议直到 2021 年修正案方承认马来西亚是根据该条约成立的。

“这一法律缺陷以及 MA63 和马来西亚是在强制性紧急情况下缔结的事实,並质疑其是否在 1963 年合法地组成联邦。

他还认为,由于英国未能在 1963 年至 1970 年期间向联合国登记该協议,MA63 也被宣告无效。

“根据《联合国宪章》第 102 条第 2 款,所有联合国会员国必须在批准条约后立即登记,如果不登记,则不能援引该条约。

他说:“如果该条约不能在 6 年内被援引,那么在此期间以马来西亚名义进行的所有行动都是非法的,并且会影响马来西亚的法律地位和行为。”


 “砂拉越政府也应该保持透明,就 MA63 举行公开听证会,并披露其伦敦法律团队对 MA63 的调查结果,”他说。 — DayakDaily

NGO questions if PM’s directive for immediate “implementation” of MA63 is political stunt Jan 9, 2023 @ 13:17

KUCHING, Jan 9: Is Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s directive for immediate “implementation” of Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) a political stunt? 

Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ) president Robert Pei said it is impossible to immediately reinstate or implement many MA63 foundational terms and rights especially devolution of administrative powers and autonomy status, which have been removed since 1965 as pointed out by the 
Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) and Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) governments. 

“A number of legal matters must be resolved before implementation. Firstly, the federal and State governments should withhold action till March 2023, pending the Borneo High Court’s decision on the Writ on MA63 validity. 

“Secondly, if MA63 is valid, there is the need to reinstate the treaty to its 1963 position by repealing all laws especially Act 354, that had illegally taken away Sabah and Sarawak’s entrenched constitutional rights and powers and the Petroleum Development Act 1974 (PDA74). 

“This would most importantly, restore control of oil and gas resources, which is essential for the development of both states,” he said in a statement today. 

Pei also questioned if the sudden haste to “implement MA63” was to “head off” the current Borneo High Court case in which 11 litigants are challenging the validity of MA63 and seeking compensation for loss and suffering arising from treaty breaches. 

He said according to news reports, the Writ was filed in Dec 2022 against the governments of the United Kingdom, Malaysia and Sarawak, seeking declarations that MA63 was invalid and not legally binding as it was tainted by many illegalities and defects in violation of international law. 

He asserted that even if MA63 had been validly made, it was never legally binding as it was not recognised by the Federal Constitution from 1963 till the 2021 amendment to acknowledge that Malaysia was set up pursuant to the treaty. 

“This legal defect and the fact that MA63 and Malaysia were concluded under coercive emergency conditions, question whether Malaysia was legitimately constituted as a federation in 1963. 
“Malaysia would be no more than a de facto federation in status,” he added. 
Pei also opined MA63 was also rendered void by the UK’s failure to register the treaty with the United Nations from 1963 to 1970. 

“Under Article 102(2) of the UN Charter, all UN members must promptly register a treaty after ratification and if not done, the treaty could not be invoked. 

“If the treaty could not be invoked for 6 years, then all the actions done during that time in the name of Malaysia would be illegitimate and impact on the legal status and acts of Malaysia,” he said. 

Pei also called on the Prime Minister and the Borneo State governments to firstly review the legal status of Sabah and Sarawak in the federation and many legal issues affecting Malaysia’s legitimacy, which they have a duty to resolved before further action on MA63.

 “The Sarawak State government should also be transparent and hold public hearings on MA63 and disclose its London legal team’s findings on MA63,” he said. — DayakDaily

Tuesday, 10 January 2023


delightW11 2023/01/07























































很認可哲學家周國平的一句話: 「看到自己所必有的不能與限制,是智慧的起點。」









































詩人歌德說: 「無論你出身高低貴賤,都無關宏旨,但你必須有做人之道。」



















臨死前,他說: 「我不是傻子,也不是聰明人,不過是來這片土地走一遭。」








作者阿來意猶未盡,他在小說最后寫道: 「一路都是落不定的塵埃,而你是誰?」







Monday, 9 January 2023



1. 750 hektar … di Sungai Lubai Tengah, Limbang Srwk Plantations Entiti perniagaan ini tlh diswastakn, 60% pegangan saham dimiliki olh Hamid Sepawi (sepupu Taib) & Hasmi b Hasnan.

2. 4,400 hektar … di Sungai Medalam, Lawas Celerity Design Sdn Bhd – Abu Bekir Taib (anak Taib Mahmud).

3. 9.000 hektar … di Batang, Limbang Future Atmosphere Sdn Bhd Abu Bekir Taib.

4. 11,000 hektar di Ulu Medamit, Limbang – Dataran Aras Sdn Bhd – Abu Bekir Taib.

5. 3,000 hektar … di Tinjar,Miri – Amazing Green Sdn Bhd – Teresa Toyad (keluarga Taib yg berkahwin dgn bekas Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri) & CEO kpd SCORE Wilson Baya Dandot.

6. 750 hektar … di Jalan, Miri.

7. 2,000 hektar … di lokasi penting lapangan trbang, Miri – Kumpulan Parabena Sdn Bhd & Mesti Bersatu Sdn Bhd Taib Mahmud & Raziah Mahmud.

8. 500 hektar … di Sungai Sibuti, Miri – Premium Haven Sdn Bhd – Abu Bekir Taib.

9. 5,000 hektar … di Sungai Teru & Batang Baram – Essential Straits Sdn Bhd – Abu Bekir Taib.

10. 1,100 hektar di Sungai Karap Umpama Mantap Sdn Bhd – Abu Bekir Taib.

11. 10,000 hektar di Lot 1208 Sungai Karap – Abu Bekir Taib.

12. 50 hektar … di Jalan Tusan, Sibuti – Ukiran Mantap Sdn Bhd – Abu Bekir Taib.

13. 4,000 hektar di Sungai Bok, Tinjar – Log Oak Promotion Sdn Bhd – Abu Bekir Taib.

14. 4,500 hektar di Sungai Tutoh Syarikat Radiant Lagoon – Abu Bekir Taib.

15. 5,000 hektar di Sungai Karap & Sungai Kulak – Amgreen Gain Sdn Bhd – Ibrahim Mahmud (abang/adik Taib).

16. 50 hektar … di Sungai Karabungan, Niah – Hamid Sepawi (sepupu Taib) & Hasmi b Hasnan.

17. 31,000 hektar … tanah NCR di Long Lamai – Merawa Sdn Bhd (anak syarikat Samling Global).

18. 2,600 hektar di Jalan Setium – Mega Bumimas Sdn Bhd (anak syarikat Ta An – Hamed Sepawi (sepupu Taib).

19. 10,000 hektar di Similajau – Sahua Enterprise Sdn Bhd – Mohamid Morshidi bin Abdul Ghani (Setiausaha BN Sarawak).

20. 4,500 hektar … di Similajau – Derawan Sdn Bhd – Mohamid Morshidi bin Abdul Ghani (Setiausaha BN Sarawak).

21. 15,000 hektar … tanah NCR kaum Penan di Ba Jawi Samling Plywood (Miri) Sdn Bhd.

22. 1,600 hektar … di Setuan – Hasmi Hasan (proksi Taib).

23. 10,000 hektar di Sungai Takan & Ulu Sungai Nyatak, Tatau – Ikrar Bumi Sdn Bhd Elia Geneid (anak saudara Taib).

24. 8,000 hektar … di Balingian (sebahagian besar kawasan ini asalnya adalah hutam simpan Setuan Besar) – Saradu Plantations Sdn Bhd, Organic Treasure Sdn Bhd & Kumpulan Parabena Sdn Bhd – Raziah Mahmud (adik Taib) & Robert Geneid (ipar Taib).

25. 10,000 hektar … di Ulu Mukah – Sarawak Plantations Entiti perniagaan ini telah diswastakn, 60% pegangan saham dimiliki olh Hamid Sepawi (sepupu Taib) & Hasmi b Hasnan.

26. 5,000 hektar … di Mukah – Delta Padi Sdn Bhd (Taib Mahmud) & LCD (pengerusinya ialah Taib Mahmud).

27. 5,000 hektar di Sungai Bawan – Palmlyn Sdn Bhd Taib Mahmud & Arip Mahmud.

28. 13,000 hektar di Sungai Bawan Golden Star Ace Sdn Bhd – Taib Mahmud & Arip Mahmud.

29. 4,000 hektar di Sungai Sikat, Mukah – Bella Magic Sdn Bhd – Abu Bekir Taib.

30. 5,000 hektar di Kenyana Rajah Mutiara Sdn Bhd Taib Mahmud & Arip Mahmud.

31. 2,000 hektar di Loba Kabang – Victoria Square Development Sdn Bhd Ibrahim Mahmud (abang/adik Taib).

32. 2,050 hektar di Penasu Igan – Victoria Square Development Sdn Bhd Ibrahim Mahmud (abang/adik Taib).

33. 5,000 hektar di Antara Batang, Oya & Batang Mukah – Kub Sepadu Sdn Bhd – Hamid Sepawi (sepupu Taib).

34. 10,500 hektar di Sungai Retus – Hariyama Sdn Bhd Taib Mahmud & Arip Mahmud.

35. 768 hektar … di Pasai Siong, Sungai Retus – Masretus Oil Palm Plantation Sdn Bhd Ibrahim Mahmud(abang/ adik Taib), Yahya bin Ibrahim (anak saudara Taib) & Mahmud bin Ibrahim (anak saudara Taib).

36. 400 hektar … di Tulai Meradong – Delta Padi Sdn Bhd (Taib Mahmud) & LCD(pengerusinya ialah Taib Mahmud).

37. 2,000 hektar … di Batang Lebaan, Sibu – Delta Padi Sdn Bhd (Taib Mahmud) & LCDA (pengerusinya ialah Taib Mahmud).

38. 100 hektar … di Sungai Lengan, Sibu – Delta Padi Sdn Bhd (Taib Mahmud) & LCDA (pengerusinya ialah Taib Mahmud).

39. 600 hektar … di Sungai Melayu, Meradong – Sarawak Plantations – Entiti perniagaan ini telah diswastakan, 60% pegangan saham dimiliki olh Hamid Sepawi (sepupu Taib) & Hasmi b Hasnan.

40. 1,113 hektar di Batang Lassa – Europalm Sdn Bhd (anak syarikat Ta Ann Holdings) – Hamid Sepawi (sepupu Taib).

41. 1,500 hektar … di Jin Matu, Daro – Europalm Sdn Bhd (anak syarikat Ta Ann Holdings) Hamid Sepawi (sepupu Taib).

42. 90 hektar … di Kampung Tebang, Batang Lassa,Daro – Multi Maximum Sdn Bhd (anak syarikat Ta Ann Holdings) Hamid Sepawi (sepupu Taib).

43. 15,000 hektar di Pulau Bruit – Eastern Eden Sdn Bhd & Poh Zhen Sdn Bhd – Arip Mahmud (abang/adik Taib), Ali Mahmud (abang/adik Taib) & Azerina Mohd Arip (ipar Taib).

44. 7,700 hektar di Paloh Delta Padi Sdn Bhd (Taib Mahmud) & LCDA (pengerusinya ialah Taib Mahmud).

45. 9,000 hektar di Sungai Machan Tengah – Polar Tower Sdn Bhd – Abu Bekir Taib (anak Taib).

46. 5,000 hektar … di Sungai Selepong & Sungai Kawasan – Ample Agro Sdn Bhd – Fatimah Abdul Rahman (kakak/adik kpd YB Norah binti Abdul Rahman yg juga sepupu Taib).

47. 70,000 hektar di Bijat Land District, Sri Aman –beberapa buah syarikat yg diuruskan olh Titanium Management Sdn Bhd – Abu Bekir Taib (anak Taib Mahmud).

48. 2,300 hektar di Sungai Klauh & Sungai Dor – Tabaruk Abadi Sdn Bhd Ali Mahmud (abang/adik Taib Mahmud).

49. 700 hektar … di Sungai Batang Klauh – Sarawak Plantations Entiti perniagaan ini telah diswastakn, 60% pegangan saham dimiliki olh Hamid Sepawi (sepupu Taib) & Hasmi b Hasnan.

50. 900 hektar … di Melugu,Sri Aman – Sarawak Oil Palm – Entiti perniagaan ini juga telah diswastakan, 60% pegangan saham dimiliki olh Hamid Sepawi (sepupu Taib) & Hasmi b Hasnan.

51. 7,000 hektar di Simunjan Gedong Plantation Sdn Bhd –Naroden Majais (ahli politik BN).

52. 5,000 hektar di Batang Sadong – Indranika Jaya Sdn Bhd – Naroden Majais (ahli politik BN).

53. 5,600 hektar … di Batang Sadong – Hydroflow Sdn Bhd – Naroden Majais (ahli politik BN).

54. 700 hektar … di Antara Sungai Igom – Poliga Sdn Bhd – Ahmad bin Su’ut (bomoh Taib Mahmud).

55. 1,000 hektar … Sarawak Plantations – Entiti perniagaan ini telah diswastakan, 60% pegangan saham dimiliki olh Hamid Sepawi (sepupu Taib) d Hasmi b Hasnan.

56. 500 hektar … di Munggu Kupi, Serian – Ahmad bin Su’ut (bomoh Taib Mahmud).

57. 354 hektar … tanah NCR penduduk Kampung Segenam, di antara Batang Sadong & Ensengai Road, Serian –diberikan kpd Usaha Jasamaju Sdn Bhd –pemegang saham Usaha Jasamaju Sdn Bhd ialah Asset Teamwork Sdn Bhd (125,000 unit saham), Ting Kang Hwa (187,500 unit), Betty Yii Pick Koung (7,500 unit), Wong Kuok Kai (325,000 unit), Lau Hie Ping (75,000 unit), Wong Kuo Hea (375,000 unit), Knightswealth Sdn Bhd (50,000 unit), Chai Min Kian (125,000 unit), Lim Choo Tad (25,000 unit), Siew Meng Kun (55,000 unit), Century Merit Sdn Bhd (125,000 unit), Transwill Sdn Bhd (125,000 unit) & Butrasemari Sdn Bhd (900,000 unit) – Nota : Lau Hie Ping, Wong Kuo Hea, Lim Choo Tad, Siew Meng Kun drpd Ta Ann Holdings & Chai Min Kian adalah politikus parti komponen BN Sarawak iaitu SUPP. Butrasemari Sdn Bhd berkait dgn Abdul Hamid Sepawi (proksi Taib Mahmud) yg merupakan Pengerusi Eksekutif Ta Ann Holdings.

58. 3,305 hektar … di Sebangan – Quality Concrete Holdings Berhad Raziah Mahmud (kakak/adik Taib).

59. 10,000 hektar di Sungai Bakong & Sungai Karap – Polar Red Sdn Bhd – Abu Bekir Taib (anak Taib Mahmud).

60. 700 ekar (283 hektar)… di Batu 13, Kuching – Mesti Bersatu Sdn Bhd, LCDA (pengerusinya ialah Taib Mahmud) & Lanco Plantations (keluarga Arip Mahmud – abang/adik Taib).

61. 1,300 hektar … di Kemajuan, Lembaga Sarawak Plantations – Entiti perniagaan ini telah diswastakn, 60% pegangan saham dimiliki olh Hamid Sepawi (sepupu Taib) & Hasmi b Hasnan Kekayaan perbadi Taib ialah AS$ 15 Billion (RM 46 Billion) Harta keluarga AS$21 bilion (RM64 bilion)    

Dear all please remember this all RAKYAT money not PH or BN money !!!

Thursday, 5 January 2023

Najib's SRC case==UN council

If Najib can bring his SRC case to UN Council for a retrial, so can those plantiffs who are suing the Sarawak, Malaya and UK Govts for human rights infringements, violations, suppression and economic sufferings as a result of MA63(law suit filed by PBK on Nov 23, 2021). Najib has set a precedent.

Incarcerated former prime minister Najib Razak has submitted a petition to the United Nations Human Rights Council Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD) seeking a release from prison or retrial of his SRC International case.

At a press conference, Najib’s lawyer, Shafee Abdullah, maintained that the former Pekan MP’s appeal in the Federal Court had “serious defects” and went against the “rules of international justice”.

Najib began his 12-year jail sentence in August after the apex court affirmed his conviction and sentence in the SRC case.

Shafee said UNWGAD is expected to have its first 2023 seating soon.

Wednesday, 4 January 2023

How much will be done for MA63 devolution?

 The Federal Government is committed to dealing with the MA63 issue
 January 4, 2023

 KUCHING: The government decided that the previous series of negotiations related to the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) should continue at the official level for the actions of ministries and agencies.

 The Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof said, it will then be brought to the MA63 Implementation Action Council (MTPMA63) or Cabinet of Ministers Meeting to be finalised.

 He said the Cabinet has approved steps to empower the Supreme Consultation Platform as a Platform for Action Agenda for the Implementation of the MA63 Special Council (MKMA63) through MTPMA63 chaired by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and involving the Premier of Sarawak, Tan Sri Abang Johari Abang Openg and the Chief Minister of Sabah , Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor.

 "The first meeting of MTPMA63 is scheduled for this February and will be held in Kuching in conjunction with the Prime Minister's first official visit to Sarawak.

 "For the MA63 Technical Committee chaired by myself, we will examine and continue discussions with all agencies and finalize all matters that have not been decided to be brought to MTPMA63," he said in a statement today.

 Commenting further, Fadillah said that among the things that have been finalized is the process of handing over gas regulatory powers to the Sabah State Government, which has also received the approval of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah on December 27. .

 "The Cabinet also agreed to improve the provision in Article 112D of the Federal Constitution regarding Special Grants to Sabah and Sarawak.

 "The formula in terms of the increase in the amount of the special grant will be finalized in a meeting chaired by the Prime Minister in Kuching in February," he said.

 However, he said, in principle, the Council of Ministers agreed to consider improving the existing Special Grants to the two regions concerned.

 "The Cabinet also agreed to recognize technical agencies in Sabah and Sarawak with the Public Works Department (JKR) of Sabah and Sarawak recognized as Technical Departments.

 "With that recognition, JKR Sabah and Sarawak are authorized to administer federal development projects at a rate of up to RM50 million," he said.

 Fadillah said the government also committed to continue the Sarawak and Sabah Pan Borneo Highway Project because it is an initiative of the Federal Government to gradually improve the federal road infrastructure network in Sabah and Sarawak.

 "The Sarawak Pan Borneo project is now 91 percent complete, while the Sabah Pan Borneo project is 73 percent complete.

 "The government is also committed to continue the Sarawak-Sabah Link Road (SSLR) Project which is divided into two phases, namely SSLR Phase 1 (Lawas-Long Lopeng Junction), which is now 10 percent complete and SSLR Phase 2 and the Trans Borneo Highway involving Miri-Limbang -Old," he said.

 He said, the Trans Borneo Highway will start as soon as the Ministry of Public Works finishes appointing a contractor which is expected to be finalized in 2024.

 "This all proves the commitment and determination of the Federal Government in resolving all issues related to MA63 that are still pending and dignifying MA63 as well as strengthening the infrastructure for the people in Sabah and Sarawak," he said.

Tuesday, 3 January 2023



“....新加坡的独立卻是强加在它头上的....”,話雖是这么說,然而李光耀巧妙的運用一係例策略与动作,还有他的高尚品德致使他不曾和砂沙首长一样同汚合流,高喊'Ya betul, ya betul',所以今天新加坡才不在马联邦懷抱之中,其实不会令人惊奇的。

李光耀回忆录第一章第十六段,“在我们和敦拉扎克进行談判三个星期里.....” 第八段 “特地要求東姑在声明上亲自簽名,......使他们无法改变主意。”




Sunday, 1 January 2023

Federal Fund Allocation for each Representative

RM9 mil a year for reps: why is Sarawak one of the poorest states, asks PKR
Datuk Seri Shamsul Iskandar Md Akin notes that Sarawak’s revenue is the third largest in the country, contributing 12% to gross domestic product after Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. – The Vibes file pic, December 1, 2021

KUALA LUMPUR – The distribution of wealth in Sarawak has been questioned after the state was declared one of the poorest in the country. 

PKR information chief Datuk Seri Shamsul Iskandar Md Akin said in a statement that the allocation for Sarawak assemblymen is among the highest – at RM9 million annually per person.

“Each Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) assemblyman receives an annual allocation of RM5 million for rural transformation projects, RM2 million for small rural projects, RM1 million for the Sarawak Poor Home Improvement Programme, and RM1 million for the Agriculture Facilitation Fund Programme. 

“Does the allocation received by each assemblyman really reach the people for them to enjoy the benefits? 

“If yes, then why is Sarawak one of the poorest states in Malaysia?” Shamsul said. 

His comments came after Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economy) Datuk Eddin Syazlee Shith told the Dewan Rakyat that Sarawak is one of the states with the highest poverty rates in the country. 

The other three states are Kelantan, Sabah, and Perak. 

Eddin added that the four states also recorded the highest rate of hardcore poverty compared with other states.   

Although the revelation is common knowledge, Shamsul said it is a shame that the poverty rate of the Hornbill State, which has long been ruled by GPS, has remained the same. 

“Its poverty level has not improved. It is very sad for the Sarawakians, as the state has the largest cash reserve in the country. 

“The state revenue is also the third largest, contributing 12% to gross domestic product after Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. 

“Where have things gone wrong in the distribution of the state’s wealth to the people?” – The Vibes, December 1, 2021


( 20-12-2022 )



坚船利炮 据土立国

各位朋友,自从183年前(1839年8月15日)英国殖民者詹姆斯布律克,夹着坚船利炮,踏上砂拉越这块赤道犀乡乐土,利用汶莱苏丹的信任,於1841年9月24日在最初的三千平方英哩砂拉越河流域古晋,立国就位第一世拉者后,就迅速以消灭海盗和禁止猎人头为名,强行推进领土扩充,连续六十四年征战,甚至兵临汶莱王宫河内,强行从汶莱苏丹手中攫取土地,扩展到林梦。至一九0五年, 即據有现今的四 萬七千平方英哩的土地。




英雄伊班同胞 浴血抗争九十载


詹姆士時期的英國政策,在於增进自由貿易,为此,需夺取更多土地。为了要去占领某處 建立基地,以利貿易,消除貿易的障礙,於是,就喊出「剿灭 海盜」,名正言順地用海軍對付。詹姆士的對付伊班「 海盜」,正是此種策的縮影。

詹姆斯布律克自从1841年登王位后,即以剿灭海盗和取缔猎人头者为名,接连三代拉者,约九十年里,持续发动对各流域伊班人的进攻。倘若對付普通的海盜、獵人頭者,拉者為何要動用堡壘 炮台、戰船、大炮、封鎖政策、數千名士兵、數百艘船隻 ?為什麼伊班「海盜」、「獵人頭者」能組織數千名戰士 、數百艘戰船?這不是一場清剿普通海盜及獵人頭的戰爭 ,而是一場侵略與反侵略之戰。拉者的所謂「海盜」「獵 人頭者」,實乃捍衛土地的英勇戰士。詹姆士以各種手段對 付反抗者。 在他宣佈为拉者後不久,便處死兩名反抗的達雅領袖。1848年比丁馬魯一役, 約一千名伊班人喪身。一千名的伊班男人, 影响約一千家庭失去重要勞動力,對 當時的社會、經濟有很大的影響,須多年時間,方能恢復 原狀。拉者士兵攻佔一處,常燒燬村落、長屋稻田,造成伊 班人失去日常用品,婦女和小孩無家可住,無米可食。

拉著為誘引伊班人作他的作戰工具,凡參加拉 者王朝出征的伊班人和馬來人,免繳稅賦。利用此法,拉 者王朝可出動五萬士兵。維納時期,凡參 加征討的伊班人,照樣可免稅,且可獲得煙草。拉者兵还常乘勝放火、掠奪物 品、砍取頭盧頗,這和詹姆士所說的「拯救不幸之士番,l脫 離虐政」,「革除土人殺人頭的惡俗」相違悖。

最惨烈的战事有多起。除了1848年的比丁马鲁惨烈屠杀之外,还有從一八五七年至一八六一年, 拉者發動三 次攻擊,才攻破伊班民族英雄仁达固守的砂卓山。等等。(详细相关情况,欢迎参看 《 伊班族與拉者王朝戰史》
1976年11月25日 蔡宗祥 完稿於诗巫 )


伊班同胞的强烈的武力抗争,从1841年,持续直到 一九三○年一九三一年 ,世界經濟危機沖擊砂羅越,砂羅越土產價格大降。例如 ,樹膠每担只值四元,拉者王朝还訓令伊班人每戶家庭須年 繳一元稅收。伊班人的不满,終於演成阿順率眾反徵稅之 戰。

一九三四年七月的「懲罰」戰役,應該是拉著最後一 次出兵攻打伊班人。
從一九三四年到一九四○年,拉讓江流域仍有許抗争。拉者王朝用逮捕、封銷河流、懸 賞等決策對待。


在经历了1914-1918第一次世界大战,和1939年9月1日德国进攻波兰,爆发第二次世界大战的磨难。1945第二次世界大战结束之后,国家要独立,民族要解放的浪潮在亚非拉汹涌澎湃。英国乘维纳布律克家族无力偿还天价“光复砂拉越军费” 和家族不和之际,以一百万英镑,逼使维纳布律克,将砂拉越国於1946年7月1日“让渡”给英国。

三年八个月日本侵略、蹂躏的痛苦经历,使砂拉越人民渴望独立自由。然而1945年二战结束,砂拉越却被逼卖给了英国成为殖民地。勇敢的马来同胞再度挺身而出,几乎是全马来同胞反“让渡”, 做为当年英国殖民政府主要公务成员的砂拉越马来官员的大多数,都拒绝上班或辞职杯葛,甚至举着 “ 反对让渡 ”、“我们要独立”、“不要做英国殖民地” 的标语,大规模上街游行示威表达反对,然而,英殖民当局始终无动于衷。由于抗议无效,马来青年组织最后决定以刺杀总督的方式,表达强烈抗议。我的母校卫理中学五号班同学,年仅十七岁的马来学生 Rosli Dolbi ,在诗巫政府码头,迎接司徒华总督时,用匕首刺杀了这第二位砂拉越总督。

独立运动风起云涌 英马策划新殖民

砂拉越的华族同胞,在1949年新中国诞生后,在亚非拉各国民族独立运动日益高涨的国际形势影响下,前婆罗洲抗日同盟负责人伍禅等积极推动教师和学生运动,五十年代头,文铭权和黄纪作等更进一步把推动砂拉越走向美好生活的有志之士组织起来,并在1959年联同杨国斯、王其辉、田绍熙、黄增安、黄增霆等组织了砂拉越历史上第一个政党,而且是真正的三大民族大联合的政党(SUPP 砂拉越人民联合党)。


1960年 联合国大会通过1514、1541,决议案《去殖民化宣言》。常任理事国的英国自然签了名。

然而,根据解密文件,显示:1959年上任的新殖民部大臣却在和马来亚联合邦(Federation of Malaya) 首相东姑讨论计划时,东姑强烈反对“先独立再联合” 的计划。东姑强烈要求英国 “ 就依照它们现在的状态(殖民地),转给马来亚联合邦,成为其在婆罗洲地区的领土扩充部分”。( 美其名曰:通过参组马来西亚以达到独立。)

令人愤慨的是,根据解密文件:英国殖民部大臣竟然回复东姑说,“我们会把它们作为礼物送给你”。而东姑也回信说:“ 谢谢你的礼物”。


1963年7月9日砂拉越某些人,在未被砂拉越立法议会授权情况下,被英国安排充当代表砂拉越到伦敦签署MA63 ,这是违法的,更严重的是1963年7月9日,砂拉越还是殖民地,而按照日内瓦公约里的国际契约条例明确指出,国际契约的签署者必须具有独立主权的法定地位。1963年砂拉越的洋人律政司还特地写信给殖民部,指出:砂拉越还未独立,还是殖民地,根本不具备法定地位签署国际契约,如果勉强签署,将来有争议时,在法理上MA63可被宣判为非法和无效。

1962年科博特调查团和1963年联合国调查团进行调查期间,单在科博特调查团来砂拉越古晋诗巫美里三地调查,就面对总共至少十五万人(当时砂拉越总人口七十多万)参与抗议聚会队列。而受列强操控的某调查团竟然没有进行公民投票来获取民意,只在冷气房内调查了特定安排的几千人,就得出结论说,三份一反对,三份一支持 ,三份一有条件赞成,结论是大多数人同意推行马来西亚。


面对汹涌澎湃的民众抗议大潮,英殖民者以马来亚繁荣富裕, 能提供经济拥助等谎言, 欺骗砂拉越上层人士和普通百姓, 谎称如果自行独立, 必遭印尼、菲律宾吞噬, 而通过马来西亚取得独立, 与马来亚联合邦共享有平等伙伴地位才是最好的选择, 到时候,马来亚一定会保护好砂拉越,并保证会使之达到马来亚一样的水平.。他们压根儿没有提起,砂拉越只是马来亚联合邦里的一个州而已, 地位和其他11个州 (雪兰莪、森美兰、槟城等) 是一模一样的.,连宪法、国旗、甚至在联合国的注册号码还是1957年的马来亚联合邦号码我。在联合国的记录里,并没有马来西亚的注册号码,只是把马来亚联合邦的名字,改为马来西亚而已。就这样, 砂拉越人民误以为有了马来亚这个阔绰的兄弟, 好日子就在眼前。

而当时的砂拉越人民联合党 (SUPP)根据殖民地内部讯息, 经过详细分析, 确定所谓的马来西亚计划, 其实是一个假独立真殖民的扩大马来亚领土的大马计划. 所以,砂拉越各族人民一致高呼:
反对大马 (反对扩大马来亚领土);
反对新殖民地计划 (反对把砂拉越变成马来亚殖民地的所谓马来西亚计划).


与此同时,英殖民当局用政治高压, 威迫利诱, 逮捕下狱, 严刑拷打, 追捕射杀, 把爱国人士逼上梁山, 称他们为叛国者, 从而把他们彻底驱离砂拉越的议会政治主流, 为1963年中进行的砂拉越三层次选举,扫除反大马的力量,以期在同年八、九月举行的议会里通过赞成马来西亚计划.


然而,59年了,砂拉越在磨难中走来。光阴荏冉, 历史无情地揭穿了所谓共组繁荣马来西亚的丑陋谎言. 实质上砂拉越早已沦为马来亚的第13个殖民州。尤为甚者,砂拉越每年被剥夺的油气税收, 银行金融, 工农商贸利益, 超过千亿, 累计至今以数万亿计.。更可悲的是, 历经59年, 别说丰富油气资源被剥夺近乎殆尽,就连一条由联邦政府负责的不到一千公里的连贯高速公路至今尚未完成, 砂拉越人民也未曾有一天可以在一条全程完好的公路上舒服行车.

马来亚亏待砂拉越57年, 已经失去了融合砂拉越的黄金时期。客观上,马来西亚已经失却了继续下去的合理性和必要性.,除非它能够恢复给予一个真正平等邦国地位。


59年, 历经三代, 不幸的事情从不间断, 而螺旋式上升的历史运动,似乎可笑的又回到原点。 在咱们砂拉越这片悲哀而又亲爱的犀乡大地
上,再次响起了 反让渡斗争时的马来同胞英雄Rosli Dolbi 他们在 古晋,在诗巫 的嘹亮呐喊声. 呼号声 :
" We don't want to be British Colony ! " ;  
We want Independence ! Merdeka ! "
从Tanjung Dato 到林梦Bakelalan 高原!
从砂拉越河, 拉让江, 巴南河到老越河, !
从城市到长屋, 到最偏僻的Langkau!
各民族竞相呼应 。



我感到欣慰,59年后的今天,终于看到新首相主动说:“ 无需协商,即恢复MA63 所有权益” (也有媒体写到“ 无需过多协商” )。这对于被压制和陷于困境的沙巴和砂拉越,是一个好的开始。


如今,传承这历史重担,责无旁贷地落在新时代的年轻有志之士身上了。我愿意和所有的关心、同情、支持、及同行者, 紧密坚强的团结在一起,行动起来,勇敢地、义无反顾地迈向砂拉越美好的明天!


( 20-12-2022 )





在大门进来的左边大图显示1950 - 1900 砂拉越革命组织领导的党和军事机构,及其活动的示意地图,与和平谈判图片


达雅同胞 以Rentap为代表的反抗外来统治历史

华裔同胞 以刘善邦为代表的,反抗外来统治人民要自己当家作主 的历史

马来同胞 以Rosli 为代表的,反对成为英国殖民地,在砂拉越历史上第一次喊出:要砂拉越独立的呼声

日本侵略沙巴砂拉越时期 图片

沙巴神山游击队 图片

五、六十年代 风起云涌的反对殖民地运动
民族要解放 国家要独立的浪潮 图片




墙上许多图片 反映当年武装抗争的历史图片
里面还有前州长 Ahmad Zaidi 在担任北加里曼丹合众国国防部长时的相片





温故知新 路在脚下

温故知新 路在脚下
( 31-12-3023)



在这2022岁末,安华新政伊始之际,我和同胞们交流《如何恢复MA63 及拿回参组马来西亚而丢失的主权》这个课题,希望能抛砖引玉,希望有更多有识之士,更深入探究和进行索权。

我同意「温故知新」的道理,我认为从历史,从法律,从事实h上,可以从两个大方面来探讨,即是 从历史事实的回顾来看,和从现在的时局状况来看。

我认为,第一) 认知当年的历史事实。

历史的发展,证明当年砂拉越人民联合党反对马来西亚计划,并在呈给联合国调查团备忘录里明确写道:反对 ”大马计划” ,反对把砂拉越纳入马来亚,变成马来亚的第十四州的论据是正确的。历史的发展 ,也证明「马来西亚计划是英国与马来亚用欺骗和镇压,强行炮制的,换汤不换药的新殖民主义」的论点是符合历史实际的;也证明当年指出英国伙同马来亚,与其代理人等,在伦敦签署的所谓的MA63 (Malaysia Agreement 1963 )是一个预设的陷阱骗局 的历史判断是正确的。



在镇压方面,有 a )先后上万个砂拉越人民被逮捕,b) 数万个群众被驱离家园,被逼进入古晋三个华族移置区,拉让江四个移置区, c) 约三千个爱国志士先后被逼上梁山,d) 约八百热血青年壮烈牺牲 ....... …。



英国在1945年,趁着日本在太平洋战争的失利,象征式地派些兵空降来砂拉越内陆地区,要前来收割胜利在望的果实。日军投降后,英国却开来天价的“光复砂拉越军费”。1946年乘着维纳布律克无力偿还军费,及家族内部失和而灰心失望的时候,以一百万英镑,强行从维纳布律克手中“让渡”获得了砂拉越。在1946年砂拉越马来族同胞强烈反对让渡声中,强行以“让渡” 之名霸占砂拉越时,英国承诺在以后会给砂拉越独立。1956年,也确实在准备安排给砂拉越独立。1960年联合国大会通过1514、1541决议案《去殖民化宣言》,作为创会国兼常任理事国的英国也自然签了字。然而,英国最后却变卦,把砂拉越当作 “礼物”(解密电报原文用词gift),送给了马来亚。这是英国对砂拉越的背叛承诺!

从解密文件里,我们可以看到英国早在1956年时的殖民部大臣,就在处理从苏伊士运河以东撤退后的计划,就在安排给北婆罗洲、砂拉越、汶莱、新加坡、马来亚五邦先后独立,然后再组成一个小共和联邦,以抵挡来自北方的威胁。马来亚半岛就在1957年8月31日获得独立。在这同样政策下,以争取独立自由为党宗旨的砂拉越人民联合党也在1959年年中申请几天后,就获得砂拉越殖民地总督的批准。随之,SUPP 就最快速度地推进独立运动,并取得巨大成绩。然而,英国却在随后一任殖民部大臣桑迪斯接手后,应东姑的要求,把砂拉越当作“礼物”, 送给马来亚,彻底违背了1946年对维纳布律克和砂拉越人民说的(给砂拉越独立自由)的宗主国尊严承诺。

2)英国明知故犯, 安排签署国际契约。



1963年去伦敦签合约前,砂拉越政府律政司( The colonial Attorney-General of Sarawak Mr. PEH Pike )就写信给英国殖民部, 提醒英国政府,由于砂拉越还未独立,还是英国殖民地身份,不具备法定地位和宗主国英国签订马来西亚契约,如勉强签署契约,将来若有申诉,就可能导致此契约无效。



回顾了悲痛的 历史事实,再来看应该怎么做?



A) 《1963年马来西亚契约》的依据《IGCR政府级委员会报告书》的负责人连斯顿勋爵,在回应询问“为什么没有在协议里注明可否分离的事” 时 说:他们(沙巴、砂拉越、新加坡)是自愿共组联邦的,他们自然有权力可以自愿离开,这是最自然不过的事,所以不必多此一举去在协议里注明这一条。

B) 1963年砂拉越前总督爱贝尔在回应相关提问时,回应说:他们是自愿地联合,当然他们有权自愿地离开。

C) 东姑在1963年7月9日伦敦签署协议回来吉隆坡后,於7月中回应相关提问时,回应说:他们是自愿来共组马来西亚,如果他们将来有一天,发现参组马来西亚对他们没有带来任何好处,当然他们有权利自愿离开。

D) 前首相马哈迪在2018年5月9日二度任相后,到美国参加联合国大会期间的一次晚宴上回答记者提问相关问题时说:他们(沙巴、砂拉越)有权这么做(离开马来西亚),但是,他们并没有这么做,而只是要求拿回更多一些的自主权。


2) 安华的庄严承诺

2022年11月19日联邦国会大选之前,安华对媒体发言宣称:一旦他执政任相,无需协商,即刻还回MA63 全部权利。(也有媒体用词是:无需过多协商)。

我认为,应该勇敢地踏进上面提到的四位(连斯顿勋爵、爱贝尔、东姑、马哈迪 )政治领袖与高官回答中所指出的路。这是我们作为砂拉越儿女的责无旁贷的天职。而同时,新首相也已经庄严宣告:「无需协商 ,立即还回MA63全部权益」(也有媒体译为“ 无需过多协商” )。

姑不论1963年协议合法否,就以此契约有效来说,联邦宪法也承认三邦是平等伙伴,砂拉越首席部长也改称「总理」了。 接下来,联邦当局,就应该还给沙巴、砂拉越平等的联邦国会议席;还给油气全部拥有权 ;还给原本的领海(而不是被剥夺了剩下3海里);还给金融银行主权;还给公务员婆罗洲化权 ,..... 等等。
