Tweets 为什么被人民背叛了? 4Aug2014
中国的朝代频频更换,被人民背叛了。 这是严重的事。这大家心里都有数。但是还是越来越多人民决定背叛。 可是皇上和他的属下只懂得单方面的威权。只相信用武力来处理一切。 没反省,不检讨,一味和一面倒的动作,行为,习惯和思维。就这样的作业,所以也这样的后果。人民就把当朝清除掉。
可是人就是人,掌权的人永远都不会从历史中学会一件事就是[得民心, 得天下]。 不得民心,会怎样?没有明明白白摆在面前,权威就是权威,是不会轻易相信的。因此我们看到的是历史一直都在重复着同样的问题。掌权的老是【耍权弄势,摆姿势】很放纵的坚持一面倒的权威,不理人民的简单要求和诉求。就这样自己耍自己了,而完蛋了。被甩了。
Yassin说【那些人说沙砂要脱离马来西亚联邦政府】是会被控【叛国】的。 联邦政府不理自己不合法理情的权益分摊条约,不断的掠夺和剥削砂沙两州,还要耍嘴皮【以权大欺负人民】。 没有反省和检讨:怎么会被人民【背叛】了?这么威胁人民是没有好下场的? 为什么要如此逼人民上【梁山】呢?
It is noisily stupid of
Muhyiddin Yassin and his comrades to threaten those who voice out the grievances
when they tell the true economic conditions in East Malaysia.
Is it not true the states
of Sarawak and Sabah have been plundered and exploited all the time by the
Federal Government since the declaration of the joining the Federation in 1963?
When people one after
another tell you the truth of how the two states have been so plundered and exploited,
you should take heed and stop the acts.
But you choose otherwise
and threaten the ones who dares to flare up to face up the act of sedition
without the ability to introspect and retrospect your acts.
All the civil war started
all because the power chose to plunder and exploit people. When the people revolted, they suppressed and
oppressed them.
Of course, the people when
they are united in heart and mind, they definitely can uproot the authority of
any kind and strength in the course of time.
Ya, isn’t our history just repeats the same thing all the time?
现代的人,不断有人敢敢的自杀。 你说要处罚和提空那些敢说【脱离联邦政府】的人【叛国】。 敢说的人,老早就准备好了【最多是死】。不能话得有【尊严】,【死算什么】? 所以,当来得及时,就好好跟人民妥协。做联邦政府应该做的事。
18和20条约怎么协/相约,请好好的检讨分摊权益。公正和公平对待沙砂两州。 不要等内战发生时,才想补救/武力对付。
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