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Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Blog and Tweet 20/2018 Who doesn’t want Independent Sarawak?

Blog and Tweet  20/2018    Who doesn’t want Independent Sarawak?
        Besides traitors, who doesn’t want Independent Sarawak?  
        Besides traitors, who wants Sarawak to be so debased and degraded to be called a state in the Federation of Malaysia? 
        Besides traitors, who doesn’t want Sarawak to quite from the federation of Malaysia?  Sarawak, after all, was a trust territory, in the federation of Malaysia when we were not able to manage ourselves, administratively, legislatively, executively. 
        Despite the protests from various quarters, less than 10% of Sarawakians gave their consent to join the federation of Malaysia but people were roped in on 16th September, 1963 so much to the frustration and disappointment of the majority.  Knowing that it was just the transfer of the colonial power from the Britian government to the Malaya government.  So, it is true and hence we have been colonised since.  Though the United Nations declared decolonization on 14th December, 1960, we were oblivious that we were actually colonised until some NGOs talked it.
        We people knew that we had been treated unfairly in the federation but we were aware that we were colonised and we have the rights to quite from the federation of Malaysia for good.  Now more and more and more and more and more…………………………. Sarawakians know what MA63 and United Nations all about. 
        It is the awareness that makes us realise that Sarawak is a country in the federation of Malaysia and it is unconstituation and a breach of trust to lure the Sarawak traitors to sign Petroleum Development Act in 1974 and to sign another agreement to turn Sabah and Sarawak into 12th and 13th state respectively.  Since then they have plundered, exploited and robbed us at will with the blessings of these traitors.
        Sarawak has such a rich petroleum reserve ranking world No. 3 or 4 and yet we get so little back for ourselves.  It is only 5% royalty.  PH manifestoes promised to give back, 20% but they are not willing to do so.   This, no doubt, has made many Sarawakians furious.   We have endured X-BN for 44 years plus for this discrepancy of  5% Sarawak: 95% Malaya colonial powers. 
        For PH government, we helped them to get rid of X-BN federal government with their promise to give back 20% though we owns 100% of the rights of the resource. 
        Now Sarawakians have set our minds to quit from the federation of Malaysia for good so that we can own 100% of these natural resources like petroleum and natural gas. 
        It is also the time for us to get back all kinds of taxes collected by our Malaya colonial power.  They rob us of stamp duty, income tax, ……. and they have many execuses to allocate funds for us for different forms of development.  We  have lapsed so much behind.  Why shall we subject ourselves to this unfair, unkind and biased treatment when they rely 70% on our resources for their income.   Often the colonial masters say that they will treat us fairly.  Now we people ask why we need them to use our wealth to treat us fairly.  What kind of logic is it?
        Now, Sarawakians, I say, more and more have realized the fact that we can vote out of the federation of Malaysia for good.  We have set our minds to exit from the federation of Malaysia which we have had ‘Lose – Win’ since 1963.  What is the point to stay in the federation?  This is the question which every Sarawakian asks.  
        Yes, the United Nations have given the colonised territories the rights of Self-determination to quite from the colonial powers.  Hence, I see 100 declare independence in the late 50 years.  The internet webpages have the detailed records of these happenings.
        Exiting from the federation of Malaysia, all Sarawak has to do is complete the procedure in the process:  MA63 – Trust Territory – Autonomy (hijacked) – Self-determination

The United Nations and Decolonization

Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples

Adopted by General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960]

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