Country with the cleverest graduates in the world revealed
Analysis of advanced literacy skills among graduates marks England at eighth place, below Japan, Finland and the Netherlands
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The Independent Online
The Independent Online

England and the United States may have dominated this year’s top university rankings, but test results published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) suggests their graduates’ literacy skills do not match up.
Scotland and Wales are not included in the table, but Northern Ireland is marked at 14th place.
South Korea and Singapore, both known for their high-achieving schools, also fall below average in the OECD graduate rankings.
The figures suggest that university reputation may not necessarily reflect student ability or graduate prospects.
Andreas Schleicher, the OECD's education director, says the results show ability levels can “vary hugely among people with similar qualifications”.
They might all have degrees, but “there are major differences in the quality of higher education”.
“When it comes to advanced literacy skills, you might be better off getting a high school degree in Japan, Finland or the Netherlands than getting a tertiary degree in Italy, Spain or Greece,” he told the BBC.
According to the report, only 12 out of 35 OECD countries with available data meet the benchmark for half of the Sustainable Development Goal targets for education.
Finland and Japan also come top in the OECD’s PISA rankings, compare secondary school standards around the globe.
Some 36 per cent of today’s young adults are expected to graduate before the age of 30, but only 41 per cent of full-time bachelor students graduate within the theoretical duration.
The OECD list of top 10 highest performing graduates
1. Japan2. Finland
3. Netherlands
4. Australia
5. Norway
6. Belgium
7. New Zealand
8. England
9. United States
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