political map grows while the World breaks! The lines on the map get
rearranged with every new division, and looks like an old Roman fresco.
The last 50 years saw the formation of 100 “new countries.” This is
nothing new and has been happening since 400 AD, when empires around the
world partitioned into smaller countries.
The period of
separatism continues: The Tibetans want their country back; the Uighurs
don’t want to have anything to do with China; Arunachal Pradesh that is
claimed by both India and China, claims itself; tiny Belgium is going to
get tinier; Sudan is on the verge of division; the USSR is already
fractured multiple times; and with two Koreas, two Samoas and three
Guianas, it would be surprising if people stop fighting for a small bit
of the countryside they can convert into yet another – “tiny” country.
No sooner is this tiny country formed; tinier parts within this tiny
country start fighting and want to be their own whole …..and so on.
the last two decades has seen no changes in the International maps of
North and South America; Europe has given birth to many new nations; new
countries have been added to Asian, African and Australian continents.
Over 30 countries came into existence since 1990. More than half of
them are due to the disintegration of the USSR. Photo by en.wikipedia.orgHere is a list of the world’s newest countries:
Southern Sudan
(Not yet formed – Expected Date of Independence July 9, 2011)
is getting ready for what could be the continent’s biggest divorce.
January 2011 – saw an overwhelming response from Sudanese, casting their
vote in favor of creating an independent state in the southern region.
A referendum (a direct vote in which an entire electorate participates)
held in January 2011 was devastating in its consequences, indicating
that a whooping 98% majority of people voted for a separate country. South Sudan could very well become the world’s newest country on July 9, 2011. Photo by rightsmonitoring.orgPresident Barack Obama calls this division a “historic step.” There
are many that wonder, how Obama calls this historic, when he is such an
ardent admirer of Abraham Lincoln, who took his nation to war to
prevent his country from splitting.
(Part of former Yugoslavia – Independence 2008)
part of the former Yugoslavia, Kosovo became a part of Serbia as an
autonomous province, after Yugoslavia fell. The country fought a long
struggle for independence and was also under transitional UN administration (UNMIK) from 1999. It was finally declared independent on Feb 17, 2008, and listed as one of the newest countries of the world. But not all countries recognize Kosovo as independent Photo by en.wikipedia.orgAlthough
majority of the countries of the world accepted Kosovo as an
independent country; there are still many countries, including Serbia,
which doesn’t recognize the move. Russia and India also insist it is
not independent. The reason being, the declaration of independence was
done by individual members of the Assembly of Kosovo and not by the
Assembly itself. Serbia asked international support in finding this
declaration of independence “illegal.” Taking into consideration
Serbia’s request, United Nations General Assembly requested an opinion
from the International Court of Justice. The Court decided that the declaration was not illegal, but also not an official act!
Timor-Leste or East Timor
(Formerly annexed by Indonesia – Independence 2002)
the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste declared independence from
Portuguese rule in 1975; soon after that, it was annexed by Indonesia. After over two decades of Indonesian occupation, Timor-Leste regained
its independence on May 20, 2002, gaining the distinction of being the first-born of the 21st century World. Photo by commons.wikimedia.orgIn
Asia, there are two Roman Catholic dominated countries; one is
Philippines and the other is Timor-Leste, which occupies the eastern
half of the Timor Island. The country is currently experiencing a
climate of post-conflict nation building.
Serbia and Montenegro
(Part of former Yugoslavia – Independence 2006
Yugoslavia collapsed and four of its six republics became independent
in the early 1990s, only Serbia and Montenegro remained within from 1992
to 2006. But in 2006, there was an independence referendum, where the
Montenegrins voted on behalf of a separate country. This separation led
to the formation of two independent countries: Serbia and Montenegro.
Serbia finally became independent after 88 years in different
federations. It is located at the crossroads of Southeastern and
Central Europe. Montenegro is located in Southeastern Europe. Photo by
(Formerly under US administration – Independence 1994)
the end of US Sovereignty over Pacific Islands, the tiny island group’s
status as the last United Nations trust territory came to an end on
October 1, 1994. After having been sold by Spain to Germany, control
passed to Japan in 1914, to the United States in 1944. In 1947, United
Nations passed on the power officially to the United States, as part of
the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Photo by commons.wikimedia.orgPalau asked for independence in 1978 and became the Republic of Palau in 1981. It signed a Compact of Free Association
with the U.S. in 1982. After eight referendums, the Compact was
accepted in 1993, leading to its independence. According to the
agreement, the U.S. military is granted access to the islands for 50
years. This island in the Pacific Ocean is one of world’s smallest
(Formerly a part of Ethiopia – Independence 1993)
nation in Northeastern Africa underwent a struggle that resulted in its
independence on May 24, 1993. Before World War II, since the 1880s,
Eritrea was an Italian colony, and then it was under British control
when the Italians were clobbered by the Brits in 1941. In 1952, the UN
passed a ruling that Ethiopia should take the “trusteeship” of Eritrea. Photo by en.wikipedia.orgBut
after ten years, Ethiopia got greedy and forcibly annexed (incorporate a
territory into an existing state or country) Eritrea, which forced
Eritreans to begin their struggle for independence that ended in 1991
when they defeated the governmental forces. Independence was
overwhelmingly approved in a 1993 referendum.
* However, a border war that started in 1998 with Ethiopia is still going on.
The Czech Republic and Slovakia
(Formerly in Czechoslovakia – Independence 1993)
the decades of communist rule, Czechoslovakia became a democracy in the
year 1989. It was a federal republic with two components; Czech
Republic with the capital in Prague and the Slovak Republic with the
capital in Bratislava. Photo by en.wikipedia.orgA
strong secessionist movement that started in Slovakia led to the formal
declaration of independence on Aug 26, 1992, for both the Czech
Republic and the Slovak Republic. The declaration stated that the two
would separate into independent states on Jan 1, 1993. Thus the
74-year-old federation came to an end.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
(Formerly a part of Yugoslavia – Independence 1992)
and Herzegovina declared independence from Yugoslavia on March 3, 1992,
following a referendum. At the end of World War II, both Bosnia and
Herzegovina became part of the six republics of the Communist
Yugoslavia, headed by Marshall Tito. When Tito died in 1980, the iron
curtain that was in place fell and Yugoslavia began to disintegrate.
1991, both the republics declared independence and asked for
recognition by the European Union (EU). The referendum for independence
led to Bosnian voters choosing independence.
Bosnia and
Herzegovina are part of the triangular-shaped republic, on the Balkan
Peninsula. The Bosnian area is to the north and has mountains and thick
forests. Herzegovina is in the south and consists of flat and rugged
Croatia and Macedonia
(Formerly in Yugoslavia – Independence 1991)
are other countries that became independent when Yugoslavia dissolved,
such as Croatia and Macedonia that dissolved in 1991. Croatia declared
independence in June 25, 1991 and Macedonia in Sep 8, 1991.
However, Macedonia
wasn’t recognized by the United Nations until 1993. United States and
Russia recognized it as an independent entity only in 1994.
15 Independent Countries
(Formerly the Soviet Union – Independence for 15 countries 1991)
mentioned earlier in this article, there are many more countries that
became independent since 1990. In 1991, 15 new countries declared
independence – after the USSR dissolved. Most of them declared
independence within a few months of the fall of the Soviet Union in late
1991. These countries include:
Apart from this, other countries that fall into the category of “newest countries,”
which became independent for various reasons, include Namibia which
gained independence from South Africa; unified Yemen from North and
South Yemen; unified Germany from East and West Germany; The Marshall
Islands from the Trust Territory of Pacific Islands; Micronesia from the
United States.
Pay attention and you will find that most of the
countries in the world today are relatively new and in the development
stage. Not many are over 100 years old. Separatist movements are
happening all over the globe. Where are we today? Where are we heading? Tags: new countries, new countries in the world, newest countries, world map, World’s newest countries
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