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Tuesday, 20 May 2014

tweets 21/5/2014

Tweets 21/5/2014
 There are more and more traffic laws added to the book. But are there less and less traffic accidents recorded/reported? Is it not true there were 480,000+ accidents taking place in 2013?

 What for to have so many laws when they serve little purpose but more and more opportunities for bribery. All these only make People harbor more and more grievances and hatred towards the BN government.

Look, Australian government is going “to lay off pilots in bid to revive profits” to make “dozens of pilots redundant for the first ime in 40 years” to deal with “ the massive losses”.

Is Najib going to do the same thing to deal with the losses of RM110 million+ annually of MAS airline?  It is taxpayers’ money, not Najib’s money.  So he is expected to be more responsible.

Why does Najib want to keep those MAS airline CEOs and high ranking officers who failed to perform?  He should explain to us.  He should not wait until people protest widely and wildly. 

Najib should stop subsidising the cronies’ corporation at the expense and rage of people.   They are not good acts to carry on anymore or they will bring untold curses

BN-民政马袖强对PR-DAP Dyana 21,选 谁?重要吗?重要。他/她的【信念坚持度多高,包容多宽深,慈爱容量有多大,正能量人际关系能力多少】但是,选党更重要。 这是整体的总合/和。  这整体的【信念,包容,慈爱,人际正能量互动】可以为人民做什么? 这才是我们人民要以一起考量的事。 谁有本事除贪污舞弊滥权腐败,就选谁。就这么简单. 


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