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Sunday, 10 December 2023

"Race and Religion"

*Race and Religion Politics*

Sarawakians must understand race politics is a "Politics of Divide and Rule" taught by the British to elite Malays and UMNO. This became the mantra in Malay and Malaysian politics 

For this reason, when Malaysia was formed with UMNO leading or controlling the government, the federal constitution included Islam as the official religion of Malaysia, and the constitution also placed Malay rights as special rights in Malaysia although rights of other people are protected. 

These helped UMNO and Malays able to strengthen themselves against other Malaysian races. They can do this easily in Malaya because they have the numbers and they make sure they could stay together. In crucial times, the Malays could easily be united against other races because race and religion could help to unite them. 

It is hard to deny that Parti Bumiputera had not adopted this strategy to divide Sarawakians further. PB could survive because it has the support of Federal and UMNO over the decades. One could always guess that UMNO didn't want to see PBB be divided or fall and it could be for this reason the late Tan Sri Adenan Satem when he was chief minister, said Sarawak has no need for UMNO because there is already an UMNO in Sarawak. He was hinting PBB is proxy of UMNO or is UMNO for Sarawak 

We could read that the the real mentor of PB was Tun Razak who could have suggested Parti Bumiputra (PB) to merge with Parti Pesaka. Tun Rahman Yakub at that time was known to be very close to Tunku, Razak and Ghazali Shafie 

Jugah was supposed to work with SNAP and Razak could know this would not be good for PB in Sarawak. This was because Ningkan supported Jugah as Governor but Razak and Ghazali Shafie, if we could recall correctly, was against it. Tun Openg was then made the Governor - see the books by Prof Michael Leigh.

Jugah fell into the trap because he was offered to be the President when PB merged with Parti Pesaka to form PBB but not knowing that he has to pay the price that he later on was "forced" to retire from active politics. 

Jugah was made president for awhile only and Tawi Sli was also made CM in early days. This could be the strategy to please the Dayaks. 

After Jugah was no more president of PBB, Tun Rahman Yakub took over. Tawi Sli was also then removed! 

That completed the first phase of Dayak downfall. 

Are Dayaks still blind and deaf not to know the game played by race and religion politics? 

We could only be strong in Sarawak and pull down PBB/GPS, if Christians in Sarawak are united. 

We have to exploit Christian Supremacy in Sarawak and recognise Sarawak has one race only - the Sarawakian Race. 

We still have more than half Sarawakians who are Christians and we have to win the other 14% non Christians in Sarawak to form the government. There is no reason for this 14% non Christians be happy with what is going on in Malaysia and in Sarawak at the moment. They may also wish to agree for Sarawak independence from Malaysia.

If Sarawak could exit from Malaysia, PBB will be weak. At the moment PBB is strong because they know they can have support from UMNO always.

In a democracy, the rule is that minorities need to follow the majority but in Sarawak it was planned that the minority rules over the majority.

In Sarawak there are about 26-28 dayak majority seats out of 82. Even if Dayaks could be united and win all seats, Dayaks will still not be able to be Premier and Govenor of Sarawak. For this reason when you are not able to be in control of the government, you could not put your own people as head of government departments and government agencies.

For coming 13PRN more seats could be created but we doubt that there will be additional Dayak seats be given. This is a divide and rule tactic too. Can Dayak win when Dayaks are only fighting for Dayak interests only? If Dayaks still cling to Dayakism or Dayak interests only, Dayaks as Orang Asal would see themselves become squatters in their own land.

There are many Dayaks YBs who prefer to support PBB for their own survival. Their support for PBB will see Dayaks be split for long time to come and be left dry in their own land. 

*PBK is the only party pursuing the " Politics of Sarawakian Race & Supremacy of Christianity" in Sarawak*

*PBK deserves to be supported to fight against suppression and oppression of Malaya and to bring Sarawak to freedom and independence*

*Voon Lee Shan*
President Parti Bumi Kenyalang
11 December 2023

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