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Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Baru supports ministry’s move to improve students’ proficiency in English

KUCHING: The move taken by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Research encouraging elected representatives to assist in measures to improve the level of proficiency in the English language in schools within their constituencies is a commendable initiative that deserves the support of all elected representatives, said Ba Kelalan assemblyman Baru Bian.

Baru, who is state PKR chairman, said he was happy to receive the circular two weeks ago from the ministry on the matter.

“I have spoken about this issue a few times in DUN (State Legislative Assembly) asking the government to take measures to improve the standard of English in schools, but never received any satisfactory reply from the government.

“It is therefore encouraging that the minister (Dato Sri Michael Manyin Jawong) is now addressing this matter and showing his concern that the level of English proficiency be raised. Although it is regrettable that he has indicated there will be no budget allocation to the elected representatives, I hope that some allocations can be made to the schools for this purpose,” he said in a press statement recently.
Baru added: “When I was a primary school student in Long Semadoh, there was already a practice of speaking English in school. If a student was caught speaking Lun Bawang, he or she was rewarded with a clothes-peg on the earlobe.

“He or she then had to find someone else who was speaking Lun Bawang and transfer the peg to that student. I am not saying that this should be implemented – it is merely an example of the initiative shown by the teachers to encourage the speaking of English.”

He said it must be recognised at the outset that for this initiative to work, the principals, teachers and parent-teacher associations (PIBGs) must be involved and committed.

“A good case-study would be the Ba Kelalan Primary School, which together with SK Ulu Lubai, was declared co-champions in ‘Commonwealth Education Good Practices’ in 2009. The story of SK Ba Kelalan is documented by a Fulbright volunteer teacher called Blair Daly — other schools can learn from their experiences and adopt some of their practices to suit their needs.

“I think that once there is commitment and determination from all parties involved, implementation will be easier. Attitudes and mindsets play a key role here.”
At the same time, Baru said the ministry must ensure that teachers are proficient in the English language as they are the ones who have a major role to play in this initiative.

“Those who are less fluent must be encouraged to take steps to improve themselves and the ministry should provide the means for them to do so.

“On a much broader vision and long-term plan to ensure English eventually becomes a main ‘lingua-franca’, I proposed to the government some practical steps, including reintroducing the teaching of English by radio broadcasts (this will ensure consistency and accuracy), rehiring retired English teachers and inviting volunteer English teachers from the Peace Corps or Fulbright programme, as requested by some parent groups in my constituency.

“I hope these proposals will be considered seriously by the ministry and implemented.”

On his part, Baru said ever since he was elected in 2011, he has regularly distributed English language storybooks to the schools in his constituency, with the assistance of some supporters.

“The total number of books distributed is estimated to be around 10,000. I have been extremely gratified by the response – in some boarding schools, there is a specified reading hour each day when all the students gather at the reading corner to read.

“The importance of reading cannot be overemphasised, and I would say that it is equally important as speaking English. Books are where we learn our vocabulary and where we are exposed to ideas and learning.”

He stressed: “The horizon is expanded for those who have a good grasp of the English language, and we must all do our part to ensure that our younger generation are given all the help to acquire such profic

My comments:
Don’t forget to create the grammar awareness to go with the fluency of the language.  Based on my personal experience, observation, investigation and experiments on my students young and old, I dare to declare that “communicative English” must go hand in hand with grammar awareness, otherwise, accuracy of the English is always a “sore spot” to be treated all the time. 

How can a person speak English with little idea of how the language works?  How can you expect a person to speak with full confidence when s/he is not sure if s/he uses the language correctly or not in both speaking and writing?  For writing especially, you have the record in “black and white” or “blue and green” to be qualified or disqualified in a job interview or more.

Which one is correct, for example:
He is confidence / confident in himself.
He speaks with confidence / confident.
This is mine / my.
This is mine/my book.
We all know the importance/important of education.
You are blur / blurred about the right tense to use.
Henry has / had taken a very heavy breakfast.  He is so full to bursting now.
 Henry has / had taken his breakfast when Ahmad came to his house.

Please allocate 30% to Grammar to force everybody to take a serious look at the basics.

Another very very important component is the pronunciation of the language.  Being able to pronounce whatever words at sight  is essential as you can remember the words when you know how to pronounce them.  With the speech sound record of the words, you can remember and retrieve them easily.    Knowing how to read the phonetic symbols is crucial as you can check the pronunciation of the words independently and easily. 

For example, if I am not sure how to pronounce “diabetes”, I look up the transcription of it in the dictionary online or hard-copy version.  I don’t need to listen to the pronunciation through loudspeaker as I know how to read and articulate each of the phonetic symbols, both British or American well.

I believe in self-investigative and independent studies.  A student can learn more and fast as well as at his own pace if he adopts this mentality in learning. 

Don't neglect the spelling or phonics in the school curriculum.

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