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Thursday, 30 November 2017

回忆录是另类解密   廖明安


      郭老后来「走出祖国」,除了其企业考量,最大因素或许就是马来西亚在东姑以后,走向更为极端的种族政策,以及贪得无厌的朋党主义。他在书中这样写道「朋党是塑造领袖威望的哈巴狗,作为回报,领袖交出了国家好处给他们。」由此可见,一而再再而三被国家领袖当    「金矿」压搾,郭老不愿意成为这些领袖的哈巴狗,最终选择了出走。

纳吉就是他阿爸敦拉萨的报应。纳吉的下场肯定不好。不好到怎样程度,只有Allah 知道。 Allah 。-  。会怎样处罚纳吉和他的子子孙孙,这就得看时间来证实Allah的力量无限大。就像空气和水。 到时自有分晓。 在“时间的河”流中才可以见证Allah所发挥的威力和力量。 未来的子孙会见证到这些邪恶人的所要面对邪恶的下场。这是Allah伟大的定律。就像水永远永远往下流。也像空气永远永远环绕在周围。我真的希望有一天我们有博物馆展示这些人如何集团集体掠夺人民。

Tweets 30/11/2017 收垃圾承包商不处理 大型家俱勿弃门口

Tweets 30/11/2017
又是接近年尾大小扫除的时候。“收垃圾承包商不处理 大型家俱勿弃门口”市议主席张泰卿呼。。诗巫民众不要这么做。 每年,市议主席张泰卿呼。。诗巫民众不要这么做。 每年诗巫民众都很无奈的这么做。 请问收垃圾承包商不处理大型家具垃圾,那该由谁来处理? 为什么收垃圾承包商不处理大型家具垃圾? 为什么市议主席张泰卿都没有好好思考一下? 如果专业收垃圾承包商不处理大型家具垃圾,那么小市民,怎能处理大型家具垃圾?  这市议会到底做什么?
非民选的市议会原来就是这么样。 权力这么大! 完全没有为人民着想。

It is again the time for big and small general cleaning to take place in every household in Sibu.  Again Chairman of Sibu Municipal Council insensibly and illogically pleads the public not to dispose the large sized old furniture outside their gates.  He says the rubbish collecting contractor refuses to deal with big sized old furniture.   Every year, this same old Chairman repeats the same insensible and irrational plea but Sibuans repeat the same habits by discarding the big sized, old furniture outside their gates. 

And every year, I get enraged to see the same insensible and irrational plea asking Sibuans not to do that.  If the professional rubbish collecting contractor is not able to collect the large sized old furniture, how can the non-professional public who have no big lorry nor manpoweeeeeer  to discard the large sized old furniture do that?   I hope that he will come to his right sense soon or he should be prepared to step down for good like Robert Mugabe.

Monday, 27 November 2017

人應是教育的目的   黄集初

究其原因,有內部的因素,也有外部的因素。內部因素有很多,其中一個普遍的因素,我們稱之為「目標錯置」(Displacement of goals)。其意是指法規本是組織為了達成目標的工具,結果卻因過于重視法規,導致工作人員把嚴守法規當成是目標,而不是把辦好事情當成目標。這在官僚體系中是一種普遍的現象,甚至可說是結構中的一部份,無法避免。所以,法規越訂越多,問題就越趨嚴重。






Thursday, 23 November 2017

Language and Music to me 24/11/2017

Language and Music to me  24/11/2017
        I must admit that my LIQ/language intelligent quotient /ˈkwəʊʃənt/ is not high if not too low as I often fail to express myself in such a way that I can …..when I compare my utterances with my siblings, cousins,  friends and so on.  I have discovered that there is something that I must do to improve.  I believe in improvement and progress through practice in the process. 
After all, language has a system and we repeat the same patterns all the time like a musical piece though language is in many ways more complicated, especially the spoken one which you have to think and retrieve information fast and accurate.  This demand is a bit tough for me as a pensive person, so I cannot speak without so much thought, consideration, hesitation and… especially impromptu ones.  My language on call can often be so crude and quite rude as well.  Nowadays, we can record speeches on Wechat to be listened again and again. 
        I picked up my mother tongue consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously.  I also learnt the written form of the standard Chinese in the same manner.  I think I learnt the standard English language in more or less the same way and some deliberate effort especially when I studied the English course and gave tuition after class.
I engage in the English language whenever I should and now I could because it is my belief through practice that I can improve all the time.  I need the set up or the speech records or language registers in my mind to ready myself to speak on call.  If it is my first time talking about certain things, I have problem to put my thoughts in words in speaking, be it Foochow, Chinese or English.  I discovered that I always improve through trials and errors.  Yes, I can refine my language through practice just like how I improve the piano playing the songs through practising the songs many and many and many…… times.
Language  unlike music is indispensable.  Music to me is dispensable and I only play the songs when I am free enough.  I learnt it for two years at two different centres at two different towns.  When my son refused to learn the piano anymore, I stopped going as well as …
However, I carried on at home for quite some time when I was not seriously engaged in any business.  I played on, hoping that I could become a professional pianist or at least …
When I started my work again, I stopped as I have said music to me is dispensable.  Lately, I have started playing my favourite or challenging songs again.  I realised that again I had the initial hiccups when I first started playing those three songs which I believed that I had played at least 100 + times to become quite automatic or spontaneous.   After practising for a few more times, the old memories of the song patterns and which keys and which fingers on the right and left hand to press to play the song have come back.

I can play the music  “Can Can Dance” from memory again now. I only passed it  after five weeks of practising.  This experience is invaluable.  The first book is Step by Step Piano Course; the second and third book is Piano Lesson Made Easy Level 2 and Level 3  by Lina Ng and the fourth book is Lesson Book-Level 4 by Willard A. Palmer … Level 4, we only had a few more  songs to go to complete the book.  We learnt the piano for fun, not for test.  We did not want to be bothered by tests, so it was easy for us and the teachers. 

But I still need some more time to pick up the songs, “Little Buttercup” and “Mor Li Hua”.  The knowledge of musical note/chords like English grammar helps a person to start, continue and … again.  It is the knowledge of musical notes /chords and the memory records of the songs that help me to pick up the songs gleefully again.  
If I don’t know how to play the song, I need to refer to the notes all the time.  Once I can play from memory or spontaneously, the musical notes are meaningless or unimportant in the play.  Of course at this stage, I can enjoy playing the songs so much and proudly when I can play from memory.