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Sunday, 31 December 2023

有话直说 1/1/24

有话直说 1/1/24

目前联邦席位分配必须是A 65%:HK 35%。这是沙砂傀儡政府最低要求。



请参考Cobbold Commission Report: Paragraph 236(a)(i) 幅员和潜能也必须是考量席位分配。








可是,马霸权不遵守MA63, 在国阵巫统胡搞之下在1976年,违反国际法把沙砂贬成13州之一。


Malay(A); Saba(H)和Sarawa(K)各邦国身份代表。


博士进发黄和Merdeka民调中心主任都同声同气认为应该是A+H+K的马联邦总人数来决定联邦席位。他们根本不尊重Cobbold Comission Report: Paragraph 236(a)(i)除了人口,还要考虑沙沙的幅员和潜能。


今天H K要求35%:A65%有什么过分或引起政治动荡?


知识就是力量:Petroniaga 吸纳5000万

Petroniaga 有限公司耗逾5000万吸纳

Petroniaga 有限公司进行投资5000多万加强供应商网络,提升存储能力,注入兑换煤气桶和强化物流管理。

Petroniaga 有布局65名经销商和280名次经销商供应网络。

对于MyGaz停止营业后其属下的经/次经销商或零售商几乎都过度进Petroniaga 而非砂火箭林财耀所言失业。



据报道Bintango有经销商卖RM29.00 Sarikei RM29.60说泗民成本高卖贵,这非事实因为Petroniaga 已经吸纳所有成本。


Friday, 29 December 2023


知识就是力量—AHK (Malaya, Sabah & Sarawak)
这Youtube 视频有关于“不合理增加砂州国会选区会让东马政党乘机做大?” Astro 本地圈 28/12/2023

选区重划每8年,可以重新检讨。上次是2015年到2023年,正8,砂政府要求符合Cobbold Commission 和IGC Report要求至少35%的联邦席位分配。有专家像黄进发博士和郑名烈就无知的发表说这可能会引起政治动荡。砂这次可能要求增加12个联邦席位。


Sarawa(K), Saba(H)和Malay(A) 堂堂正正的国被参组马联邦。马来西亚其实就是把马来亚更名伪装。砂沙贬成州,是违反国际法,马霸权照做,马来亚人有没有感到可耻。 今天像Astro广播员的马来亚人持着这种傲慢无礼,根本不懂尊重为何物应该不少吧! 



说真的,这所谓的‘国会’根本就是为马来亚11州共同体的,跟沙砂根本没有一点丁关系。 沙砂在这所谓的’国会’根本就是大错特错。



Thursday, 28 December 2023







1966年,砂发生宪法危机,马联邦就乘虚而入干预砂内政。第一任首长宁甘是被马的Tunku和砂的Taib Mahmud 和TunHaji Open推翻拉下台的。






Monday, 25 December 2023

Allocation for religion in Sarawak

Re: Allocations for religions in Sarawak

See The Star, Wednesday 20 December, 2023

Sarawak funding for religion should stop unless there is transparency and fairness over the matter. Over the years since Unit for Other Religions (UNIFOR) had been set-up, the Sarawak government under GPS had annual allocations to other religions. People of other religions, especially, the Buddhists or Christians seemed happy about it and for 2024 Premier had announced that he had allocated RM110 million for Sarawak’s Unit for Other Religions. 

Deputy Premier, Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah had disclosed that since 2017 the government had approved total allocations of RM341.8 million for various house of worship. 

Over the years, the GPS government was telling about allocations to UNIFOR but how about allocations to Islam or for the propagation of Islam? Was Islam not funded? If not funded, then this is against fairness and a discrimination against the muslims. If been funded, the GPS government is to disclose to the public how much allocations been given to Islam.

If been funded, it is here that I demand transparency and fairness from the GPS government to disclose how much had been allocated to religion of Islam since 2017. I demand transparency and fairness over this matter because the muslims may not feel happy if allocations were only meant for prayer houses under UNIFOR. Non-transparency and fairness in allocations of funds can create racial and religious tensions between the muslims and non-muslims in the state. I hope premier takes this seriously for the peace of the people of Sarawak.  

I also demand transparency in this area of allocations because taxpayers have a right to know where or how their money is spent. This is a legal demand. People should not be made to pay taxes unless they know how their money is spent. It should be legal not to pay taxes to the government when the government refused, failed or could not disclose to public where their money is spent. 

Again, such allocations, if any, to Islam or for projects for Islamic cause should not be more than that was allocated to Churches or to Christian because Christians are the majority in the state. If allocated, it should be more or less the same as received by the Buddhists because Buddhists and Muslims in Sarawak are more or less of the same numbers. If allocations for Islam are more than what Christians can get, this can also cause disharmony among the various races in the state.  

23 December 2023

Sunday, 24 December 2023

Mahathir created all these


Forwarding as received. I don't know who wrote this long and brilliant piece but it hits the nail on the head.

If I am the Prime Minister of Malaysia, I'd feel ashamed.

 In this country, the Malays have it all. The bulk exporters are Malays, the wholesalers of sugar and rice are Malays, there are many Malays in international trading companies, the petrol company President/PETRONAS station operators are all Malays, the highway operators are Malays, the bread and oil flour operators are Malays, almost all the importers are Malays, and the owners AP are All Malays.

Wholesalers and importers of vegetables, food, oil and vinegar are Malays, the vast majority of those with shallow/deep sea fishing licences are Malays, the owners of the largest square metres of rice paddies are Malays, transport and long-distance excursion buses are Malays, water, electricity and gas suppliers are all Malays. And, while professing to be Muslim, even the directors of casinos/gaming companies are Malays. What level of hypocrisy.

With the exception of the coffin, toddy, car workshops and pig related industries, almost all others are 100 percent controlled and occupied by the Malays. 

If I were prime minister, I would be extremely ashamed and self-conscious.

The 2022 budget allocates 97% of funds to the Malay people, and only 3% for other talents. The people are already protesting, especially the Chinese, and they are furious!

The management of the country's largest higher education practice programme, Mara, is Malay, the management of the Pilgrimage Foundation is Malay, the malays are in charge of the provident fund, the Malays are really in charge of the MCA, the country's largest bank is Malay, the train LRT operator is Malay, the owner of mining and manufacturing plants is Malay, and many factories and engineering contractors are Malays.

They are everywhere, occupying all the political and economic fields, what else do the Malays want? Why not, for a change, develop the economy well, unite the people, bring the country into a positive track, and be a good leader? And in the past 50 years, the New Economic Policy has moulded the Malays into first-class crutched citizens, and indeed it has reached the level of ludicrousity.

Why do you still need to look up to the Chinese and other ethnic groups, Prime Minister? Repeating the same mistakes, not using means to divide the people? Is this what the government wants to see?

As the largest ethnic group in the country, after independence, it has deprived the economic, political, cultural, and religious ownership positions, and the government has been cultivating the Malays without doubt, sleeping and forgetting to eat, and meticulously cultivating the Malays for 50 years, but it is still unable to meet, refuses to treat all ethnic groups fairly, and continues to hold power and deceive the law, resulting in corrupt officials and corrupt officials who corrupt all.

For 64 years, the people are yearning, and the government is deceiving itself and fooling the people. Now it is not a question of the Malays, the Chinese, the Indians or the other 30 nationalities, it has come to the moment of national refoection, it is the problem of Malaysia, the problem of the Malaysians, the people yearn for a new Malaysian spirit. Don't blame the other ethnic groups, it is actually the Malays in power who are deceiving the Malays.

If I were prime minister, I would be extremely ashamed and self-conscious.

The monarch of the country is Malay, the Prime Minister is Malay, most Ministers are Malay, and the heads of government agencies are all Malays. The concept of political governance has derailed, the name of the country has been markedly evil, and the spirit of the Malays has been used to blind the eyes of the Malay and hinder the development of the country.

The Malays are falsely rallied in the name of justice, protecting privileges, ethnic status, religion, and imperial power from exploitation and abolition. But the whole country is Malay in power; the deputy is Malay, the chief police officer is Malay, the chief of the army, navy and air force is Malay, the president of the Bank Negara is Malay, except for Penang, all ministers and state chiefs are Malays, the finance minister is Malay, 3/4 of the MPs are Malays, the district/city officials are Malays, and the civil servants are 97% Malays.
Malay supremacy is a racist creed that the Malays are the masters of Malaysia, and that the Chinese and Indians constitute ethnic minorities, which provide for the treatment of the Malays by recognizing Article 153 of the Constitution. Of the 32.17 million people, 69% are indigenous Malays and Ibans and Kadazan, 21% Are Chinese and 7% are Indian.

The Malaysian Constitution contains a number of provisions providing for Malay privileges that state that the special status of the Malays and the indigenous peoples of Sabah and Sarawak must be guaranteed. This provision has over the years been contrived, cajoled and downright manipulated to include dominance in Public services, scholarships or grants, and educational or training privileges and almost in every sphere of life in Malaysia. 

Any permit or business licence must be reserved for a certain share to malays and aborigines; unreasonable places for Malays and aborigines for further study in Malaysian universities or educational institutions; Islam as the state religion; control or restriction on the propagation of any other religious doctrine or belief to Islamists; continued retention of Malay reservations that existed before independence, which are distributed only to Malays or aborigines; the national language must be Malay, etc.

In 1970, the Government initiated the New Economic Policy to improve the economic status of the Malays, which referred to preferential policies for Malays and aborigines, including the need for indigenous peoples to have a 30 per cent stake in the economic sphere;

Enrollment in tertiary institutions was originally 55 per cent Indigenous and 45 per cent non-Indigenous, which later became 95 Per cent native; listed companies had to sell 30 per cent of their shares to natives; through privatization schemes, bumiputra businesses were given more access to business and management opportunities; indigenous joint venture programmes were encouraged to achieve the goal of economic restructuring; the Government guaranteed that Malay students would study abroad and cultivate more Malay professionals. Instead of a general upliftment of the country, the government made this a zero sum strategy: Uplift Malay (not necessarily the other indigenous population) at the expense in non Malay. A policy that eventually leads to a lose-lose situation.

The NEP lasted for 15 years and a number of preferential policies played a role in raising the level of education and economic status of the Malays and indigenous peoples. After the expiry of the 1990 period, the Malaysian government proposed a new development policy that never stopped, but it took a total of 40 years. Since the founding of the Malaysia, Chinese are the largest income tax payers in the country, with a total of up to 80% and Indians about 10%. Because of the preferential Zakat system, even millionaire Malays pay little tax. 

If I were prime minister, I would be extremely ashamed and self-conscious.

The Malays should not always seek protection so that they are unable to rely on themselves and hinder the competitiveness and sound development of the country. Many Malays, hyped up by the political sentiment of the opposition, are still desperately defending the preferential treatment and support of the nation. The Malays had in fact monopolized all the domains and, compared to other races, they still considered themselves marginalized and the Malays as weak. This is a big lie that the government propagates. 

Religion is guaranteed, and Muslims pray every day, but wealth does not fall from the sky. Half a century later, having been educated into good and bad work, it is time to change course and face reality and work hard in life.

Why are you afraid of other peoples? The answer is actually very simple, because the government has cultivated the laziness of the Malay people, waiting for the durian to fall down every day, getting it for nothing, and getting used to waiting for work. In order to achieve its ends, the government uses religion to spread racial hatred, to distort the truth, to deceive the small, to do whatever it takes, just to grasp the privileges of preferential treatment and support?

Prime Minister, are you not ashamed? You don't take other ethnic groups seriously at all, will we be a family? How long will it take for the Malays to honest themselves and stand up?

Remember to forward! ❤ ️ 🙏 🏻

Sunday, 10 December 2023

Program Pengukuhan...Tahunan 2023

*Hello Comrades,*

*Re: Program Pengukuhan Pertubuhah Politik Tahunan 2023*

*Venue: Pullman Hotel Kuching*

In attendance with me were Vice President Dr. Richard Ibuh and Supreme Council Member, Mr Atet Diego

We have picked a few points from today's talk by ROS. There are 126 complaints last year to ROS about party mismanagement and about takeovers or tussles for control of party, especially, when there were elections in the party. As briefed by the Investigating Officer from PDRM some groups came like helicopters or from nowhere wanted to take over the party and this normally led to instability in the party. They wanted to highjack the party from old members/committees.

ROS don't welcome instability in party as matters could be brought to Court. We understand that well because if matters go to court, ROS could be named as a party in the Suit.

From the talk, it seems that political parties need to examine their party constitutions and any amendments to party constitutions have to be in accordance with advice of ROS and legal procedures in the Societies Act, else the amendments could not be approved by ROS. 

For party to sack and suspend members, it seems that the advice of ROS political parties should have proper provisions for this. PBK's constitution is clear on how to sack and to suspend party members and all amendments been approved by ROS as they were all in compliance with the law and as advised by ROS.

Be advised PBK party constitution was amended not long ago and all clauses were on advice and approval of ROS and in accordance with the relevant laws. I hope members and supporters understand this and we all have to put things to rest and move on.

When ROS answered a question from the floor about the rights of members to complain, ROS gave an important hint to me that PBK has to tighten the party constitution further although I feel it adequate in dealing with desperados or unhappy members in the party. I believe that party has to be stable before we could face our enemies. We could not afford to spend energies and time on internal matters.

Records by ROS showed PBK is among the parties in Sarawak that has a good Report Card and we have to thank our learned lady Secretary General being a good goalkeeper for the party. Secretary General's job is heavy and we need to appreciate efforts been made in "book-keeping" by our Secretary General.

In compliance with Societies Act and directives of ROS all political parties must have a Registered or Certified Accountant to prepare and audit their financial returns each year to ROS in which this been complied by PBK. All our returns never been subjected to any queries by ROS.

It was disclosed that there are political parties that did not comply with directives of ROS and Societies Act that led the party being investigated and been issued show cause letters and warnings by ROS.

God bless Parti Bumi Kenyalang, God bless Sarawak.

Yours respectfully,

7 December 2023

"Race and Religion"

*Race and Religion Politics*

Sarawakians must understand race politics is a "Politics of Divide and Rule" taught by the British to elite Malays and UMNO. This became the mantra in Malay and Malaysian politics 

For this reason, when Malaysia was formed with UMNO leading or controlling the government, the federal constitution included Islam as the official religion of Malaysia, and the constitution also placed Malay rights as special rights in Malaysia although rights of other people are protected. 

These helped UMNO and Malays able to strengthen themselves against other Malaysian races. They can do this easily in Malaya because they have the numbers and they make sure they could stay together. In crucial times, the Malays could easily be united against other races because race and religion could help to unite them. 

It is hard to deny that Parti Bumiputera had not adopted this strategy to divide Sarawakians further. PB could survive because it has the support of Federal and UMNO over the decades. One could always guess that UMNO didn't want to see PBB be divided or fall and it could be for this reason the late Tan Sri Adenan Satem when he was chief minister, said Sarawak has no need for UMNO because there is already an UMNO in Sarawak. He was hinting PBB is proxy of UMNO or is UMNO for Sarawak 

We could read that the the real mentor of PB was Tun Razak who could have suggested Parti Bumiputra (PB) to merge with Parti Pesaka. Tun Rahman Yakub at that time was known to be very close to Tunku, Razak and Ghazali Shafie 

Jugah was supposed to work with SNAP and Razak could know this would not be good for PB in Sarawak. This was because Ningkan supported Jugah as Governor but Razak and Ghazali Shafie, if we could recall correctly, was against it. Tun Openg was then made the Governor - see the books by Prof Michael Leigh.

Jugah fell into the trap because he was offered to be the President when PB merged with Parti Pesaka to form PBB but not knowing that he has to pay the price that he later on was "forced" to retire from active politics. 

Jugah was made president for awhile only and Tawi Sli was also made CM in early days. This could be the strategy to please the Dayaks. 

After Jugah was no more president of PBB, Tun Rahman Yakub took over. Tawi Sli was also then removed! 

That completed the first phase of Dayak downfall. 

Are Dayaks still blind and deaf not to know the game played by race and religion politics? 

We could only be strong in Sarawak and pull down PBB/GPS, if Christians in Sarawak are united. 

We have to exploit Christian Supremacy in Sarawak and recognise Sarawak has one race only - the Sarawakian Race. 

We still have more than half Sarawakians who are Christians and we have to win the other 14% non Christians in Sarawak to form the government. There is no reason for this 14% non Christians be happy with what is going on in Malaysia and in Sarawak at the moment. They may also wish to agree for Sarawak independence from Malaysia.

If Sarawak could exit from Malaysia, PBB will be weak. At the moment PBB is strong because they know they can have support from UMNO always.

In a democracy, the rule is that minorities need to follow the majority but in Sarawak it was planned that the minority rules over the majority.

In Sarawak there are about 26-28 dayak majority seats out of 82. Even if Dayaks could be united and win all seats, Dayaks will still not be able to be Premier and Govenor of Sarawak. For this reason when you are not able to be in control of the government, you could not put your own people as head of government departments and government agencies.

For coming 13PRN more seats could be created but we doubt that there will be additional Dayak seats be given. This is a divide and rule tactic too. Can Dayak win when Dayaks are only fighting for Dayak interests only? If Dayaks still cling to Dayakism or Dayak interests only, Dayaks as Orang Asal would see themselves become squatters in their own land.

There are many Dayaks YBs who prefer to support PBB for their own survival. Their support for PBB will see Dayaks be split for long time to come and be left dry in their own land. 

*PBK is the only party pursuing the " Politics of Sarawakian Race & Supremacy of Christianity" in Sarawak*

*PBK deserves to be supported to fight against suppression and oppression of Malaya and to bring Sarawak to freedom and independence*

*Voon Lee Shan*
President Parti Bumi Kenyalang
11 December 2023

Thursday, 7 December 2023


留马Vs 独立 拉扯战
针对JamesChin/JC教授的新10点协议,非政府组织/NGOs –马婆罗洲困境基金会,SAS (Saya Anak Sarawak), 沙巴砂拉越澳洲新西兰权力组织/SSRANZ和肯雅兰党PBK便联合声明,评论JC教授在崩坏的马联邦成立60周年提出这新10点协议。


在马联邦内,MA63所承诺的世俗, 多元化权力,婆罗洲化,自治,宗教自由,公民身份都一一被侵蚀。





Monday, 4 December 2023



非政府组织表示James Chin教授的“十点协议”反映了联邦政府未能兑现MA63

James Chin教授提出了“十点协议”。


2023 年 12 月 3 日


三个非政府组织主席 Daniel John Jambun、Robert Pei 和 Peter John Jaban 以及 PBK 主席温利山发表联合声明,评论JamesChin教授呼吁“重新肯定”沙砂的“十点协议”以及在摇摇欲坠的联邦成立60周年之际,根据1963年马来西亚协议(MA63),沙砂的世俗和多元化权利。


它还(三)寻求重申沙巴和砂拉越各自对其领土范围内的资源拥有专属领土权;(四)重申沙巴和砂拉越的每个社区都有权拥有其独特的文化和仪式表达、身份和语言;(五)重申沙巴和砂拉越是世俗国家、多元宗教社会,正如我们的祖先所承诺的那样;(六)并重申所有沙巴人和砂拉越人都是平等公民,并拒绝一切形式的种族主义、宗教不容忍和至上主义意识形态。” (引用:婆罗洲邮报 23 年 11 月 30 日)

他们指出,教授总结了人民对马来西亚联邦政府 60 年来多次持续侵犯其基本 MA63 权利的普遍不满。这些仍然是未实现的“梦想”和幻想。


最近,砂拉越电视台的圣诞颂歌节目引发了不满,该节目拒绝了砂拉越教会协会(ACA)将歌曲《O Holy Night》纳入节目的要求,因为官方政策排除了“宗教元素”。 ACA拒绝参加庆祝活动,并发表声明强烈批评审查制度,并维护砂拉越社会的宗教自由和世俗本质。这得到了整个砂拉越的广泛支持,电视台管理层很快就接纳了这首歌。

在沙巴,也存在类似的不满,因为未能履行 MA63 的创始条款,例如 MA63 规定支付(第 121D 条)每年税收收入 40% 的权利,以及许多其他问题,特别是缺乏发展、贫困和“非法”问题。

然而,非政府组织和PBK主席表示,重新确认是否会对马来亚人产生任何影响值得怀疑,因为马来亚人60年来一直逃避遵守MA63,否认沙巴MA63 40%的税收回扣权利就是例证。

他们表示,世俗、多元和多元文化政治制度的概念是沙巴和砂拉越放弃马来西亚真正独立的几个关键基本或基础术语之一。然而,自1971年新经济政策实施以来,这一概念已被改变,并被制度化的种族宗教至上主义(Ketuanan Melayu)种族隔离所取代。



Borneo Herald
For a Freer and Happier Borneo

NGOs say Prof James Chin's "10-Point Agreement" Reflects Failure of the Federation to Honour MA63

Prof James Chin proposed a "10-Point Agreement".

NGOs do not see any future for Sabah & Sarawak to remain in Malaysia

3rd December 2023

This is a joint statement by Sabah, Sarawak NGOs - namely Borneo Plight in Malaysia Foundation (Bopimafo), Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ), Saya Anak Sarawak (SAS) and Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK):

Mssrs Daniel John Jambun, Robert Pei and Peter John Jaban, the respective presidents of the 3 NGOs and PBK President Voon Lee Shan have issued a joint statement commenting on Professor James Chin’s “10-point Agreement” calling for “re-affirmation” of Sabah and Sarawak secular and pluralist rights under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) on the occasion of the 60 anniversary of the shaky federation.

“Chin’s 10-point agreement calls for the dream and promise of the Federation of Malaysia for the people of Sabah and Sarawak to be fulfilled without delay; reaffirm Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners with Malaya in the formation of the Federation of Malaysia; and reaffirm the unique status of the Borneo states under Article 1(2) of the Federal Constitution, distinct from the 11 states in Peninsular Malaysia, as enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement of 1963.

It also seeks to reaffirm that Sabah and Sarawak each possess exclusive territorial rights over the resources that are within their own territorial boundaries; reaffirm that every community in Sabah and Sarawak has the right to their distinct unique cultures and ceremonial expression, identity and language; reaffirm that Sabah and Sarawak as secular states, multi-religious society as promised by our forefathers; and reaffirm that all Sabahans and Sarawakians are equal citizens, and reject all forms of racism, religious intolerance, and supremacist ideology.” (quote: Borneo Post 30/11/23)

They noted that the Professor had summed up the widespread dissatisfaction of the people with the multiple and continuing violations of their fundamental MA63 rights by the Malaysian Federal government over 60 years. These have remained unfulfilled “dreams” and illusions.

They include the illegal alteration of the MA63 secular, pluralist and multicultural concept of Malaysia, Borneonisation, autonomous self-government, religious freedom, denial of citizenship and failure to develop and advance Sabah and Sarawak as agreed. This is starkly heightened by the lopsided economic development whereby Malaya has been developed with Sabah and Sarawak resources particularly oil and gas, while they have been left backward and impoverished with little progress even in basic structures and amenities.

The unhappiness recently flared up over the TV Sarawak’s Christmas Carol programme which rejected the Association of Churches in Sarawak’s (ACA) request to include the song “O Holy Night” in the programme because of official policy excluding “religious elements”. The ACA declined to join the celebration and issued a statement strongly criticising the censorship and asserting the religious freedom and secular nature of Sarawak society. This received popular support throughout Sarawak and the TV station management quickly backed down on the exclusion of the song.

In Sabah, there is a similar dissatisfaction over the failure to honour MA63 founding terms such as the MA63 stipulated payment of (Art 121D) 40% entitlement to annual tax revenue among many other issues especially lack of development, poverty and the “illegals” issue.

The NGOs and PBK presidents said, however, that it is doubtful that the re-affirmation would have any impact on the Malayans who have evaded honouring the MA63 for 60 years as exemplified by the denial of Sabah’s MA63 40% entitlement.

They said that the concept of a secular, pluralist and multicultural political system was one of several key basic or foundational terms for Sabah and Sarawak to give up real independence for Malaysia. However, this concept has since the implementation of the New Economic Policy in 1971 been altered and replaced with an institutionalised race religion supremacist (Ketuanan Melayu) apartheid.

Further, it is unlikely that even if the Unity government agreed with the 10 Points, it would be able to gain any support from the Opposition which is made up of committed race religion fundamentalists sworn to dismantle the secular concept and replace Malaysia as an Iranian or Afghanistan style Islamic Caliphate and Constitution. The same people have declared that “Malaysia belonged to the Malays”.

Mr Voon the PBK president said that it was ironic the Professor had previously criticised PBK for seeking legal advice from a foreign lawyer who declared that Malaysia was a fraud. 

He said that the professor's 10-point call for re-affirmation of Sabah Sarawak rights in reality confirmed that Malaysia was created with promises which never fulfilled or have been removed and therefore were misleading and a fraud. 

He cited the British colonial office as having commented with concern in 1963 that the Malayans' promise that SS would have "accelerated development" in Malaysia was a "false prospectus". 

Mr Voon who filed a suit in the High Court of Borneo in 2021 to declare MA63 invalid, said the process of making MA63 was riddled with illegalities and deceit. 

Legal analysis of the making of MA63 has proven that it was, in fact, a null and void agreement from the beginning. This was because Singapore, North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak were still British-controlled colonies and not sovereign states with the legal capacity or competence to make international agreements. This view is supported by the International Court of Justice decision in the Chagos case 2019 and affirmed by the Mauritius vs. Maldives case iin 2021.

If MA63 was a validly made international treaty, it would have been terminated under International law, by the multiple violations of foundational and basic terms of the agreement and rendered it no longer binding. Either way, Sabah and Sarawak have the opportunity to seek independence which would free them to determine their own political destiny and social and economic development without foreign control.

The joint statement pointed out that the 20 and 18 Points were not binding agreements but just an expression of the people's desired terms for the federation. They said that there is no evidence of the agreements being signed with the UK or Malayan governments. According to the British colonial officials, the Sarawak 18 Points were never provided to them. They noted some of Sabah's Points like the "No State religion" stipulation was included in the Federal Constitution.

They questioned whether it was realistic to re-affirm the unfulfilled promises and prolong a union without meaning and benefit when it is so obvious that the agreed objectives of MA63 were never fulfilled but in fact, abandoned for 60 years. They said Sabah and Sarawak should look at the alternative solution of seeking an exit from the failed union.

They called on the respective Sabah and Sarawak state governments to seek a review of SS's position in Malaysia after the PAS party repeatedly rejected the concept of Malaysia as a secular country and the federation's failure to honour what was promised. It is widely anticipated that the PAS fundamentalist party will implement its Islamic Caliphate when it wins power and controls the Malaysian Parliament in a couple of elections time. The NGOs said the review of MA63 (if valid) would be timely and it was essential since it has already long been terminated by multiple breaches of fundamental terms for federation.

Sabah and Sarawak must seek lawful and peaceful means to Decolonise itself and work towards sovereign Independent nations. 

End of Statement  
Signed by 
Daniel John Jambun Bopimafo President 
Robert Pei SSRANZ President
Peter John Jaban SAS founder
Voon Lee Shan PBK President

3 December 2023

Friday, 1 December 2023

Petronas 在砂的权限

石油发展法只赋予国油开采权 作者:LianCheng (2023)
古晋,11 月 23 日:1974 年石油开发法案 (PDA74) 并未将其经营或曾经经营的区域的土地所有权授予国家石油有限公司 (Petronas)。

砂拉越法律顾问拿督斯里JC Fong解释说,PDA74仅授予PETRONAS勘探、开采和拥有石油的权利,而没有将土地本身归属于该公司。

“PDA74 从未将土地归属于 PETRONAS。根据《砂拉越土地法》,大陆架上的土地被定义为(砂)国有土地。”



砂拉越正在积极探索将其 1,665 口废弃油井开发为碳储存中心的潜力,这一举措符合砂拉越对绿色经济的承诺。

能源与环境可持续发展部副部长拿督Hazland Abang Hipni博士表示,这些废弃油井有能力储存至少90亿吨碳。

这个数字超过了砂拉越森林的碳储存能力,估计在 7500 亿吨至 10 亿吨之间。



Petroleum Development Act only vests in Petronas right to mine
By Lian Cheng 

KUCHING, Nov 23: The Petroleum Development Act 1974 (PDA74) does not vest land ownership to National Petroleum Limited (PETRONAS) for the areas it operates or used to operate on. 

Sarawak Legal Counsel Dato Sri JC Fong explained that PDA74 only grants PETRONAS the rights to explore, exploit, and own petroleum, without vesting the land itself in the company. 

“PDA74 never vests the land in PETRONAS. The land in the continental shelf is defined as State land under the Sarawak Land Code,” Fong told DayakDaily. 

In the event of oil and gas depletion, the obligation arises to return the land to Sarawak, providing an opportunity for the State to determine its future use. 

“Then we can decide what to do with it. In this case, we want to develop the sites for carbon storage, by using the abandoned or depleted oil wells or oil fields,” said Fong

Sarawak is actively exploring the potential development of its 1,665 used oil wells as a carbon storage center, an initiative aligning with the Sarawak’s commitment to a green economy. 

Deputy Minister of Energy and Environmental Sustainability Datuk Dr Hazland Abang Hipni said these used oil wells have the capacity to store at least nine billion tonnes of carbon. 

This figure surpasses the carbon storage capacity of Sarawak’s forests, estimated to be between 750,000 million and one billion tonnes. 

He further explained that the mentioned capacity does not include the potential posed by coastal aquifer (permeable rock layer), which can also serve as a carbon storage medium. 
This carbon storage initiative is expected to offset carbon emissions in the region, while simultaneously reduce a total of 600,000 tonnes of carbon emissions, apart from raking in additional income for Sarawak. — DayakDaily

我对James Chin的10点看法

我对James Chin的10点协议的看法
James Chin提出的新的10点协议,好是好,想留马的砂人民肯定会认同。认同归认同,没有强大的民运当后盾,一切皆空。


眼前的情况,砂政盟如何坚持立场才是关键。以砂政盟现有的势力对付马联邦霸权是绰绰有余,可是这政盟都选择退让。 煤气拥有权100%属于砂拉越,可是砂政盟选择慷慨分权给Petronas 49% 股份,这是怎么一回事?砂总理AbangJo 带领的砂政府真的不行。

该做的事,他都没有好好的去做。在2012年前首相Najib撤销【内安法令】后,其实,1966年大陆架法令;1974年PDA74法令和2012年领海法令就马上失效。可是总理AbangJo 有去处理砂这些拥有权吗? 

是的,PDA74 法令在2019年后,已经受到局限和权限。据(Petroleum Development Act only vests in Petronas right to mine – DayakDaily By Lian Cheng) 他们只有开采权力,土地和矿物拥有权全属砂拉越的。
过去联邦霸道95% :砂5%的做法已经无法再新发现的油田用了。现在好像是30%盈利五五分账;70%是给承包商的。有请大家去查证。


过去砂的18点,联邦霸权连想都没想去实践,因为砂人太无知,不够团结,国家和联邦关系也没搞得清楚。现在,James Chin提议的新10点,我认为只有砂民在乎,坚持,捍卫砂权益到底,一寸都不放过,这10点才算数。



砂政党联盟政府将精力集中在天然气分配的垄断游戏上,而不是废除1974年石油发展法令以收回砂拉越石油和天然气所有权,并废除2012年领海法令以收回砂拉越海域和大陆架所有权(以便砂拉越人民可以恢复 300 海里而不是减少 3 海里)。 GPS政府是“砂拉越优先”吗?



Sarawak GPS government focus its effort in monopoly game of gas distribution instead of repealing Petroleum Development Act 1974 to get back Sarawak oil and gas ownership and repealing Territorial Seas Act 2012 to get back ownership of Sarawak Seas and continental shelf ownership (so that Sarawak people can get back 300 nautical miles Instead of reduced 3 nautical miles). Is GPS government for "Sarawak first"?

It is believed that when ex Prime Minister Najib Razak revoked Emergency Ordinance the Petroleum Development 1974 and Territorial Seas Act 2012 created during Malaysia emergency period has been automatically null and void and no longer enforceable. Sarawak people questioned whether GPS government preferred not to antagonise federal government and for personal interest is too scared to claim back Sarawak ownerships.

Will GPS YBs and MPs tell Sarawak people what's next on taking back Sarawak ownerships? If they prefer to remain silent on the matter, it is time not to support them.

James Chin 的10点协议



澳洲Tasmania大学亚洲研究教授 James Chin 表示,他提出的 10 点协议重申了该国祖先对沙巴和砂拉越的期望,以及这两个婆罗洲州对联邦政府的期望。









“我们希望按照我们祖先的愿望保持世俗。我希望人们使用这个 10 点协议作为 18点协议的后续协议,”Chin 说。

Don proposes new 10-point agreement for Sabah, Sarawak

KUCHING (Nov 30): A Sarawak-born academician has come up with a new 10-point agreement to replace the existing 18-point agreement for Sarawak, and 20-point agreement for Sabah.

James Chin, a professor of Asian Studies at University of Tasmania, Australia said his proposed 10-point agreement reaffirms what the nation’s forefathers had wanted for Sabah and Sarawak, and also what the two Borneo states want from the federal government.
“As 2023 is the 60th anniversary of the formation of Malaysia, hence now is a very unique opportunity to look back at what Malaysians had experienced.

“Rather than looking back, we need to look forward. If we all look back, our country cannot progress,” he told The Borneo Post.
He stressed that he drafted the proposed 10-point in his personal capacity and not on behalf of any organisation.

“I have captured as much as possible what are the wishes of the people of Sabah and Sarawak as we move forward.

“I think it is very important to stress that we want to retain our unique cultures, traditions, languages and more importantly, to maintain our diverse population,” he said.

Chin’s 10-point agreement calls for (1) the dream and promise of the Federation of Malaysia for the people of Sabah and Sarawak to be fulfilled without delay; (2)reaffirm Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners with Malaya in the formation of the Federation of Malaysia; and (3) reaffirm the unique status of the Borneo states under Article 1(2) of the Federal Constitution, distinct from the 11 states in Peninsular Malaysia, as enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement of 1963.

It also seeks to (4) reaffirm that Sabah and Sarawak each possess exclusive territorial rights over the resources that are within their own territorial boundaries; (5)reaffirm that every community in Sabah and Sarawak has the right to their distinct unique cultures and ceremonial expression, identity and language; (6) reaffirm that Sabah and Sarawak as secular states, multi-religious society as promised by our forefathers; and (7) reaffirm that all Sabahans and Sarawakians are equal citizens, and reject all forms of racism, religious intolerance, and supremacist ideology.

The final three points (8) urge the leaders of Sabah and Sarawak to take the initiative and fulfil the state’s autonomy within the Federation of Malaysia as promised by the founding fathers; (9) reaffirm the fundamental right of Sabahans and Sarawakians to determine their own future; and (10) affirm the commitment to build a modern, secular, democratic, progressive and sustainable future for all Sabahans and Sarawakians.

“We do not want Peninsular Malaysia to suddenly impose a framework where the population situation is like Muslims versus non-Muslims, or Malays versus non-Malays. This does not work very well in Sabah and Sarawak,” he said, stressing that Sabah and Sarawak must remain largely free from religious, ethnic and/or racial tension.
“We want to remain secular as per the wishes of our forefathers. I hope people use this 10-point agreement as a successor to the 20-point agreement,” said Chin.


砂政党联盟政府将精力集中在天然气分配的垄断游戏上,而不是废除1974年石油发展法令以收回砂拉越石油和天然气所有权,并废除2012年领海法令以收回砂拉越海域和大陆架所有权(以便砂拉越人民可以恢复 300 海里而不是减少 3 海里)。 GPS政府是“砂拉越优先”吗?



Sarawak GPS government focus its effort in monopoly game of gas distribution instead of repealing Petroleum Development Act 1974 to get back Sarawak oil and gas ownership and repealing Territorial Seas Act 2012 to get back ownership of Sarawak Seas and continental shelf ownership (so that Sarawak people can get back 300 nautical miles Instead of reduced 3 nautical miles). Is GPS government for "Sarawak first"?

It is believed that when ex Prime Minister Najib Razak revoked Emergency Ordinance the Petroleum Development 1974 and Territorial Seas Act 2012 created during Malaysia emergency period has been automatically null and void and no longer enforceable. Sarawak people questioned whether GPS government preferred not to antagonise federal government and for personal interest is too scared to claim back Sarawak ownerships.

Will GPS YBs and MPs tell Sarawak people what's next on taking back Sarawak ownerships? If they prefer to remain silent on the matter, it is time not to support them.

Wednesday, 29 November 2023


拉巴益:有3000 空缺 – 砂明年填补1500 教师 (诗华日报25/11/23)

这怎么一回事?联邦教育部到底怎么了?是否办事能力出问题或是特意制造砂教师短缺的问题。砂政盟要求砂教师和外州比例为 90:10。




拉巴益说砂教育部在2024下半年才可以解决3000教师短缺中的大概1500. 他声言到30/9/2023,砂缺3076名教师:中学819名;小学2257名。在2/2024年,预测819名中学教师短缺会获得解决。到6/2024年,752名小学教师,预测获得填补。之后,砂还有的1505名教师短缺的问题,有待解决,天啊!



Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Action now

Actions now
‘We are only asking for what’s ours, Dr Sim says of efforts to claim money from Putrajaya’

The total revenue collected from Sarawak last year was roughly about RM300 billion. The federal development funds Budget 2024 to Sarawak is 5.8 billion (6.4%) though a bit higher than Budget 2023 . 

Besides, the budget promised often was often pickpocketed in Putrajaya. Otherwise, there should not have been so many dilapidated schools, clinics, under-equipped hospitals and poor infrastructure in Sarawak. Were 31 parliamentrary members and the Sarawak government doing their work?

Dr Sim says that the Sarawak government has been pursuing the matter relentlessly. But, is there any result besides negotiating X 2?

Why don’t they set the time to accomplish the tasks or sue the Federal government in court? Do they have the political will to do so?
To deal with carnivore-like federal government, we need strict law, boundary and stringent actions.  

According to Dr Sim, last year, Petronas had the recorded profit of RM90 billion and the dividend payment to the federal government is RM50 billion. Why didn’t Sarawak get a share?

Last year (2022), 8 new oil fields and this year 6 new oil fiedls were discovered in Sarawak waters. AbangJo has finally demanded 50% profit share if Petronas wants to drill oil in Sarawak waters from 2022 onwards.  

The 31 MPs should voice out gallantly with no fear to be qualified and be prepared to reject federal development budget 2025 if Sarawak is not given 20% if not 30% of the federal development fund.

To realise the autonomy of Education and Health, we needs the fund.
To accomplish the tasks, the Sarawak government should set the time or sue the federal government in court.

Friday, 17 November 2023




联邦教育部选边站是愚昧无知的。安华可能🉐到穆斯林吹捧;却失在马联邦非穆斯林的唾弃。 这就是🉐不偿失,后果不堪设想。









Monday, 30 October 2023

Leave Sarawak out of Putrajaya 'sick' policies

Leave Sarawak out of Putrajaya’s ‘sick’ policies

Francis Paul Siah
28 October, 2023

COMMENT I wouldn’t dare claim that I speak for Sarawak.

However, as a Sarawakian, I wish to say that I speak for myself, at the very least, and I’m sure, many Sarawakians too on these current issues which I would describe as “sick” instructions and policies from Putrajaya.

How do I know that there is a large cross-section of my fellow Sarawakians who are in agreement with my views at times? They responded in the affirmative to my posts.

Here’s an example. In my previous article on the Middle East conflict, where I urged the Madani government not to take sides but to consider humanitarian aid for all the innocent victims of war, more than 90 percent of those on my contact list, the majority of whom are Sarawakians of various beliefs, stated their agreement.

I’m also happy to mention that a Malay minister from Sarawak also agreed with my neutral stand and for Malaysia to be a peacemaker and help find solutions to the conflict.

I do not have the minister’s permission to mention names, so it would be unethical for me to reveal the person’s identity.

Seriously, why should anyone be surprised that Malays/Muslims in Sarawak are different from those in Malaya? I have written on this matter before and allow me to recap.

In October 2019, I wrote that Sarawak Malays are already a dignified race and they do not need a Malay Dignity Congress like certain Malay groups in Malaya.

To the academicians from the four universities who initiated the event on Oct 6 four years ago, it might be worth your while to learn from your fellow Malays in Sarawak.

I wrote then: “Simple folks they might be from Borneo, but they are already a dignified race. Sarawak Malays must have been riding on the right track of race relations all along.

“Surely, something must be wrong somewhere if a section of Malays in Malaya feel that they have no dignity left or that their dignity has been threatened”, I added.

On another occasion, I wrote that “Sarawak Malays have no interest in ‘Malay Proclamation’, a declaration initiated by Dr Mahathir Mohamad in May this year.

To the Malays in Sarawak, it is not way off to state that Mahathir’s Malay Proclamation is a useless, worthless document which means nothing to them.

Sarawak Premier Abang Johari Openg was also quick to dismiss the event, saying “I have no knowledge of the ‘Malay Proclamation’.

“How would I know? We are still busy celebrating Hari Raya in Sarawak, and then the incoming Gawai celebration. Why should I be bothered about issues there (Peninsular Malaysia)?” Abang Johari was reported as saying.

I’m rewinding these two events for a reason and that is to remind Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim not to try too hard to be seen as the Malay hero at home and abroad.

There are also Malays/Muslims in Sarawak, and in Sabah too, who have a different perspective about race/religion matters.

Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) and Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) may be partners in Anwar’s Madani government, but the prime minister must never think that he could lead Sarawakians and Sabahans by the nose.

No, sir. I believe the people in the two Borneo territories are aware that they have been taken for a ride for too long and I want Anwar to know that many in Sabah and Sarawak (and I am certainly one of them) resent some Malayan politicians in power for this reason.

So, Anwar and all future prime ministers, don’t push your luck too far with Sarawakians and Sabahans.

We know what we want and for many of us, the next best thing to do is to secede - yes, secession, you heard it right. (I know that’s a “bad word” for many who intend to continue milking the rich resources from Sabah and Sarawak.)

When Putrajaya started introducing “sick” policies like now, how do you expect us, in Sabah and Sarawak, to feel?

When you want to force our schools and students to organise the Palestine Solidarity Week in schools from Oct 29 to Nov 3, that must surely be the worst thing to happen in the history of Sarawak education.

Although it has now been clarified that the event is not mandatory in Sarawak, it is bad enough to involve our schools and students in an emotive issue associated with spite, hatred and anger.

And we have to hear the most “Stupid” (stupid with a capital ‘S’) argument from the Education Ministry that the Palestine Solidarity Week in schools will teach students about humanitarian values and to practise empathy.

To the education minister and her staff, there is a word for stupidity in Sarawak. It is called “paloi”. I see no point in arguing with “paloi” ministers and some of their brainless department heads.

However, I honestly doubt that Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek would even dare to plan the controversial Palestine Solidarity Week without instruction from her boss, the prime minister.

I would like to know whether this matter was brought up for discussion in the cabinet before a decision was made.

If so, what was the input from the other ministers? Was the objection to the event, if any, noted?

Make public the names of ministers who had opposed staging the Palestine Solidarity Week. Don’t pretend there was a general consensus to hold the event. I cannot believe that.

What about the other recent “sick” policy from Putrajaya that all government departments should not entertain any letters written in a language other than the national language Bahasa Malaysia?

I’m glad this was quickly brushed off by Sarawak state secretary Mohd Abu Bakar Marzuki that the ruling does not apply to Sarawak.

Not only that, he also said that federal departments have to accept correspondences from Sarawak written in English as well.

The state secretary made it clear that Sarawak civil service can continue to use English in official communications.

Again, why a need for such a directive from Putrajaya, which is not applicable nationwide?

Eleven months in, Anwar has fumbled again and again but each time, I could forgive him.

This time is different. I believe Anwar is trying his utmost to gain international recognition as a Muslim leader, losing sight in the process that he is prime minister of a multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural secular Malaysia.

Just be wary, Mr Prime Minister, when you try to push too hard on race, religion and language issues upon Malaysians, there are the Borneo territories where our beliefs, cultures and priorities are different from Malaya.

The day we cannot take it anymore, I believe we should seriously work out a solution to our fundamental differences. Perhaps, the best way is to exit.

FRANCIS PAUL SIAH is a veteran Sarawak editor and heads the Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS). He can be reached at

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.

Monday, 23 October 2023


邓伦奇:联邦“造王者” z砂应提升为“自治”
一.   立法权
二.砂天然资源 (100%属于砂民的)
五.移民自主 (全权掌握)
六.官方语言 (砂人自决)
七.砂领海领土是12 海里(完璧归赵)
潘永强博士认为独立课题有触及法律,所有具争议性。我认为潘博士很欠缺MA63,跨政法委员会报考/IGC知识和认知,所有不知道潘是否知道MA63的合法性更更具争议性。我不知道潘博士,政治学者,对Chagos island-Mauritus的案件认知有多少。


砂联邦选区重新划分 –选民人数需大致相等
我就针对这组织这标题来说说我的看法。 该文章没声明谁是发言人?


它说“根据1人1票的原则,拥有6分1选民的沙砂,已拥有25%的超额代表”。 这种算法必须是在同一块土地上的国家,相等经济发展的前提下是对的。

马来西亚是三国联邦在不同块的土地上,很不相等的经济发展。马来西亚就是马来亚的化名,”一切都以马来亚为尊” 。联邦发展拨款87%多在马来亚。议席分配74.78%在马来亚。

如果按照该组织的 “1人1票的原则”,那么沙砂永远是被边缘化。联邦剥夺沙砂资源后,以人数来分配联邦拨款,那么沙砂别想能有跟马半岛相等的经济发展。这“1人1票的原则”,有民主原则吗?




(《婆罗洲邮报》2023 年 10 月 16 日星期一)



     很满意……当然我想要更多,但也必须记住,这是有其 限制”




An idiotic-minded person 

Budget 2024: Premier satisfied with Sarawak’s RM5.8b allocation
(Borneo Post 16/10/2023 Monday)

Instead of expressing his rage and frustration for such unfair and unjust allocation, Premier AbangJohari expressed his satisfaction with 5.8 billion (6.4%) allocation for development to Sarawak as against 87.6 billion (86.3%) allocation to Malaya under the Budget 2024.  

Instead of using the position of a King-maker to pressurise the federal government to allocate RM30 billion, he is satisfied and his grateful with RM5.8 billion. It is idiotic and a Q of him to express his satisfaction and gratitude when Sarawak lags so far behind Malaya in terms of infrastructure and economic development.

     “I want to thank the Madani government of Malaysia for giving 
      quite a big allocation to Sarawak. Yes, I am satisfied … of course 
      I want some more but must also remember that there are 

From Sarawak, the federal government (Malaya in disguise) plundered RM200 – 300 billion in oil-gas revenue and other taxes and allocated RM5.8 billion (Budget 2024). I wonder how many Sarawakians do not feel exaperated and frustrated for the allocation. 

Premier AbangJo, has never demanded for an equitable share of the federal development fund despite being the king-maker. He thinks like a fool, acts like a fool and behaves like a fool and of course he is treated like one.

I hope that the like-minded Sarawakians for change can rally with one another for a better and brighter Sarawak. We need the leaders who dare to demand for the proper share for Sarawak and the ones who advocate secession for good as there is no hope in the federation of Malaysia for the proper development of Sarawak.

Friday, 13 October 2023



来源:西陆网 李雨
















































































Friday, 6 October 2023

Wong Pak Ming: Independence is the best option for Sarawak

Wong Pak Ming said:Independence is the best option for Sarawak


马来西亚联邦成立 60 年后,尽管砂拉越贡献了这些年来该国的大部分收入来自出口,来自砂拉越的石油和天然气。 然而,与马来亚半岛相比,今天,砂拉越就像一个乡村小镇,道路、设施和设施,和工作机会都有限。但就石油和天然气出口收入而言,对于我们这所谓最富有的邦国来说这是羞耻的。


( I firmly believe that independence is the best option for Sarawak’s 
progress and there are many compelling reasons, foremost being development. After 60 years of federation within Malaysia there 
is still so little development in Sarawak despite it contributing the 
bulk of the country’s revenue all these years through the export of oil and gas from Sarawak. When compared to peninsula Malaya 
today, Sarawak is like a rural town with limited roads, amenities and 
job opportunities which is shameful for supposedly the richest state.
in terms of revenues earned from oil and gas export. In this book, I have put forward strategies and plans for Sarawak’s development and 
compelling reasons why independence is not only achievable but also how Sarawak would be more prosperous as a result.)


我看,我听,我思 –读后感
大雾散去,梦醒时分,继续装睡或是面对? 沈振仁

马联邦今天政治局面验证政治真的是什么都有可能的艺术。对呀! 在政治利益考量下,仇家都可以拥抱在一起。马联邦联合政府就是最佳的写照。




说到砂S4S的崛起来由是在2011年因Najib上任当首相后,担任联合国某职位必须废除内安法令。 砂S4S就大事宣传砂历史和大公开了MA63。

已故Adenan Satem, 在2014年正式上位后,非常支持S4S。之后,砂政盟斗争的大方向,争取砂的自主权变成人联党的救命符。

在1978年,马火箭进驻砂。经过18年经营,在1996年,就有三支火箭射入砂议会。人联党,相对论,走向堕落,给人印象就是为Taib 做帐。

从1996年起经历大起大落。在2021年竞选26席位只险胜2 议席。
















砂人联-G P S团队强调砂身份和特点,有错吗?哪里搞分裂?







Thursday, 5 October 2023


主张 在 大马框架 争取自主权                                          

两主讲者 不赞同砂独立 (诗华日报 2/10/23)

诗巫华团,主办这场演讲主题为【绿潮 冲击下 马来西亚的 政治格局 及 演变】。主讲者是政治领袖邓伦奇和政治学者潘永强。美中不足是没邀请倡导砂独立知名人士好像肯雅兰党的主席温利山,秘书长刘秘秀,或SLM主导Thomas Kiew 或准候选人Josephine Lau. 这样,邓和潘就可以眼界大开知道砂独立后的种种好处。



潘,马来亚人,外人,不赞同砂独立,立场搞笑。讲一大堆废话,如果独立,那么不好,那么,马来亚为什么向英国争取独立呢? 在知识和认知都不足,没有做足功课下谈砂独立的【弊】,很损自己。

其实,联合国是鼓励有资格独立的国家争取独立。在14/12/1960年,联合国大会通过【去殖民化宣言】中的1514号决议的自决权和1541号决议的集体决定权下耀:一。独立;二。联邦;或 三。合并




说“砂地处 南中国海关键战略地带,列强虎视耽耽,猜不透邻国的想法”。砂独立,如果会有列强的威胁和邻国的入侵,那么联合国,还有存在的价值吗? 新加坡和文莱,为什么还稳稳当当的生存着?



Tuesday, 3 October 2023

PBK should contest N67 Jepak by-election


The politics of Malaya and Sarawak from the time the Federation of Malaysia has not brought any significant progress and developments to Sarawak, especially to the vast rural areas. The citizens are still living in poverty and lack the basic infrastructure and amenities. This has been a period of 60 years. Are the people of Sarawak going to remain the same for 100 years?

For as long as we are governed by the present ruling regime in cahoot with Malaya, Sarawak and its people will never see any better developments. One political scientist has emphasised that Sarawak is 100 years behind in developments compared to Malaya. This shows the terrible lack of fiduciary duty to Sarawak. So why should Sarawak remain in the Federation of Malaysia? In the future to come Sarawak will be an independent nation, so why should we wait. Now is the time. Sarawak people are more than capable of governing the country much better. We could have much better roads all over Sarawak by now. But look at the conditions of roads in rural Sarawak. Sarawak people should not be too naive about the conditions of developments in Sarawak. The Pan-Borneo Highway should be Four-Lanes on either side to call it a highway. 

Sarawak should demand self-determination. We have enough of the hegemony of Malaya and GPS Sarawak. The struggle, as charted by PBK for Sarawak to be independent, is the only choice for Sarawak to become a great nation and country.

For the by-election for Jepak, PBK should contest the election. The struggle for Sarawak independence should be prompted wherever possible and in whatever opportunity. The people of Sarawak must and should start to advocate for Sarawak Independence. PBK is the one and only political party that advocates and fights for Sarawak Independence. 

The people of Sarawak must now wake up to see the future of Sarawak as an independent nation. Sarawak should have been a much more developed country if we had been independent. Look at how Singapore left the Federation of Malaysia in 1965, which is now a developed nation. 

Being in the Federation of Malaysia has actually made Sarawak to be a colony of Malaya. 

The people of Sarawak must support PBK so that Sarawak can go for self-determination and independent state.

Prof Dr. Richard Ibuh
Vice President
Parti Bumi Kenyalang

Was Malaysia formed by way of fraud?


In rural areas, not many have yet ever heard about MA63 and even in towns and cities in Sabah and Sarawak, many people never heard about MA63.

Legal opinions in UN Secretariat 
clearly mentioned that Malaysia is not a new nation but a nation with a change of name to Malaysia. This means Malaysia is Malaya and Malaya is Malaysia. UN secretariat legal opinions are also of the opinion that SSS were gifted by UK to enlarge Malaya. Tunku in a book titled Conversation with Tunku Abdul Rahman at page 86 also mentioned Singapore Sabah and Sarawak were a gift to Malaya and Tunku also wrote a letter of thanks to the Queen for the gift.

 Therefore, it was a fraud because there was no referendum at that time for people of Sabah and Sarawak to decide for themselves whether or not they wish to join Malaya to create Malaysia.

UK and Malaya cleverly overcome the need of a referendum to settle this issue by circumventing United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 of right of colonized countries for self determination by way of assessment of 4000 odd Sabahans and Sarawakians by the Cobbold Commission and came with a doctored report to say peoples of Sabah and Sarawak wanted Malaysia. How could these 4000 odds could represent the voice of 1.3 million Borneo people at that time? 

Please read the book by Prof Michael Leigh the demands by Tunku that Cobbold Commission Report must show that peoples of Borneo Territories wanted Malaysia.None of the members of Cobbold Commission could speak and understand the native languages of Sabah and Sarawak and most of our people were illiterate and could not at that time understand English. They could not understand the purpose of the Cobbold Commission which came with a report within weeks only. How could they able to travel the length and breadth of Sabah and Sarawak to find the true wishes of the people?

There are evidence in our hands that those who disagree with MALAYSIA were arrested and tortured and branded as terrorists and communists. They had to save their lives and hid themselves in the jungle and took arms to defend themselves. To take arms to defend yourself against being killed is legal under domestic and international law. 

Sokarneo and the Philippines were against MALAYSIA and this caused the border wars in 1960s which also led to peace settlement by signing the Manila Accord with a promise by Malaya to hold a referendum but until now this was not fulfilled.

Records also showed that officials from the United Nations were "handpicked" to agree with the Cobbold Commission Report. A guy was said known could be bribed.

When fraud was involved in the creation of Malaysia, we could not allow the dead child Malaysia be revived. In law, the law could not help any fraud.

Although in the federal constitution etc it mentioned that Sabah and Sarawak are federated with Malaya or helped formed Malaysia, but in reality, politically Sabah and Sarawak are colonies of Malaya. 

Malaya controls parliament and the federal cabinet and controls the state government by proxies in past 60 years. Malaya also have political parties from Malaya like PKR, PAS, Bersatu, DAP, MUDA fighting for seats in Sabah and Sarawak. Seats won by them are seats taken away from Sabah and Sarawak. 

Sabah and Sarawak are only given 56 out of 222 MP seats. 

At the moment, not many could be bothered to say MA63 is a fraud or that Sabah and Sarawak are colonies of Malaya. At the same time, not many feel the pain of loss of marine wealth, oil and gas and natural resources being taken by Malaya because things are not from their pockets.

Under international law, colonizers have the legal right to impose their wills on their colonies including their religion and imposing their culture, language and administration on the colonised. This gave rise to slavery by colonisers against the colonized. Please see Africa until now.

PBK has no means at the moment to set the matter straight due to lack of support, manpower and fund. It is the people's power that is important in politics. I personally believe time will come people will seek justice in the streets and there will be a peaceful revolution against MALAYSIA or the federal government. We have seen this in many African countries and even in the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand had "tasted" street revolution.

 You couldn't seek justice in many matters in Malaysian Court and I had discussed this with an eminent foreign law professor and a foreign judge.

Voon Lee Shan 
President Parti Bumi Kenyalang

Monday, 2 October 2023













Saturday, 30 September 2023






是的,自称昌明政府在Zahid 的DNAA法定有罪的撤销他47贪污罪案后,其实是元气大伤。








Friday, 29 September 2023


















Thursday, 28 September 2023


1. 馬來西亞沒有東馬,也沒有西馬。只有砂朥越,沙巴,馬來亞。

2. 我們沒有中央政府和州政府,只有聯邦政府和砂朥越政府。
3. 我們是砂朥越人(Sarawakian),不是馬來西亞人(Malaysian)
4. 出國時候,在填寫入境表格要註明自己的國籍是Sarawakian
5. 目前的州議會應該更改為 砂朥越議會(Negri council)


6. 我們沒有國父,只有開國元君 Sir James Brooke。
7. 砂朥越的誕生日是1841年8月18日,也就是國慶日。
8. 1841年9月24日是Sir James Brooke 加冕為王,也就是君主登基日。
9. 1963年7月22日是英國給砂朥越的獨立日,實際意義上應該是光日。
10. 砂朥越的國旗是十字皇冠旗,目前的州旗是殖民的象征。

Jalur Gemilang 是馬來亞國旗或者聯邦旗。非官方場合砂朥越人不應

11. 砂朥越的國徽是十字盾牌皇冠和野獾。犀鳥州徽也是被殖民的象

12. 砂朥越的國歌是 Fairland Sarawak, 州歌 Ibu Pertiwi 也是殖民象征。

Negaraku 是馬來亞國歌或聯邦歌,在正式場合播放聯邦歌,砂朥越


Wednesday, 27 September 2023

What is the meaning of Radzi Jidin....?


  1. In November 2019, Musa Aman was detained by the MACC and finally on 23 May 2019, Musa Aman was charged with 35 charges related to the awarding of the state timber concession contract.
  2. He was finally charged with 46 charges involving abuse of power and corruption as mentioned above.
  3. After Sheraton's move, after Muhyidin became Prime Minister, he knew he needed the support of more parliamentarians to stay in power. He knows that UMNO cannot be trusted and if UMNO withdraws, then Muhyidin Yassin's Government will truly be called a failed Government.
  4. At the same time, UMNO also conspired not to want to be with Bersatu, but being the Government is better than being the opposition. So they agreed.
  5. For that, Muhyiddin Yassin needs someone in Sabah to convince everyone in Sabah whether from PH, BN, the Government and the opposition, to support Muhyiddin Yassin and the Government at that time.
  6. The person who is known to have the funds and strength is none other than Musa Aman.
  7. So with the case, Musa Aman consulted with Muhyidin. Not only will he help "buy" members of Parliament and the Sabah state government, he will also pay a sum of money to Muhyidin Yassin.
  8. The amount referred to is RM500 million. A fraction of the amount is RM200 Million for the purpose of buying members of Parliament and members of the Sabah State Assembly and the rest will be given to Muhyidin Yassin to drop 46 cases of Musa Aman.
  9. From here several events happened.
  10. On 9 JUNE 2020, Musa Aman was acquitted of 46 charges. The high court freed and released (DAA) Musa aman after "Deputy Public Prosecutor Datuk Azhar Abdul Hamid, that the prosecution withdrew all charges against Musa."
  11. Meaning, the AGC has given instructions for all charges to be WITHDRAWN, before the case is tried.
  12. AGC is Idrus Harun appointed on 6 March 2020 by Muhyidin Yassin.
  13. Once the first step has taken place, then the second step has taken place, which is to take over Sabah.
  14. A month after that, on July 30, 2020, Musa aman got 33 Affidavits stating that he had a majority and the Shafie Afdal Government had fallen.
  15. Shafie Apdal refused to submit to the matter and finally announced the Sabah election in September 2020
  16. The RM300 Million was handed over in CASH to Hamzah Zainuddin who at that time boarded a private jet in JUNE 2020 to go to Sabah, supposedly for a meeting on official business.
  17. It happened, a few days after the Musa Aman case was dropped. Hamzah went to Sabah, not just to see for himself the progress of the purchase, but to bring the cash back to his President in Kuala Lumpur.
  18. At that time, Hamzah Zainuddin was a Minister at the Ministry of the Interior (KDN)
  19. This incident of "buying an assemblyman" was revealed by Sahfie Apdal who accused Hamzah's presence in Sabah in June 2020 to buy members of the Sabah state assembly to jump. Safie also did not know that a sum of RM300 million changed hands from Musa Aman to Hamzah to Muhyidin Yassin.
  20. That is why, when PMX mentioned that this was the work of the National Alliance Government when they were in power, Radzi Jiddin continued to be angry and torn. They know, their secret has been revealed!
  21. Now you know why Radzi Jiddin is torn. Because he also knows the sum of RM300 million and the release of Musa Aman.
  22. Because of that, they dared to accuse PMX of interfering in judicial matters, because they were the ones who actually did the matter.

  Can you see who really intervened in the case of release? Spread it!

Monday, 25 September 2023

S4S Vs M4M











有必要把MA63协议纳入 学校历史课,以让学子知道马来西亚联邦成立的正确的历史事实。



Hasidah 认为历史就是发生过的事实,有必要准确的告知今天年轻的一代。




民运的火焰正燃烧不已,当时砂首长Adenan Satem 更应合民声重提砂为邦国地位。


那时Najib 为了配合联合国某职位的要求下,只好取消那恶法。之后,Najib 这恶人又以SOSMA 替而代之。

因此才有2014和2017, 联邦政府在历史教课本上来做改革。


今天,Hasidah 提议把MA63成立马联邦纳入学历史教课本内以让马联邦孩童知道历史和事实。好也,我是举手鼓脚称赞她。




砂总理属---副部长Sharifah Hasidah (法律,MA63和砂--联邦关系)在2023年9月12日出席2023年砂拉越历史国际大会活动时如此表示。





在14/12/1960, 联合国大会通过[去殖民化宣言]中1514号决议是个人自决权和1541号决议是集体决定权要(一)独立;(二)联邦或(三)合并。

毛里求斯(Mauritius )在1965年将Chagos islands 割让给英国以换取独立。

其实,在1960年,[去殖民化宣言]后,英国政府功力就废了。可是他们却利用Mauritius 的无知,所以在他们的权威威胁下,毛里求斯就割让Chagos islands 给英国换取独立。


现在,查看世界地图Chagos islands 是否归于Mauritius 领土。



我希望砂砂反对党可以一起成立号称砂1541联盟。但愿S4S 的砂人都很1514支持这反对党联盟,让他们在砂议会完成砂独立程序。之后申请成为联合国第194会员国和成为第198独立国家之一。

Wednesday, 20 September 2023



(16-09-2023 Robert Pei)


 文莱政府没有签署 MA63 并保留了其财富,这是正确的做法。 马来人要求100%控制文莱的石油和天然气。 当时的苏丹表示,马来西亚不符合他人民的利益,他不希望文莱成为马来西亚的摇钱树。 他知道不仅党卫军需要“发展”,马来亚11个州属也需要“发展”。 他知道马来亚人在经济上没有能力履行他们的承诺,因为1959年马来亚政府不得不借债1亿美元来支付国家的行政费用。

 MA63的附录J支持了这一观点,即联邦和新加坡达成了一项“附带协议”,从新加坡借款1.5亿美元来发展沙巴和砂拉越。 由于新加坡于 1965 年明智地离开,这笔贷款从未发放。




Isn't it time we asked if such an unfruitful unappealling unequal and unjust relationship worthwhile to hang on? 

So far no one has listed the reasons and benefits for Sabah Sarawak to remain the cash cows of Malaya. 

The Brunei gov't did the right thing not to sign MA63 and kept it's wealth. The Malayans demanded 100% control of Brunei's oil and gas. The then Sultan said Malaysia was not in his people's interest and he did not want Brunei to be a cash cow for Malaysia. He knew that not only SS needed "development" but also the 11 Malayan states. He knew that the Malayans were incapable of financially fulfilling their promises because in 1959 the Malayan gov't had to borrow $100 million to pay for the administration costs of the country. 

Appendix J to MA63 supported this view whereby the Federation and S'pore had a "side agreement" to borrow $150 million from S'pore to develop Sabah and Sarawak. The loan was never given as S'pore smartly left in 1965. 

The last 60 years only demonstrate the neocolonial relationship which was described as the transfer of the colonial office from London to Malaya, as stated by MA63.  

So Malaya did not have the money although somehow our "forefathers" the handpicked British nominees were impressed by the "development" in Malaysia.

Saturday, 16 September 2023








也难怪慕尤丁会说希盟的reformasi 变成reformati 了。












Friday, 15 September 2023

















与其在这里那里心伤火箭队无能,不走正道,不如养大Muda 这第三势力。


Sunday, 10 September 2023


















