In rural areas, not many have yet ever heard about MA63 and even in towns and cities in Sabah and Sarawak, many people never heard about MA63.
Legal opinions in UN Secretariat
clearly mentioned that Malaysia is not a new nation but a nation with a change of name to Malaysia. This means Malaysia is Malaya and Malaya is Malaysia. UN secretariat legal opinions are also of the opinion that SSS were gifted by UK to enlarge Malaya. Tunku in a book titled Conversation with Tunku Abdul Rahman at page 86 also mentioned Singapore Sabah and Sarawak were a gift to Malaya and Tunku also wrote a letter of thanks to the Queen for the gift.
Therefore, it was a fraud because there was no referendum at that time for people of Sabah and Sarawak to decide for themselves whether or not they wish to join Malaya to create Malaysia.
UK and Malaya cleverly overcome the need of a referendum to settle this issue by circumventing United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 of right of colonized countries for self determination by way of assessment of 4000 odd Sabahans and Sarawakians by the Cobbold Commission and came with a doctored report to say peoples of Sabah and Sarawak wanted Malaysia. How could these 4000 odds could represent the voice of 1.3 million Borneo people at that time?
Please read the book by Prof Michael Leigh the demands by Tunku that Cobbold Commission Report must show that peoples of Borneo Territories wanted Malaysia.None of the members of Cobbold Commission could speak and understand the native languages of Sabah and Sarawak and most of our people were illiterate and could not at that time understand English. They could not understand the purpose of the Cobbold Commission which came with a report within weeks only. How could they able to travel the length and breadth of Sabah and Sarawak to find the true wishes of the people?
There are evidence in our hands that those who disagree with MALAYSIA were arrested and tortured and branded as terrorists and communists. They had to save their lives and hid themselves in the jungle and took arms to defend themselves. To take arms to defend yourself against being killed is legal under domestic and international law.
Sokarneo and the Philippines were against MALAYSIA and this caused the border wars in 1960s which also led to peace settlement by signing the Manila Accord with a promise by Malaya to hold a referendum but until now this was not fulfilled.
Records also showed that officials from the United Nations were "handpicked" to agree with the Cobbold Commission Report. A guy was said known could be bribed.
When fraud was involved in the creation of Malaysia, we could not allow the dead child Malaysia be revived. In law, the law could not help any fraud.
Although in the federal constitution etc it mentioned that Sabah and Sarawak are federated with Malaya or helped formed Malaysia, but in reality, politically Sabah and Sarawak are colonies of Malaya.
Malaya controls parliament and the federal cabinet and controls the state government by proxies in past 60 years. Malaya also have political parties from Malaya like PKR, PAS, Bersatu, DAP, MUDA fighting for seats in Sabah and Sarawak. Seats won by them are seats taken away from Sabah and Sarawak.
Sabah and Sarawak are only given 56 out of 222 MP seats.
At the moment, not many could be bothered to say MA63 is a fraud or that Sabah and Sarawak are colonies of Malaya. At the same time, not many feel the pain of loss of marine wealth, oil and gas and natural resources being taken by Malaya because things are not from their pockets.
Under international law, colonizers have the legal right to impose their wills on their colonies including their religion and imposing their culture, language and administration on the colonised. This gave rise to slavery by colonisers against the colonized. Please see Africa until now.
PBK has no means at the moment to set the matter straight due to lack of support, manpower and fund. It is the people's power that is important in politics. I personally believe time will come people will seek justice in the streets and there will be a peaceful revolution against MALAYSIA or the federal government. We have seen this in many African countries and even in the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand had "tasted" street revolution.
You couldn't seek justice in many matters in Malaysian Court and I had discussed this with an eminent foreign law professor and a foreign judge.
Voon Lee Shan
President Parti Bumi Kenyalang
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